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Advertisements & Notices

... SALE ~q- TW ATYCTIO01. ~'~''~' I '''~ N rez- thre i-tanm i, Covent ( nh B Mr. STMIT'flH *i..,' (e Tthil '11 May, at I2 O'clock, gooi a)0 rpair, colivellitit 'i sijuatalci, NC). a, T1- hga p -cy'vi'1 hl N. 4 Oa'5 C 111 Viiti On ~~a~i', and pl'tictfar, th-en h d. t G(n.~. I Y' a.v rd 'a tin'. - Ca4, tiT o, a r , d S I di , To 4 al -/s At ,s, IIo lriJ~ly th'; Iota Of PM.1y at 02, Ii 2. li~ts ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ILINIIN and MUSLIN WAREHiOUSE. I ! T SAYL most rTspedfully inifrnms the Nobilkty, C . i-li'ry, a:;d u-LHr in general, that lie has openeea large av,- eulvenlient U'ARELiCbiOSE, 40. 41, PICC/A iLLY,O-7OSitQ btJ. moes's C:liiic ,, ekzl n eixtrsive am!t elegant assortmlent of TIU -l :S nf e ; dieac'rieidoni'vwarranted to be of a very superioy quality to goods generally offered fer sale, being all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANIS A PLACE, .A0 S NuRSERY MAID, 01'or to attend upon an elderly, 1, younLidica young Wronan fiom the country; can work evel' lt Hrnericile. L&etters ;addressed, post paid, to 'S. B Mr. Gv'--nnert'§ Fishmonger, Little James-street, Bedford-roxw A-1NT S a Situation, a Youth about xu Years of Age, i. a* Shop, to carry ou: smnall parcels ; rkow8v6 to-w, and calvrmte sery well. Apply to Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dr. REES's NEW CYCLOPEDIA. OnC tero Tat f Feiruary will b publi~hhc, :eI Rs. :n boards, }'art ViE. (Part LX. eillbe pi~blishedin about two noulls cfter,) of H1 NE'7 CYCIOPE13IA; or UNIVER- I SA-L I)-tT'IO NARY ot' ARTSo an dSCiEN!CES, fornned vpsan a more enlarged plan of arrangement than ihe Dicdioroary of Vr. Chamnbers; (ornprehending the. varirsi articles ofithat work, with additions and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... £ ]3a~c in IREAND. printcd for J. Hsrdihg1 36, St. Jan s's~s treet; and J. Archer, Dublin. ' . P-ATRIOrIc FT IND.-This Day, s'publishec. vvice 2s. THE -SECOND REPORT of the CObMIt- JLT Ts'EE; tontaining Minutcs of their Proceedings, from. Mlarch l~t, 12,04, tO March 16t, i8o0r. II - Prinecd :itl sold, by Phillips and Yardon, Gqr-'e- yard, bard-strect. -gy i s iul-lishetl,Price is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUTCTION. RUPLTON PVNsEN'r 1,ui'iATrE, Snmersetsture. By,, Messrs. SKIN NFR, D'iKE -and (f At Garraway's, onl Titesday next,,at sa, III S Cv Iq Lots, AAI5lITAL~and truily vatlutahe.F REEHOLD ES.' cl'.1.TXPE, motbeaintiflfyl d!tuere ot Btirtorl Pyllsert,it, the Pazislies af Corry Rivell, Drirayton, Fjvelienl, md bwill,bounded bay West Svdgtfiear, an'd divided by the hihI in tdyc ron ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Pe~sion of the LORD ClIAsQIajTti A ix'. mci ait theDesire of, jany offic rs andGetmn of thle Volunit(!r1 Corps. leer the E~''of doe ASIPHOR of -Relsarks, ,vn t'it ;,Robert Wiiffon's iiit1iitry; particularly t he Battle of Zam11i, itandc those Passages Nyhereinl she Vo~lnnjta~, Sys,.tevj is thle Qje!tof Sir Robert's Censure.- E, in the Great Room, at the King's J. HayinrketWilll be a GRAND) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... KEING'S THEATRE. gADAMIE GR.X~SSINI respeAFR1ily informs the iy Nobility and Genltry, Subs3cribers to the Opera, and the Pusblic,Ithat ber BEN]ilIT151(4-IGT is fixed for Tn-MoeZ. ,,w, when will be performed, for the first time in thisi chuntry. a grandj Seriolus Op t-ie, wi4th Charusese, 1-nftisled CL' I ORAZZ7J £ L'IRIAZZJ. Thec Music composed in Italy ex- Prees5ly for Madanse Gra~sini, by) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A ni.ifeS ' iLe 1.7 to7 ~ t Cl VE ci. CLcvgy lip,-.'v1 'I'i sTrC 1' P , th L 21) 'f 11I A oIry ,I ' l~'rQpen'I iL, It ik3ii to: :3r;, -~~,co~~~le 3'.,l.itC torutii(.ilOzl'.A 6n t It : i' ros ' l .a) i--~ O.b , iat ctro .deparpitent of thel U. lt0, i 'et'e''spttd n o'he hell out, to th1ie delii:- '1' the ii U-ini';I1 th Wilt '1ler are e. ot meri ioi'el ',; Chrill .,I:iris'I pure:'.' 3 dust''' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... lvz.NX PL .az LS. 5A.S.SSRViAN' to single G~entleman, or in a stall. a F stady Man, 36 years ofage; can haveagcod, cl ar cer*ons histlast -place, wnere he has lived px months.- .Letters addessed to A . B. at Mr. Crifts,Stationerj Well-street, Oxford' -strect, will be duly attended to. ' S 'SsRVA.-r to ao Captain, single Gentleran, or. 1 Faminly going to Ameriza, or the East Indies, a young ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION' Very eligible FREEHOLD ;OUtJSES, Wine Ofice-eaurt,- and Fl L id-conurt, ?leet-5xrct. . 't' : By Messrs. SKiNNEIL. D.YaE and Co. On Maisday next, at I2, at Garrawoy's, Ino Lots, - - A Very eligible I i>ZEIOLD ESTATE, most desiraly stuate i'i Wino Office-court, anid l-liol-cVurst,.--- leading from Fleet-street to Gougl-sq-tate; collsiSting' of live.: i occellenecor.sndious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCtION. Neat FURNITURE, MUSICAL INSTFRUMENTSPl 'rS, EIc &..By Mr. WULLOIi ; On the Premises, iHIS and following Day, st r2, by Order P. -of flie Executors, By 7r]At necat HOUS5EHIOLDF:URiNITIJRI, iiid I .J vata hers late house, No.0 , on the north isle of Curzon-streetj '0ay. Fair ; consisting ef gdoil beds andi.beddibg,tralsogany-*articles tfu in chx~ijes. *vardtobess'draweirs ...