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Advertisements & Notices

... rr Piai:S-IO4 OF 5 g i AND of SILVER MINERS, from B 'i1ali ine Germany, will performn a C GC i. X.T O CaL andl 1NfSrRU M1ENiTAL MUSIC, . o,, at the Plue Boar Inn, St. Aldate's, 1:: ;e ,;g next, March 4. Us r/, ^Srznc , to a ,gin i Sven o' Clod. flT .A.v p riate Concert mlay be had by Applica- .1., or to the Interpreter, Mr. Mller. ';1k-tc 3b. 6d. each, to be had of Mrs. Jones, at . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNIP SEED 0T1 be SOLD, at Mr. TAGG'S, Nurfery J and Seedfman, of the following Sorts, geriuine and new; any Q.iantity may be had on reafinable Terms, by Pound, Peck, or Buihel :-Swediih Turnip-TankArd. Ditto-True Norfolk-Green. Round-Large White a Round-Red Round--True Erly Stubble, particularly early, and valuable to be fown after Wheat or late Peace. WVAR WFICKS B.R . WHITE PAPER AND CORN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMARY ROBINSOiN, Widow of the late WILLIAM ROiiiNSON, ?? add CGArhEr AMaRf S inj yhe Hiqb Stsrd, ID ETURNS her moft grateful Thanks to the Univerfity and City for the many Favours con- ferred on her late Hufband it, his Butneis, and begs Leave to requeft a Continuance of the fame for herfelf and Family. ' ,6br, lNov. I, I805. C U'}lACY. \7TANTE D,-A CUI> A rE, in a Nor- Y thern Parili. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JAN/IS OjR.TI1S and SON, JJ'5'salejysjc Dd~slels's iy Fe, eign & British SpiriSts, 12 FG Leave to irdform their Friends andl rhro Public in general, that they have opened a Warde- houie in New Innm Lane, where they h ave laid in a Stock of all Kinds oP Spirits of the firib (?uaiit;. and which they are dertnriizied to renlder to the Public on as moderate Termns as any HIoufe in the Trade. All ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD'1lt. Estates ar xirtlidgtmi .etheCo, a)d Tacky.3f,. And Live vand Dead Farming Stock &c. To be SOL l y, by.AUCTION, .by Mr. T 'ADAMS, on the Premiffes, at Tackleysion Wed. | nefday the 14th Day of AugulR, 18o5,-The LIVEi and DEAD FARMING STOCK, two very excellent j Pointer Dogs,- a neat O~ne-Horfe Chaife, with platedlx Harnelfs complete, and a Variety of other Effedis ;. comprifing two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o tORaD RACES, 'SOS, ILL be holden on the 6th, 7th, and Sth ?? D-y of Au(usr.-Particulara in due lime. w g,>li f HO Aq PARKER, and, St W.i S-i itAIToN, Stwrs .1 lensiez's ORDINARIES, each Day at t!:e St ar Inn--BA L~s, as ufoal, at the a*n-tall the6rfl and laft Evenlings; a TOWN BALL I-AYl.OR's CREDI I ORS, qi , eering of the Creditors of W. TAY- | joR. late Of Begbrook, ii' the County of Ox. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ocJM¢eijreY h SOCietY Lond1e.7 - STEW.AkRDS S JOHN PAUiJP.A .L, Efq(j Rev. SAMIUeL PXcxEa;NO. 'THE -Coiniriiree of the Gloucefterfhire So-i lL' ciety do Ilerebh give Notice, that the ANN!I- VERSARY PiNNER of this -benevolent lilftitntion vill be'ield at' tei Crerwn 'sod 4ncbot Wa.'rtn, inthes Strand, ohn' enday' the cth D'af o My, s8e5 when 'he ' of 'he' feveral' 6vernofs and! aembers, aid o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL RESIDENCE,' HANTS, 0T ' be SOLD bY PRIVAT4 CONTRAeT, J. fituate ten Miles Eaft of Winchefter tweive South-Wrelt of Altozi, and five South from Alresford, calkd BROOKWOOD 'PARK ?? a, naodious nmodern-hui t ?? Houfe, Wstl Offce',jf every Derription;.ie principal Aparttnents neatly fitted up in the bef tflyle, with Statuary, In-laid-and Marble Chirnney Pieces, Stucco Cornices, enriched ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , aXPOR.D, JULT 29, r805. SARAHE. Q330R NE, Widow of the late Mr. JAMES OBORNE, SADLEY 30d H-ARNESS M.ut;ER, ESPECTFULLY informs her Friends, the 1% Cuftomers of her late THlvband, and the Public . imreneral, that tbe intends to carry on the above Bu- fints in all its Bfanehes: At the fame Tijmeaf ures theim, that na Exertion on her Part Ih211 be wanting to merit fiei futute Favpursm by ,hih ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O.~fcrdfizre Gasee Ceruiflrates. :TfHIS Notice is given, That GAME CER- i TIFICATES are now iffuing at the. Office of the Clerk of the Peace for this County, at the Town ftaill, in OCxford, where Attendance is daily given from Nine till Three o'Clock. The Clerki of tlhe Peace finds it necefrary again to repeat that no Certificates will -be filled up witilout a Depofit of the Duty, nor any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O be SOLD, at Mr. BROCKLESBY'S 1LIvERY STABLES, St.' Aldate's, Oxford,-A BROWN GELDING, four Years old, and fifteen Hands and a Half high, the Property of a Gentleman who bred him.; He is very powerful, and promifes to make an excellent Hunter. N. B. The Price ONE. HuwDiton GuiNEAS. T O bh SOLP.,-The ADVOWSONN and . NEXT PRESENTATION of a. LIVING in Somerfetchire, of the yearly Value of Viol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To No blemenz, Gentlemen, and Divin's, Who have received their Education at the Univerfity of Oxford, as well as to Amateurs of the Fine Arts, the following fplendid Work is recommenoed, . Wbicb is this Day publiohed, Elegantly printed in Imperial Folio, and enriched with four correct and beautifully engraved Views of Oxford, ?? by two Sheets of Letter Prefs, Number I, (to be regularly ...