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Advertisements & Notices

... G A M E. A LL Perfons are hereby requefted to defift fromn fporting on the Manor of- Broadwell. The l Gamzekeeper has Orders to inform againl; any Perfon trefpa~llng thereon after this Notice. Oxi ordire Game Certificrates. T HIS Notice is given, That GAME CER- IL TIFICAt'ES are now iffuing at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for this County, at the Town Hall, in, Oxford, where Attendance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARD DAVIS, Lincs Draper, taberdarhe1 &c. QUEEN STREET, OXFORD, TAKES Leave moft refpe5lfullv to return 11 Thanks to his numerous Friends, and the Public in general, for the very diffinguiffied Encouragement he has experienced from his Commencement in the above Line, and to inform them, that he 'has recently laid in a neat and fashionable Alfortment of WOOLLEN DRAPERY, Which, together with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 be DISPOSED of,- A LEASH of well-bred GREYHOUNDS, either together or Ieparate; alfio, a Four-Year old Brown'Blood MARE,' able to carry fixteen Stone, perfedjy found, with good Adion. Price of the Mar'3s GuMiue6-To be L'een. at Seckham's Livery. Stablesj Oiford.' TO be LETT, Aaid enteried on immediately, .L.or at Michaelmas next,-A good HOUSE, de- firably fituated near the Mufic Room, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING LOTTERY: ,, Begins Drawing :y Thr irterntl', x~oi. q-RERE neover has beeina Lotteryof onlyr I 3o,0oo Tickets, with To many capitl' Prizes as3 this Scheme abouns; A on Iflfi 6 tW16irU DeFoirii toO contain nearly as' many capital P}rizes a have been' -fual in Lotteries of 'oo,ooo'Tickets ard ?? under Twernty Poundi. ?? .. 2W. of Priz es. r at ' s/eac. ' Tsd rYatu. : : : -: -Z'25 40,wo~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M JRS.4 ?LUNKE1'T EI;DElXCUMBE'S 11.Enoagemwents requiring her Refldence in Lon-. .donl for fosme Mfonths, fshe may be confulted, as ufusal, at.her l:Inufe, No. jo, Poland Street, Oxford Strcet. - :FEEHOLD: EST r41E, .BUCKSS, WITHIN THlE-HUNDREDS OF AYLESISURY. Obe SOLD b Fy AUCTION, by Mr. 3. BERRY:, at the iKiv/; Head Ilw, in Ayleibury, .fui $aturday next, the r6th Day of .February, I805, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DBJP.GI.'Rb A4ND ReTBiR'Y. riilE REAS thle Houfe of tVr; WILLIAM 7f,>tg j, 1 O, known by th4i Nante or Sign af ?? 7 ,,5 T~,~ in flicel~er, iD tht County of i 'ie i s etweenl the Hours of Eleven lat N~ight Me;~i>llrnlltg, burglariogily broke openl, and 3 ?? of PLATE, confilting of ajteh. 'an~kards, a Cop, a Coffee Pot, a Creans '~lt.abe spu.ons,''*'ea Spoons, l'iinrh Ladles, anld sgnoher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T h._ SOLD,-One -Hundred Tons of T prirne HAY. Any Quantity will be delivered' free of any other Expence, either at Oxford or Abing- don, by paying l3. a6s. per 'Von. Apply at this Office. If the Whole was purchafed, or one Half, a confiderable Sum would be allowed for Credit, on proper Security. OX FORDS 4IRE Redemption ani Sale of the Lanzd Tax. OR the Accommodation of Perfotis defirous F of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Widow pf the late WLrLvi.AMs Ro)3jesoN, UpHarofIt and ClsrEir MaoEaj, in e flih Street, RETURNS her monll &ateful lhaniks to the J ?? and City for the manv Favours con- ferred on her late HIufbaid ii h'is Bit.fipefs, and begs' Leave to ?? a Contixnuacse o the fauime for herfetf anld Fisamily. O7xfscl Nav. I, si>O5. To Stasge 111JOe.s, kayeJrs, Stabk Keepaers, &C. moh he SOLD) by ;AUC'TION, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SERVANTS.' \V ANTED,-A WOMAN SERVANT, W about Thirty Years of Age, one that can drefs a plain Dinner, clean a Houfe, and ufe a Needle occafionally. She muit bring an undeniable Charadler from her laft Place for Honefty, Sobriety, and Clean- ?? of Mr. E.. Rufbridge, in St.'Mary Hall Lane, Oxford. A LL Perfons having any Demands on the A Eftate of Mr. THOMAS GODDARD, late of Oxford, deceafed, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E. CLARKE and C. HANWELL, Fancy Dress, Pelisse, and Corset Makers, (Late Apprentices to Mrs. SPAscRsATT) 1) ESPECTFULLY inform the Ladies of t Oxford and its Vicinity, that they carry on the above Bufinefs at Mifs ToovEy's, oppofite the Star Inn, in the Corn Market, where they will be happy to receive their Commands; and at the fame 'l'ime beg to affure them, that their conflant Endeavour will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, by a Young Man in Prief's Orders,-A CURACY. Letters, Poft paid, dire~fted to Rev. the A. B. at the Poll Office, Tewkel- bury, will be attended to. J OHN BYI1ELD, late of Loudon, te- fpedlfully acquaints the Rev. the Clergy, Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, that he teaches MUSIC, DRAWING and ETCHING, and TUNES all KEYED INSIRUMENTS. Reference at Mr. Pike's, Holywell, Oxford. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIUSIC RCOM, OXiORD, xov. X3, 1805. iFIRST and Si..CQND CONCERTS 1^ he prefnut Sbfcription will be on Monday 1n the r sth and 2th Inftant for ?? i. ARRISON and Mrs. VAUGHAN, as Vocal ,are alteady engaged. F v'l~w ilh to become Sulbcribtrs are requelled ccd their Names-to the ufual Places before the 6ANTED.-5001. in one Suum, or in V feveral Snilt', ON A MUOST [NEXCEPTIONABLE tRITy, guarapteed ...