Advertisements & Notices

... THE. LOIRD CHANChCLLOI1,, 31liunction. THE LORD HIGH CHANCELL'OR f-v T decreed an INJUNCTIoN adrl,.tj ro Sibly arid Jlifeph Chamtberlai, of P and Edward s, St. Paul's - rte ha., their Agents, to llop their chganrd od :AITITA'tiG a Di%. Sitly's Patcait Xotay. Under a Penerlty of One Tbv fad pouu. t All bottles if;ard at this Wairtloiu(e from the 4th J lne, I os, have C. [T9 Sfel written upon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Vejgels Laid 0 ,J: ro Salc, &c. TO BE SO LI), IrT HE Brig JUPI T ER,) J. PRATMAN, 0af ert %ith all her STORES. as per I veniory. a. -! -- 1 ,t Ions refi lter. For particulars. apply to Metlrs, Field ?? Ronalds. Cbeefirmnogers. tpper Ihares.llreet, Lodoani or to Mt William Bucklawl, Agent,. Oull. [lOLL. Nnvormber s8th. 180S. For SALE,- Ten Thousand Three-Inch 14 }Fcct GeflC DEALS Six Toits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N ?X OTICE is hereoLygiven, : the N That his Md7STzrr'x Couty 0 yonx. . ?? of ?? PFscE for 1iu; Ridin;g, w;l, at the lllichacmas Gene6-al Qaarter Sylons, to be held at Beverley, on 71,,; t the Sth day of O5tober next, apsoint a Go07.JER1VOR or MASASER of ihe H10USZ cf ColRECTIO nt B3rFRF2, , itihe room' ;D j lm GEOI1GE PLUtMtMER, deceafed; and ?? appl,4ingfor that Oice, mvzg, prvtiow to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or SUFFOLK. tTTTATED to 1urlre ,tl ?? for altermn ai 'V ' arsh in adtly l heathy siilatian, in either .ttie abov~c~tlntler atid inthelienighbonrioodl of a tnitrket to a v, ?? ta cornmfortable HOtUSE, 'stfitlbifur., a jl 1 fliftfiiy, With a airden, stable, tiise..h:;uisi ?? of Pasture landL and vell ~stpplil j ith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... II Ii ;I , r . ? - ??r ? , , ?? A -e:? 1? -, medyin .V Woid, ~ssr~g htfli~tt~ ~ iW pi4! *hf We kl~oakcr.s~b ?? Mpdiwelyat kn.ownILM OF ?? jon~i~d n~dtee o i . bdy a~ :9e ttYles' brdit si'stih~irtiistli &caIdi df.. e~~ j, ohn'tti, Aise~ StfIfo-ik, ?? INi-Gfolk`: ihae ?? 01hiSver jAiaCC..niWNtiiddleiitch; 1't santottd otits Iper wich r,.nd dek',b it G , a ?? fihe snc, atd is ffuo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M JRS.4 ?LUNKE1'T EI;DElXCUMBE'S 11.Enoagemwents requiring her Refldence in Lon-. .donl for fosme Mfonths, fshe may be confulted, as ufusal, at.her l:Inufe, No. jo, Poland Street, Oxford Strcet. - :FEEHOLD: EST r41E, .BUCKSS, WITHIN THlE-HUNDREDS OF AYLESISURY. Obe SOLD b Fy AUCTION, by Mr. 3. BERRY:, at the iKiv/; Head Ilw, in Ayleibury, .fui $aturday next, the r6th Day of .February, I805, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DBJP.GI.'Rb A4ND ReTBiR'Y. riilE REAS thle Houfe of tVr; WILLIAM 7f,>tg j, 1 O, known by th4i Nante or Sign af ?? 7 ,,5 T~,~ in flicel~er, iD tht County of i 'ie i s etweenl the Hours of Eleven lat N~ight Me;~i>llrnlltg, burglariogily broke openl, and 3 ?? of PLATE, confilting of ajteh. 'an~kards, a Cop, a Coffee Pot, a Creans '~lt.abe spu.ons,''*'ea Spoons, l'iinrh Ladles, anld sgnoher ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T0 be DISPOSED of,- A LEASH of well-bred GREYHOUNDS, either together or Ieparate; alfio, a Four-Year old Brown'Blood MARE,' able to carry fixteen Stone, perfedjy found, with good Adion. Price of the Mar'3s GuMiue6-To be L'een. at Seckham's Livery. Stablesj Oiford.' TO be LETT, Aaid enteried on immediately, .L.or at Michaelmas next,-A good HOUSE, de- firably fituated near the Mufic Room, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... G A M E. A LL Perfons are hereby requefted to defift fromn fporting on the Manor of- Broadwell. The l Gamzekeeper has Orders to inform againl; any Perfon trefpa~llng thereon after this Notice. Oxi ordire Game Certificrates. T HIS Notice is given, That GAME CER- IL TIFICAt'ES are now iffuing at the Office of the Clerk of the Peace for this County, at the Town Hall, in, Oxford, where Attendance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPRING LOTTERY: ,, Begins Drawing :y Thr irterntl', x~oi. q-RERE neover has beeina Lotteryof onlyr I 3o,0oo Tickets, with To many capitl' Prizes as3 this Scheme abouns; A on Iflfi 6 tW16irU DeFoirii toO contain nearly as' many capital P}rizes a have been' -fual in Lotteries of 'oo,ooo'Tickets ard ?? under Twernty Poundi. ?? .. 2W. of Priz es. r at ' s/eac. ' Tsd rYatu. : : : -: -Z'25 40,wo~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARD DAVIS, Lincs Draper, taberdarhe1 &c. QUEEN STREET, OXFORD, TAKES Leave moft refpe5lfullv to return 11 Thanks to his numerous Friends, and the Public in general, for the very diffinguiffied Encouragement he has experienced from his Commencement in the above Line, and to inform them, that he 'has recently laid in a neat and fashionable Alfortment of WOOLLEN DRAPERY, Which, together with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSFMlBLYX, HT1-ERE will be an ASSEMBLY, at the N l W 1 INVN, on Tl'hiifday the ^Sth inflant. Dancitg to begki at 5 o'clock -, ufusl. AY CAR D. ISSES DRYSDALES, impretfed'with'a grate Slt ful fenof ther patronage with *vhich they have- 'becn honoured, thivk it their duty to announce The. return of Mijf Margaret Dr!yfdate, who for fome tin e One pait has becn ftludying.Elocution, Geography, ...