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Tuesday's Post Continued

... Cueoloap,919011 contmitc-Ti. I ? - Fromr tke LONDON GAZET Tf, lug!? iC.. BERI.IN, JULY Ii, I805, T I R Royall Highnefs the Princefs, wife of .IL l l'rinmce Willjatl ot Prulfia, (brother to hio Prilffian Majeltv) wans fafely delivered of a PrilcCCIS on thle 40h of iaft monthl. RANVIV.>uPS TO iURlCNO lit.-5 Mnma Learkins, of Shcff'rrd, Bedfordfhire, Shopkeeper, Aug. xi, at the- Crewvn Jnn, ...

Published: Saturday 17 August 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 294 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, June 28

... L OaNtD O N, Jupe 28. No foreiin mails arrived in! the courfe of yefferday. 'Private letters from Holland fay, that the Emperor of Aufiria is decidedly bent on hoftilities with France. No time is yet fixed for the prorogation of Parlia- ment; but it is expedled to take place in a fortnight. A Gattenburgh mail, which arrived on Tuef. day, repeats the iumours refpeaing the military movements of ...

Published: Saturday 29 June 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1778 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post continued

... ? fig? I 1PA contintlem, 12,fi: be Lb@V_7) . V GAZE )rE, yun e . xtulTrei-L.t. ItPNr. I8. HgE folloring intilligence hai beenyeceived ai .lt lhe Sat ndia l1o ile fron Beng:i V'Z /aI Exe;km- y te Afjf Naub S Arrrquis ?? Go serinor-Geasrrl, ire. ?? . Mv Loae, The dii'patches o(f the j,4th aiji Z;jth in:1.4 will have inllfrmed your 1.ordfiip of the complete fuccel's of aour oyerations agairnft ...

Published: Saturday 29 June 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3909 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... eaturDapP' 1olp. *325 Crprecf. L O I' D ON , SePtem.ner 1 3. T is expeced that a part of the troops deflined Ifr the fecrer expedition will be einbarked ; the co irfe of this day or to-niorrow. ?? n the neighliboi rliod of. Chatharn are to emnbai k ,t tnle Nore ; 1110fe near Deal are to be Illipped gt that port. IIe tranfports for the artillery, flores &c. have %Ilreadv dr6pped dowvn the river ...

Published: Saturday 14 September 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2489 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Wednesday & Thursday's post

... ?? (f arturnaro Va. I HOUSE OF C0111MONS, Tmefday, Ap-ffz A D M'4RAL. Mifjrzm obhtiued leave ,c bring is 'a Bill for e i'4new aol at PvrtlitnudL e Mr f A#mlved ithe Order of ?? for t~he :oufe to refolve into a Committee on. the Irilh - Militia Volunteering Hill. Sir 17nIa NeI~wprl fiuggcfed to the Right Hon. Gen.- ,tleman the puffibility of converting the trifh Militia *irto a rmore ...

Published: Saturday 06 April 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 585 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... ?? 1 , , :1 .,an4L) jq7 ?: it; 4 eunioap ? I - il- ,; ?j I(i ?? Lo.nIdon Gazxte Ex iraorduj i' ADMItALTY T OFFICZ, !5OVElBEi ?? , f vf7'iE letter, (send itslenclofuresyof.whibl5 Cje c I follovwiifs are copies, wcre received at this t Ollice lat night, from Captain (nowlRear.A&l fi ?? Sir Richard John Strarhan,- Bart.-CGon~s ' inander of his Majefiv's filip the CGfar, ad- n drelled to William ...

Published: Saturday 16 November 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 907 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... g~troa 1s oca. '25 erprefo. . - I _.1 0 AtD U -Ai- September 27. - rr'H Hlamburgh maiil, which arrived yefter. j :dalv'iit addition to the accounts of tihe move. rorts iend marcch of the Aufirian troops in Baviria, has hrought the anfwer of the Aullrian Gov-imetint to the lafi French Note. It is di S;d, vi-orous, and firm. It fays, that ex- prrilce hlas. prov-e4t it to be the intention anid ...

Published: Saturday 28 September 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1030 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

LONDON, June 11

... L O N D O N, June ix. Saturday a mail was received from the Lee- ward flaands, with letters from Tortola to the Ioth ult. Which has brought newfpapers from Antigua to the 27th of April inchlfive; and from St. Kitt's, St. Vincent's, &c. to the 17th. The Antigua paper of the z3d of April con- tains the followinvg articles:- A gentleman juil arrived from St. Bartholomew's has favoured us with ...

Published: Saturday 15 June 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1828 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, December 3

... L O N D 0 NA, December 3. The fuppofed letter from Admiral Kirkhert to tile Commander of the Britilh fhips oil the Texel, turns out to be a fcandalotis and inta- Incus forgery. Government were certainly linpored iupon by it, and continued to believe it authientic till tlie atrival of latter accounts from Holland. Ad- miral Khkiiert wvas not ftf'tected of a falleltood; but his niamec has been ...

Published: Saturday 07 December 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 534 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Wednesday & Thursday's Post

... a eburoijaps p0a. HOtiSt OF COMMONS, Turfday, Marr6b s. ?? B i er obt ilwd leave to bring in a Bill- for *i V cnabling i\Ir. Ihowyer, Proprietor ox the Hiftoric .G-ailery, in Pall nall, to difpofe of the farre by way of l.otterv or Chances. Sir :J. il. Warren brought up a Petition from the 'roin anti Corporation of Birminglham, praying for the Repeal 'of the late Corn Bill; which was ordered ...

Published: Saturday 09 March 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 892 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... CHROINOLO;!(AL siETCH 021 'h!SnS ;Yl-sr 2RRt1r18.*' ELttr~s OP 7.2r 714 rlt804.i ^ '~~~JAN'U.AR . I. Aidmiral Cornwailis, who had been drtiven off Breft by a tre'enldous gal -of Wind on the 24th and ?? of 1)ecerbtr, failed again Torbay, aud rc- fumed his L'ation before the enemity's port. 7. A great fire in an c.etenfive Cotton Manmfa&ory at Dirhanm, by w*hich property, valued at ...

Published: Saturday 05 January 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3375 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Wednesday & Thursday's Post

... I .ca ?? L °'1 , J.t ?? Sef, remer ?? -ESTERD. Y Viring two NjelT'engcrs ret ou ort fromn Lo'ad\ Nliigrave's office, for the ('ourts of Viema and. Fecreribnrgoh. ' Tlie dif. ')atches t-1e' bear are of the h~i,,helt inmportance. f hey..~e ~lattc,to sthle -con3imien eillelt of mliilitary operation's on the C:ontinent, and to thue co-ope- ration of :a formidable Britilh fo~rce. We have now ...

Published: Saturday 14 September 1805
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2469 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News