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Derby Mercury


... ALI KEY IHER D. caci .1 r- Corn-Exchange, Lolidon, Monday, O6. 14, 1805. tion be We bad again a further 'tood tupply of Wbeat fron tbe I for Effcx and Eent, and with it dull folesand declining prices In a -the fine; lower a.dout 5s. per quarter, interior more, 0ou c and ahlnolt unilaleable. Baricy and Malt leep pretty le; Jair, at lalt currcley.-Wilite Peasfe rather dearer. Grey y -he Peafe ...

Published: Thursday 17 October 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1546 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAR= KET HERAL MARKt~ET HERALD. 1l1 an- rds, fuit hat iro- ble ible YIr. (ill. be im- lily ted, ngs tto for led CURRENT PRICE OF GRAIN. On board Ship, as under: Wheat .Ss 66s 88s Boilers 45s 49s Od Fioie 91s 95s Sutfolks 40s 46s Od Superfine Os 98s Od Beauts, new 42s 46s Od Itye 45s 50s Od Ditto, old 00 6ts Od Barley 3Ss3t,3 od Ticks, new -8s 42s Od Malt 64is V7 d Ditto, old OOY 46s Od Wbite ...

Published: Thursday 11 July 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 923 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MlIARKET HERALD. 11 - I Corn-Exchaige, London, Monday, March 8, i81)5. .U Our market prelents anl evident progreflive declitte il X tbe value of flok Grain, atid to-day we bied a general tea- *e vileclltileles; few line fatmples of 04Whcat it A is true, tetclied full as mtuch tuooteyv at firtt of rtie tllortilig . .:s On the two or three preceding IMalrket-days, but the itc irdliary forts were ...

Published: Thursday 11 April 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1573 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Corn-Exchange, London, Monday, Vay 1, 1805. We had but a middling fupply of Whent to-day, and a fw picked famples (as wits the cafe lafi bMonday) fetched highier prices than general qaoted. Barley is dull iii fale, and Malt equally flat, & rathcrcleaper. White l'cas have not varied touch iin1ce our ltft. We have no Grey Peas at Market. Beans of both forts (the fupply being (Ihort) are dearer. ...

Published: Thursday 16 May 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 918 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAJKET' HERALD. itt \ t- ocf Corn-Exchange, London, Monday, March it, 1805. le Although our flspply of Wheat to-day was rather fhort, ;l yet from a ditinclination ini the buyers topurchafc, we had it noat many tales, nor were prices, even for fine famples, If higher than laft Mondasy. [he ordinary forts were hes- te vier andclheaper. Barler and Malt are nearly upon a to par with our lalt ...

Published: Thursday 14 March 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1251 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... Corn-Exclhangei London, 'Monday, Sept. 9, 1805. The quantity of Englifh Wheat up for this moriing's market was inconfiderable; the Mealing trade has rather, changed its uipe61, is become brili, and prices up Ss. per quarter finice lalt Monday (on which day the decline was 10s. and not 6s. per quarter, as then ftated in our letter.) Flour has regained its former price of 70s. per fack. Bar- ley ...

Published: Thursday 12 September 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1248 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAIRKET 1ERALAD. - hi .5 it, er DO IM to la al 1' e ac ar 0 U44' 'ti {if- om sits. U the an edi, ,Ik. ble .e; ere ta- iry lod Is, oge be fad 1011 lotz rth lafd the ich 1eb ool laft rd- ifly lid MIt re, Iin aid a Ice 'n- Its Ce Rn fin es ice ral rin A'i led Oil -ill of tin rity us) it, 9e- If- in A Ite, ild .11 ~to a-l I i 4 I 7 j I I I I i I A I PRIICE, OF FhS)UQRJTIS TiMORNING. Fine f'lour 76 ...

Published: Thursday 07 November 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1477 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... AILAiRiET HERiLb. Corn-Excharnge, London, Mioy 7 l S9ince our laft, we have had coil) erable WMteat, and althougngh'i 'falids Iiib B jn;' ib00 4 se of WeXcdnelday & Fridliy cottitit5:6 a, Yetr, utan , iple fupply; UpOl tisa article a e lvi. le I lo1 at ,1 4 vident confiderable decline il prie, tu ; ferve: in our quotation below. The i7o L, as illa I l e upplied the m ,arket with lenty ot that ...

Published: Thursday 28 March 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 842 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET HE RALD. Corn-Exchange, London, Monday, Feb. 1%, 180l . There was a largc intflux of all Grain for the fupply of this day's Miarket, -and with it a geuerat depreffior iri thc prices. To thc Wheat leftover from lnft week,. ere ad- ded very confiderable frelh arrivals, whichi, together, pro- duced a redus'Aion of 4s, per quarqer.on fine fisniples, and rather more on, the ordinary; Barley ...

Published: Thursday 21 February 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1270 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET _IERALD. Corn-Exchange, London, Monday, June S, 1805. T al H |aving a large fiapply of Foreign Wheat, and fev rral L- thoufand quatters now oni fale atxle Coffee-houfe up itaift, ; at reduced prices, it has caufed a general decline on the ke Market of about is. per quarter; With tie late culomary l- exception h iowever, of a lew fele& lamples of fine white obtaining rathere money tha o ...

Published: Thursday 06 June 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1408 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET fE LD. I .. -~ Corn-Exchange, london, londay, c el 1 Alilsougli fopplied Oith abundalice of' Fo0rrig )Veate 2 anld very 'confidermblearriva lsiuof our own, giowtil; 3 fucli has been the brfklkelk of' our.,Alarhet thi3gororslog 4 fronm bavirng rmally botxurs, tihat prices seren full-asaigzbab $lah Ja eeki. 'A i'eadj lre''lilewie te be notired iollar- O iey, andichif''requcil, ...

Published: Thursday 24 October 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1405 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKT 2- zl* Weea CordtExchangeiLoncln Mon Aiu de a hafor this day's niarliet lilh lWiWeat ; we had fikclife Of'al taPull .L reccdiiceis to purchafe, railtcd tt e a 'Cr, it three to five fhillings per quartit p i;.,, s, weOe a' lo tlet ill the Iale of fin te Flolat at fccsnty fillifings per lc.k a lbir5e.N hk 4 V- plenity, antd 'hich, lth Dilalt, is ratlcr ci ft a. exception, hoiwevcr, ofi ...

Published: Thursday 19 December 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1263 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce