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... AilARKEI HERALD. irick-- Corn.F34c1nilge, London, Monday, Dec. 31, 1804.. We have a good ?? today,, both Foreign I A101!rY 3nd Englifh; ?? Mealing trade was, neverthelel's, dull,I tg-t), and but iew fales efibaed, owing to the apprchention of jony, the Ittlfinefs on tha river being flopped by the Irotl.-Blar- egarn ley ?? are dearer, ilay about two thillings per quar- I tf ยง ter.- Ilorte ?? ...

Published: Thursday 03 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1381 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... IMlA.l4KE'I' IHE]iALDP. 1- * CorntExcluitge, London, Mondayj Jan. 7, 1a85. Ve We had tbis day .ltiew freth Wheats itt, whicl, with tetofe left over laft week, comftituted a pretty good fullply ; te a few prime.Iaorples of fine old obtained rather rirore thun to. our currency, but all other forts -ere cheaper. ' Barley, at the clofe of ?? Market, fell 2s. per quarter, - and fthotld have 6eets ...

Published: Thursday 10 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1355 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... -IA~i~ET.~I ERI .. _ ?? L . Corn-Exchithne, London,: Monday, Jan. 14, 1805. Our fupply of Wh~eat this nmorning was but a middling one, .yet therewvas no1 avidity 'in the inillers to 1iurchale; tlie fales were in colequencej heavy, and prices rather Zlecliniig'. Barley being inie'qnetl; that article found a brilk difpofal at rather mnore money than lalt week. Ilav- ing Malt, with Peafe and ...

Published: Thursday 17 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1549 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAIlRKE T HERALD. d d it It e c is 0 e 1, d d e re it 0 t y e Ii. d. a, a- it ?? th or I' I- Corn-Exchafige, London, Monday, Jan. 21, 1805. Our fupply of Wheat this morning was a pretty fair one; and, in confeqselhce of havingm niany buyers, fam- pies of ?? Daetaic, and fine old, were five thilfinros per quarter dearer ; whilc the other forts fetched litldh more than lidt reek's curlency. ...

Published: Thursday 24 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1329 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... ft a Corn-Exchange > London, Monday, Jah. 28, 1805. j Our fupply of W! at, to-day, was bot a niderate one, tit ars and the continued dqniand.fbor fine tlatiples, has farther in- t b nes created the price: more nioney was asked for Danizic, a8 ellt .md fine old, thain we I avye fitted, and Flour is utp from N trhe JSs. 100s. per fack. Though a good fupplv of Barley, dc Oil that article, as well ...

Published: Thursday 31 January 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1535 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... - - MIARKP'tNTl HALD. ife, Corni-Exchan ge, Lornde1it MolodaY, Feb. 4, 1805. be W6ihad inot much Wheat this morning-at Marktet, 0t, as tile buyers vere fewstile ?? dlull, and prices [hfe lowwc-iiy~, in ?? of uor owlvi growth, 'Is. per quar- ter, but twt- lb cuch on the foreign. Floor is likewile cheaper, waith rimucti ~1 hand not of the heft fort, atid to id hich our top price will not apply. ...

Published: Thursday 07 February 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1307 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MANKftlET HERALD. Corn-Exchalnge, London, Monday, Feb. 11, 1805. We hd[] no great qluIritily of Wheat up for thiS morn- ing's Market; thc alIes at firtt were a little brilL, bat left off heavily at foniething unler lalt week's currency. In nioft other Grain the fupphes were generally good, and prices declining. Barley, 4. alt, and the dilfereat kinds rif Peafl and Beans, are all lower. Oats ...

Published: Thursday 14 February 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Commerce | Words: 1322 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MARKET HE RALD. Corn-Exchange, London, Monday, Feb. 1%, 180l . There was a largc intflux of all Grain for the fupply of this day's Miarket, -and with it a geuerat depreffior iri thc prices. To thc Wheat leftover from lnft week,. ere ad- ded very confiderable frelh arrivals, whichi, together, pro- duced a ?? of 4s, per quarqer.on fine fisniples, and rather more on, the ordinary; Barley comes ...

Published: Thursday 21 February 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1270 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... MIARKET' HERALD. . != Corn-Exchauge, London, Monday, Feb. t5, 1805. C Our .arketthlis morning r6eived a little fnion the heavi- ness of laft week, and which felt additional deprcflion oa Wednt4'day and' Friday, thudgh very litrle buliness was done on titber of thole clys. In the mealing trade to-day, the arrivals were fhort, eed the fales of fine runs brilik, but not upon FeinTs equal to fall ...

Published: Thursday 28 February 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 947 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... hant :oaft Corn-Exchanige, London, Monday, March 4, 1805. We had not a very full Market of Wheat to-day, and new our buyers being numerous, fite falinples were brisk ill d fale at early part of the inornitig, and at an advance oF e La 2s. and 3s. per quarter, but towards tire elofe they fell back a little, and left off heavily. Fine malting Barle i was atnaed at Is. and ?? per quarter dearer. ...

Published: Thursday 07 March 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1470 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAJKET' HERALD. itt \ t- ocf Corn-Exchange, London, Monday, March it, 1805. le Although our flspply of Wheat to-day was rather fhort, ;l yet from a ditinclination ini the buyers topurchafc, we had it noat many tales, nor were prices, even for fine famples, If higher than laft Mondasy. [he ordinary forts were hes- te vier andclheaper. Barler and Malt are nearly upon a to par with our lalt ...

Published: Thursday 14 March 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1251 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce 


... MAi1RKET IJER4LD. e t h 16 ie is d i1X ae, It at lit Ic ;e r a d is 15 at it '0 ao,- ra y 5- 0 5, r. 0 ie Corn-E xcbaige, London odorhny, March 18, i815 . , - ''Our tp ly of 'Wilat t is r niurstg, wvas a pretty tgooo 0 one, nd'chief) - frum Keit--aud fliex , butolti i pored wiete our Millers to purchasir that we hd itdd n only, hA dull and declining miarket, but fo few ffle aks hardlry Wo ...

Published: Thursday 21 March 1805
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1363 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Commerce