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Advertisements & Notices

... ~~hcpat~onage o'f dsRy]Highness the Psrince of Wales. i.l'-.i'I y n.'xt 'will, be 'a supurb MIU TAIRY; U ~rp±, 'mh ior f ouir ullustrcuuls i~cl I iIN 'dial and the br-,e ri' Rigl~tr ntii Voluinteer J Frsci- thti grandeur'~ and its' ll i Nv:' n: thig P5i' iIr'ps H ill bc givei,. wvill be far'-Ptriur~ an y 1) si;-flin nature tlf ,t has ever takn lat i iha '~ttt t'eavhIc' icn'wt~jek highly PIC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M sy ils published, in 2vo. Plice.3s. 6d. the Stecond Eldition of ' j 81 ORCHIAkRDIST; or, a 9SyVSteni of Close. i Pruning and Medicatien for est ibliishiig the Science of Orchlarding. .1iy the'lite T'. S. D. 13UCl'J`NA 1., Esq. M. P. : Hoted lor G. and W Nicol, Pall Xuall; aild Janms Asperne, Cortnhill. WV\here may b.. iad, .all the Publicaiuns by thle oard oe Agriculture. - _Di1'PENCE OF lEE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE6S i3-,Y AUCTIONl . Desirable FBFEEI-IOLD lA'.Mt?\I soil RESiDENCE, Coo!hhm, near Maidenlirad, Blicrsl c ir SIN :j:jf-.!tC Posses ion. To be SOLD by Tl'r:. H-AV.lilS, Singularly cli£ibi a.nd very desirable FREE- A I-l1l.) !.ST'A .E, most beautiful!ly situate on Coo!ieamn- hill; cnsperisiing an exceed ia cO:padt farlm, with commodious brilck and tiie dweling-1o1s011: ald ::l proper offices, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A8 Gkb ~~ 2: 4ofmt, as 51 lig-dt -Weight, taw-bra wellrtp7nmensd6-Plase todii edt to R. B. No. 42, fr LADY½Thi7Wo)0lV~h 'lix MAID, .5. -Perssosa. A `~'.uut ~6 yf!,l-5 -e, jhOh CtIefLv Conisetenst sto fill' eit.- 3i rhot -above stnations, lias: io 6bchil~on to tl Country, bit tihe Weltcend of the- tdwo would bZ' ?refired, and c-as-be well rta-ed4-.tdrspost p iu , to A. B. at. No. a Blandford ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B-li Msgsr PATPRlON aisd VENNOR,- On Tuesday the aI)sh Instant, at Garroway's Coffee-house, at Twelv -o'clck, by Dis eduion of the Exccucors, in two Lots, r- Arehobole and Lsieb~eold ESTATE, situate ini Lot' a. A FREEHOLD ESTATE, comprising a stibstantial sit brick dels hotise, w~ith extensive yard and plrensles, situate ih( in Csmberfand-csn-rcs, Shoreditch ;let on lease to Mr.lIreland, o for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED- a cAcHMA~T; j ive i spedable familj,,a fewmiles frons townvx.. J-ieqnlit hot ObjedI to work his horsel Occasionally art thefarm, -widthisis all in, grass, zndito ni~ke himself useful on thle premise4.. A Mar'- nred manw6uld not be objcidled to-in whiclic isethey tv~,ouhdf's. ~iie in the lodge, at a distance from the house; -and it would be to a~deservinig touple! a desirable situation. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ST U be SOILD, the property of a G fntlen, 'wa - 1 rantedsound, a well bred CHESNUT MARE, fifteeni hafids high, seven years old, with a trifling blemish, of no-con- sequence; an excellent mare for gig or curricle as ever went in harness,'andl a very proper mare to breed colts; will be sold cheap, as the gentleman has three (the gentleman's list may be seen, free of expence) it contains six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -. 'JSELI, CONICERTSu--'Vhe Subscribers to r & Lhe J.3S.m:LLJ CONCi'RTS are resPedlfullyiuformcd I thejl thie SL2)0'D SUEKC.Xti'JU'P N C0NCE-RTand1BALL ! a iviil I. b'-muaaeoii, the T14th instant. I AIt _.OvertUre to Helen and Paris, never performed in plebhi til ;cutintry-Wlnter. Glee, '.'hten Sappho tuned;' jranaby; Murs. Vaughanl ,053, ancidSale, jun. Song (by per- r miai of irancls Gol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bALES BY AUCTON. FREEHOLD ESTATES, OLD JEWRY and SHAD;VELL. ?JES SRS. SKINNER, DYKE and Co. respeal. M folly. inform the Public, th::t the MOIETY tf the FREEHOLD ESTATES,situate in the Old Jewry, Cheapside, and at Shadwell, in Middlesex, advertised to be Sold by Auction To-morrow, at Garraway's Coffee-house, is rostponed for the present-Aldersgate-street, Feb. 13-. Household Furniture, Cs: ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Carital PICTURi~-ByAr t' lH'iS'PW-'' ' At the (Gteat Room h, P'all Mail., TIO-ltO1V0 ,it ZC A Vaiuable COLLECTION of 3c~dian, French, 1 lnleiish, and Dutch Pl(:iURES, csnpticing many fine works of the In.,t celellrated nltrers ; also se ral ral Ienarkably flie picl ures, painted by the Iate ingeniolus Guy -eaddeceasedY during his esiCIO3rc ll'litaly, rrm *hom they Were purchased at liberal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Q ON will beDsoe -Aail n JI sirable MODERN AESIDNCLf Ufitter .reguuir.etabhsh it, suited froralitve to tean thousand po S. Ja'zar wY r cv teebi and Ii~ture fre±Vold bid roundtiehoue , on tic'sno ald svell Wooded est~te,:abpt istun e bai rr n~ o' f fifatht .a y bc ad~ded. Inquire of Mir 1. Webb,>Satsh try; A ISADY5s MAID in a respe(Ftable Fai1yr, Ste 5 1A.L struaelv. in hah-clressing and rnti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRACTICAL PERMPECTIVf. TMi Day is published, price ole guin6a in extra boards, . Completc, BOOK of PRACTICAL PER- A comliPJWCTIVE, exemplified (n Landscapes- Printed by Nicho1i, for Edsvard Ornic Bonr-strect. W\.ere may be bad, Books of Instruction in every fl riclc of Drawing. ...