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Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. Freehold Dairy Farm, neCar EPpbifg.-]3Y NilMTH 'AL yarnaway's, oLIVdcdvia:t tin c A L ,' MANOR F~jkly, Compr'sinfl5 217 H acres Of cxreallunt arablc and nicadomv land iln at ring fence, piaifnllvsi, sict torteie miles fronm Epping, aiid 20 frons Lon- oir, til e coiiirsy of Ess ex, left to Nir. Wini. Coetl, for thle' rc.: Poznlrder of air1 old Ieaise, whlich will a spur at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PATRIOTIC FUND. LLOYD's, 14th November, agos. T a Special General Meeting of the Committee, A ' held this day JOSEPHi MARRYAT, Esq. in the Chair. PtRESEsNT. James Abel, Esq. James Innes, Esq. 1. 1. Appach, Es. Germain Lavie, Esq. George Baillie, Esq* Richard Lee, Esq. Peter Begbie, BEsF John Mangles, Esq. Henry Bonhami, 11sq. R. H. Marten, Esq. George. Browen, Esq. John Mavor, Esq. Cornelius ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~~-' CoK F~R ofANlI'iFNT TMXYSIC. ~Tr1i Tots thei0iIdo-sinform the su~SnbsTr t2 Right I'MS F CONCERI' wvill be lI Id oin Oq IC(ll~iVtiA to send for their,. TIickets a: p1New b~ond-street, where 'Subscrip- 1 ci~ ckZ deLihycredJ.I ii il'~s c tutd'for delivery as above, the price ci ( eti lrsired eto give par:lcnIiar- orders to IItdri, cod take tip at. the d-oor in. the tb loy et s-d; toward ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1'A NTiM ICON. ~~Tl~P 'sintotesher of the Entcrtaiist ~N{ 1r~, 1-''- i.b Pi bce Nic acid Amiateur Societie~s, begs -c -~ ani ~iiJ ,i iii f itiil Gentry, that he hIs tae sh at-I r lb ae i'' 55 it l Itil CIuseiC of I he eao.'sTh ii frss a ~~~9IJRA!DE, onl thle .5tl of Vbuy and d ci Il']ol their paIts':ssge, as the Sapper Aid De- to r~5 a xxIIbe usid to nierit their warn. approliac ion. ;lw £ -'A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L1tASEl~t E-0f)' 5iS I O\Tvili TS Tl{.r Siir !C.E, lsinilgt n, stsd - 'ASItsIOI 75 h) Jl.)USlS.tnC~r iette:.-iassr .By Clsafbrs. SlK.isDrWNe hR. iD~i. ;lirl a't '. .. 11 1-AY, al 12. 2:C (I :;rv ;uWI's, il; wVo Lots, A Vey 3s 'iT 71 L\ Leeio , Cj;LCcl C011- Venisist t d\i ETC;,i iatK ODAsSo. 7,'.sttflen-. X~~~~l fre 'iri or' . ars arid 1'.f.oCl S pl'-dO ,,, an ' I fe ely sit uaCe .if ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _~ .. _o e s an .g, niln. atter a WANTS A SITUbAIiU)N. A Young Womnan to Attend I, Lady, in a etnady re- A1 slectie Psi ily.-Fior ftrther larciclars address to M. Y.! itch's grocer, Clarges-sereec, Pierediic. Excellent 1O;10SE andSHOP, Strand,a SCC. mlaTRADE anld GOODWILL of theBUSINESS, T° be DISPO~SED OF BY PRIVATE CON.. 1' IRACT, by order o~the ~nAdmisistvracrix of the late Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WA.INTS A1PLACE, -A S-SERANTto a sma~ll Genteel rariI',i witha Sii-uGentss-an, in sir out of liiverv, wstice jOnly one, us one antia buy is kept, aI steady naiidilze agd n-i -n, %V1so tissr~Tntis- ly unide'rstansls his bssie , Ian I i-door servanit C-an Pil A vs a uiiexcepq'ltvonsisis ciarasxar 5f0o35 Issj:5 p~ltJaci hre:tI . at Mr. Swtan's, Bsaker, K'tssin~sonl. ES SOLD, by Messrs, BR ON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AtJCTIGN. a Capital CORN MILLS, HERTS. , E{R. MUNN resgedtfhlly informs the Public1 that I 1YL the CORN MILLIS, in Hertfordshire, advertised to be Let by Aunftion, At Garraway~s, on the ionti of June next, are disposed of by Private Contradl'-Walbrook, May 27. CORAL, JEWEL7S, &t.-Iiy Messfs. SHARP and KIRKUP t at the Batik Co-ee-liouse, on Thurs dz y svXt,' at ax o'cloc1:, A FINE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VAUXH-fAjLI I tl~IsrthePatronage ot~ His Royal Highrness the Prince of Waits. rr.jjs Elvening, WEDNESDAY, July 8, at the 1. express and immediate desire of her Grace the Duchess of Maficljesser will be amagnificent FETE. T1he Gardens, which dispja~ed their Fetes and Galas~in~a style of taste ant rl- 'de nenbefore4, vill this nliglid, ix., honlour of their fasir arnd saisle~patronlesg, present ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VAIJXFiALL. 1'Irtdet thr.1arronage of HIsl Roe-sri Highness the Plrince of Wales. MON:-DAY next,-Julyai~th, wil be a,, GRAND -T',ieMONINC PBSTI'VAI,. Ihe Gardens, oilthis occa- sinfotthe esrandi ur, Britliieiiy and accordaint Eritertelit- ue-lls tti Its said to replreneit a teretirilal P1aradise. Thel D-i epr 1)artmrentis will lt roach atigo-en ted, and the Pler- foretirsi wvill es\ert .tll ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . K-ING'S -THEATIRE.r R.D'EGVILLE respeanf;bjly *infofrns thle Nob. litv, Gentry, Stlb~scriber's to tlse Opera, and the Psublir, tits Jpj4(i-' is fixedl for Tills lrvErcssra t ~vlhcn will lie perlornied the grandlSerisLI's Opt'ra of II. RATlTO I DI yRSER PNE. End Of the First A61, and for that Night C, only. tisa favoUrite B'allet, (comlprise inaDvIt.isnr f1 LatI T V11GINlE. All the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... &yAtEL B3Y, AUCTIOTO t.:rI-IA'rCa ERi'Scy RESI Tht' and PSTA'I F tetq'tt~iily legs asri to aitneia-ze thle M ltbithat the Cuel( of thef, very~ dctdr-abwt, JI ~ HOL]) MA 2JSITN t'I,1 I S FAIL ofthe hat loud s L , I.Leg. at Cniney 14-lsreh-ahcL 'ac detti taic tt. lc p ctCerw ' Oi M~onday thw 6tl-. d Zy sOa W-' l'-- Ozi ,-OL) 1111- til Fridayt e'tl~t;th.Th MWrron HowxdGrounds miay he vi ewed with ...