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Derby Mercury


... ¶-§Ci#llP'Jf. H~~wS(C3R J1 P~~~~~~I ip; 1 I j- v _ lot I O N GA~g'i'i'l. '1'u~fdCah Jtncj1. j0jgif~lgas bJO e ie1catled to collifitUtq & i;o 6 rjor-Genel'nl George Beck- 'll I ali-Gerll'it8l and Governor in Chief a fill, C t h) ti; lfldS of St.. Vin cenlt,. 1cqntti r juo c iiieriods, fcomonly called up nd fuch i S lie t the northwaid of tle A r IditO-S, at li t fid Gre ~ inAnel'l~ila. 305~. ...

Published: Thursday 03 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1014 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Posts

... Sundajy and Tucsday's Posts. Thle LONDON GA\ZET' T, Sattrre.! Drc. 29. AVWIITEISAL., DEC. 29, 184. ; 5pHE King has granted pernlilion to Rear- T Adlniriat Sir IL Bickerton, to accept ani wear the infignia of the O(ttomall' ItuPeritl Ot- tder of the Crefcenit, treafinitted to himn by the 'l Urand Sigfaito ; ani alfo toThli'i iiCiefcett, & atiher.bhosoitirabletttncmentiatioiss to his family ...

Published: Thursday 03 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2512 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... I [I L'. - .,C ?,ndsaa?i?vr(148 Posts.'?? ,iday an NONT, FlRIDAY; DEC. 2., oied that one of thefirft meafbres. Ito ct~me ~if'Ier the-ydifetiuilon of Parliament ,the p~lidi 5'rreaty lately figned between i;. the stainl anld Ruolla. According to ru- Brequa [lv honourabl e to both Coun- J irtd ~l t be followed by ai new Cominer- now newotiating, wiich, if carried C031 fftI will deprive France of ...

Published: Thursday 03 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 984 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... '7, CI 7_ >pON GAZEg1T;LX Tuefdzay, JanS..s. earl 1, %jlS ht's Gazette Coeltitf l a copy of a rf ~~~~ ca~~pt. Nourfie of his MoI.jefly s dell lettdos ftating his havilng captured onl ip 1F e, te Napoleo r Iuch a- In t (elate the Dukc of Kent Packet,) mountinug BU eer tad 1I 50 me1n, aiter a chace of thir teen ee ,115',l.hlscilrcwfl lance is highly flatterinlg a vi j ours. c.,lhants of ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 912 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... aand trday's Posts., LONDON, IFRIDAY, JAN. 4, til E , lnbufcildv Frigate arrived at Spit- -ph ld this dly, tit a white flag at t he 1,Vinag ln board Rcar-Admiral Camp- tel rlio, - h' under the necetlity of quitting O1 al thle Mledliterrileanc on account ot fbh hifiati. lie Wit Lord Nelfon cruizing off tb I On the 4th of December, the wholel B111l'in high l ealth and fipirits; they had, So ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1414 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Posts

... Sai2y fItan 7i'lisday's Posts. 'MC LON DlON) .GiAZITE,&iturda/ J61. 5. 11E Gazette contalills It proclatiation fori a . Gc;eral Fati, to be obfiervi~d throuwhmit 1Enuland ainl Ireland, Onl W'e litfil:'y tIle 20th dtav ft' February, and -ill Scotland, onThurlday theb 2 tIit day of February. NnVlTErnl.ALr., Jani. 3. The Kingr has beoln prlealed to appoint M\Ie3or General the l1ight lon1. ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2369 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Posts

... Sunday and T:X'SdjY's Posts. T'uc LON.,\ DON 5AZETT Z, Satuard'ay Ja. 12. Dealarotton of 1'ar aginfli Spain. S At the Courtut the Queen's Palace, tile I:, of Jariuary e .1181):, ptclet, the Kiiig's XMoft Exelleitt Iulajelly in Coo;lcil. EAS his Majtflv has received infor- W mratiot, that the Killg of Spain has if- fued a Dcejaration of ) mafgasainll his Aljefty, F his fubjeets, tt(d people: ...

Published: Thursday 17 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1188 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... Fr,'iday] and iaturd7ay's Posts. 'O ,RIAY,'J AN. Il. 'SP f.RD T Nevw York Papers to the Sil y (JhI lt wre receivedl. lThe 11oufe of' 1ot,%_ cre at that dtate occupied vith ma Bi l)llit hilletf J udge Chafe, for the charge wh tliei : hlim to thle Grand 3 Jury of 'Mary- hu' doeiN. Aiizes if B1altitnore, in Mlay lafi, tl i t° Glvertill, nt.-Jerome Bonta- 1ectiiig 0l 1tlleIt h at Dutiifries, ...

Published: Thursday 17 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2243 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... .11n 1 sj O., Lrr'~i TucidaY~, Jah. 15. Jamnuary, '15t,1 . TA16,11ly opened thre Seflon ( vj f is mod1J graitcous Speech hate * 'elitleion, dile pepairations of die of] is binlgdon, has C beenco- fil e At~~ bat jwno titept has been ir51~ 1ir~i ~ d t1cliite's 11110 efited. Or fier mly Datvy, the. refpc~able Coiir 5idt ~~ qiid and rrilliti~, the tuns ll1Oldle.1200d j icpi of a numerous VOiUI17 * ...

Published: Thursday 17 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1145 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... LEtGSLATI'V T, BODy. nrfrvonm1tR St. incrmBER 21. defi A 'Meffage was read fronm the Emperor1 ain- inl rnciticirg that M. Chlampagiy M~Ife of the bl I utorior,, 1egfiard- ai~d Lacue, Counifellors ot' ' State, had.1 bceri~~appointezd'to pieen teE- of.' 2oiiticon Qf the State of the Empiire. ho F.xt'OSITiox oF TlE STATE DP FRA~NCEl.W fri. CIIASVAG Nv.- Gerntlemen; h confeqocnece of the ,inI ...

Published: Thursday 17 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2560 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... 'Sidayi axd ~ia tz~li' Plaj osts. I w-~art 1A o N_ 1 1. |FIDAY, JAN. IS. rn I iutlC ~N Pacrs to the 11th ult. ar- A rtv'e trdd'B tiliefe it appears that. r~ 11l~ion15 Opiered to the re-eledion A fli i tt to t'he Prefideflcy of the c ti tiir,, \ i r~~ rgi lo?ii dl(l 1arylaitd, a III 'Je tIC) s 0vet lld jil his favour, anit a Il, j0ritv of thiem have givell, their fof- ,-i ,,ur of Mlr. G. ...

Published: Thursday 24 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2694 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... , 8,..r sci~rdalra7. ° I * Jr L~ gg'- rn TucfidaY, .Jan. °. AD'Wtqg jLetler ibm Ciipiaili Elpliiaftoiie . at CopY01 61Y1,1.j5Iid, at Sea, Janl. 19, WO.5. ~lll, .iO jill confoir iity to your. orers, aill 44 .' inell winjth, and, after al - teliertthl r tued thle hVteh Luo- C10r chilce, caiiPC ht Les 'imerenx, Jan B. Pollet, ' pliatc L fith t fien gulls, and Jiaviing ' I .1 pl lu nt of fixty ...

Published: Thursday 24 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1130 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News