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Advertisements & Notices

... . EXTENSIVE SLATIE QOti.RAlXE , To: E LET, - 'T CMSTPRADDAN, in the-county fA ton, $~tiiated on thze banks of I~ochlonsond, p'i4- ifclfno eifv meins of . conveyance to Edinbtrgh, Glaf- 'go& ?? -: to .eachl ofwhich7 places, and Inany. btl.ers, the Siates go free of the Coaftwife Duty land' ia4 confequently be -fold at an Inferior Price to any. pthers, ithough infefror in quality to none, being ...

Advertisements & Notices

... urREN T I C Efor a Mercantile 14*'de ini ur,11. - Ton. ' He mnilE' Be wvell educated and Con- er- neced. ; :of Apply. by letter (po pd) to A. P. Royal Eichange. try Co eehotz:e * d~ialrgA, 'OAir 4. 1805. :ed ST. ATEl E`tLO'rrTTE RVr, ty,- Began Drawing oin Monday' la; and *ill Continue' be ' till Second--Noveniber,' 1e : DURING WfElCH. h AL - ZE , QUARTERS, EBIG.IrS HD- 1S ~~~SIX7T BYTHS, he ? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIVBBTY OF ST ANDREW/A) ) CLSSES of the UNITED COLLEGE in CL ASXSSVERSfTY of ST ANDREWS, will be. J Te auqht the enfuing Selr-on, as follows, viz. - On TUEsDAy 2'd O6iober next, pnblic Latin Clafs, b- Dr HOLNTtrm. P'i ptoic Greek Clafs, by Mr HILL. Ancd 0n frusDAT 7th Noveinber, ~episeLatin Claji5, by Pi HuUT:-I. jte GrLA Clafs, by Mr HILL. r Loic and Rhetoric Clafs, by Mr1JA.H1UNTrY. meL~'r1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - AkM IN MlD.LOThIAN. To be LE'T, and entered to ?? 105;, 'T-HE FARM of AUCHNOONSHILL,- in the pa- L rih of Kirknewton, about twelve miles a eft m Edinburgh, on the Lanark road. Auchnoonihill contains about ,51 Scots acres, %ihere-: of 236 are arable, and S15 pafture grounds. The arable- land is in great part dry, and fit for turnips and other imnproving crops, and the hill pailure of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LATE VICTORIES If OV;iETHE COMaBINED F.LaETsOr FRANcr AND Edkilurgb, Mercanjt .il, Dec. 15. 1805. t UBSCRIPTIONS received in confequence of the S Refoltitions paffed at the Meeting of the principal Inhabitants of this City and its Neighbourhood, held' upon the 2sth day of November laft :f FOlIthe BX R PL wf14h* B.LATIONS o ' - iLose. braze Men who have fallen in the late NAVAL EN- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EDU CATION. ?? IZ, i E PSR Y } L O Y D, D. D. once F~10 fq'wo rinity College, and now Regius He. fi~or at Cambridge, having found bis Stipend §5°#l efu5.inadequate to a fiitable :rovlon r 'S zilW and beltagfenc gafd by Ogerfrns of the high. If -3bjjy in this country, piopofes to undertake ggd' 1N;of a limited unmber of Pupits, fhour or ,,hsnl he will receive into hus Hounf as Board- . foitrly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AgQUARMS IN LAUDERDALIE. to H E: numerous. applicaition daily made for Slates, ce n ke5tit3%5iffary to inform the Public, that there to will be NO S'#LE at thee'b'uarries till the month of ?? 1806, after which there will be a contant fupply. for all:depiands. - - - Quarriersiand all'ftout able workmen, wi ling to en- ad -gage for a length of time, will get confiant work and good encouragemnent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a HOUSE IN GEORGE STREET. f To be SOLD-by public roup, on Monday 14th J 7Wary, at the Royal Exchange Coffeehoufe, at two o'clock, if not previoufly fold by private bargain, THAT Elegant and Commodious LODGING, .T No. 20. GEORGE STREET, confifting of 15 rooms, a complete water clofet, catacombs, befides many othey conveniencies, with full back ground, poffeffed by Mifs Stalker till Whitfunday ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GALVANISM. t Twnfine, No. 5. Przssce's Street,. V IA6RaINrG COURSE. 2 R WI L KIIN S 0 N. mcft ?? begs n ?? leave t6 inform the Nobility, Ladies, and Gen-n tlernen of ?? of Edinbturvh, and its vicinity, That on1 Wedasefday MvIorning next, precifely at one o'clock, f he propefes to commence a Second lourfe of Lediures on the furprifing principle of GALVANISM, ilhlftra- u ted by a feries of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n the Press, and speedily will bve PablisAed, Apz : GENERAL VIEW TR ADE5 TAvIGAT1N, & COMMERCE 0. THt UNIED KINGD6M OF CREfT.pRITAIN ANVD 1 RELAYD. AND OF Its unexplained Refources and interior W'ealth. - WITH A ?? DiMplay of the Trade, betwixt RJSSIA, the BALTIC, and the NORTH-of -EU- ROPE with GREAT BRITAIN & FRANCE, And of New Chkannels of Conimercial Intercourfe with the CReftinent. MY J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . - :6EP z - : -H.. ,, ,sRa¢A Hf'AT Large HOtSE,NA T' ?? wie of i n te the ThE o iof h As -later~y ude,6 as thormr8- avrtieP i P . o parchdegxticsdx' ?? Wilgv n. i . Troter Prin805. I_ ?? .St . : ?? SALE OF AEE.TATE. ?? a t, s re1queff of intendingcofere rs, the SALE to h . ABcERN YTe ^.as forel aisvPft'ed, i llW - po.ed to forne day in January ary F r n which du i noticewril be gilernl. s. ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SI SALE ADJOURNED. Tid HESALE of the ESTATE of WOO COCK- . TDALE, in Linlithgowfhire, which was adver- in tifed to take place the 27th curt. is Adjourned to a fu- t ture day, ofwhich due n6rice will be given. Dir DOCK AT ALLOA. J7 Q PO WNERS and SHIPMASTERS ?? occa- k fion to put their Ships into the faid Dock, are re- quefted to fend their orders to John famefon the Pro- prietor, or to ...