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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... 5. ._ Y' Capital Hay, Farming 1mplnevneIts, 4 Furniture. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, 8d By M.rJACKSON, r Upon the Premifes of Mr. Jervis Wood, at Foolilngfide, near Pa. wich, in the Cbuntv of Derby. on Monday ir ,the ?? day of April, 1805, A f O STACKS of Capital Limeilonc HAY got without A T rain, each Stack containing upwards of ''en T'ons. Ailb a Quantity ofFARAJING [lM1PLEM'ENTS, and a variety ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? SECURITY TO THE PUBLIC. tots- O ?? Fraud, the Hon. the Commillioners ofhis *bh, ?? Stamp Office have granted permifflion to 5- Dr. Brodum, to have his name in full iength inferted on oln- the ttamps of his Medicines, viz. Win. Brodum, Nn, 9, Albion Street, Plackfriars Read, to imitate which is - Felony. The Medicines are not genuine, ubilefs the above narc is on the (tamps. A certain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PHKENIX FIRE-OFFICE, I I LOMlIBARD-STREET. tHE Firm Support which the PHIENIX-OFFICE con- 1 tilues to receive fromn its numerous Friends demands the thanks of the Direeors. - The Modes of infurinig FinItNG, STOCK prautifed by this Office, have been and wi!; be faund on due examirI- tion belt adapted to the protcrtion of that hind of PrO perty; a particular explanation of whichl with reference ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IsARDY ?? BLACKING-POWDERI Io 1,puTrnifed and ulded -lort the Kging acid Royal Fit- Isily,) with hall tire ulual trouble produces the aoft fit- lionable and elegant jet hinire to Boots, Dress Shoes, Cartouch Boxes, Ladies Black'-Boots, Clogs, &c. &C. , and As the above Conipuliftio is neither Jspan nor Varnillh, bik tin it will ?? criutt upon the Bost, which occalions Decay; nce ol beit on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DA NCtING., TrIr E Partnerthib) between Mlefrs. TUNALEYi and- *. FRITlCHE, of Dcrbyc, expiring on the 2.5th day of itlar ii next,-G. FRITCHE-Rlefpeftully intoros bis Friends and the Public, that lie will continue with proper Affitiance to teach Danciig OiD the ufual Terios. A Line addiefldd to G. Frnche, wili be pun&oually at- a tended tm i Derby 18th Feb. t803.i GENTLEMAN who ca-tadvance a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DG, ici;llitte forpthe purpofes ;lifrnll -l ?? CU t[Y all, La Cel fthl' rifha oil -he - ittb 1ath freiw eder,' ?? BY OF Cleik to tbe Commtlittee. ) e r b y 5larrh 13thI, 1LB05. SSZASSEMBL Y tc' ASsIZd tl 19 19th ilictant. -Admifion le, 'S etch uoplper by .haa . i FOR WAVING. been frequtently applied to ftur to *ini1!tvegsR leae refpe~hiflly to inform di' Ub te A e blic tbat flue intends ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TotlMe C0iriuus in SALL21D OfL. SAIIT'II bogs lcave to inform Nobleaten aid less- - t.6 lesasis j1esilices, that lielias received na lisei Supply of siotv Lucca Oil, and affures them thle quality is Ca excelletnt. Hle has al~b received for Defferts, a stew ?? of Foreigis Fruits, thle heft N eet Chinia Watlgl'e, -Cocoa'P Nuts, Freswic Olives,'&c.-Denbigli Pickled Ovfters,'the Y belt Lavear sit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- WANTED, A N ADJUTANT to an Engliffi Militia Reginient.- A A Gentleman properly qualified for this lituation will meet willh particulars by applying to Capt. Campbell, Poft Office, Nottingbaul. I)erby, March 11th, 1805. - WANTED, WO Stout Lads under fourteen yeats of age, as AP- 3PRENTICES to a BLACKSMUlH..-Two JOUR- N EYMEN alfo Walted. Apply to RICHARD JEWSBURY, Meaflaam, Der- bylbire. TO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE, DERBY. '1WC On FRIDAY Erening, Marei 8thi, 18(5, Alhiborr By Defr, of the Geaztlrnemn of the Derby h't, ?? .WILL Bt; VLtESENTFID, Jachtli The favorite Coraedy (nolfittd here thlefe 3 years) of igelloir TH1E SCHOOL FOR SCANDAL. ASt: With the revived Burletta of tioned ] . 4 il lDAS. abbjna, HUNil On MoNtixt Evening, March ilth, borne. Shbakefpear's Tragedy of OTHELLO; OR, THE -MOOR OF ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Houfes and Land, Uitoxeter:. TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, rfe o o By Mr. GLOWES' n At tble of Mr. WilliamGar the eri Itt, ins Vttoxeter, Staffordilhire, osu Wednefdy.y tle 3d ud day of April, 1805, between the hours of 5 and 7 in the afternoon, -fubjeet to Conditioins to be.produc d, 4 lie and in fucli Lots as (haill be agreed on: 6 SOUIt MEiSUAGES or DWELLING EIOUSES fi-1 ns;F tnan at tbe Ealkern ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DAzNCING- KEYS rcl ieauliy in. fesses n ir~eis and the Puble, their next \,r ?? ?? or'ihurrdav (c~leaIu vij a B3al iithe Ca)Utii d eiart1e' ~iI~l OhiaeD at flib(prne on Moniday April ?? 0ls Ae' Ib R mon Toeday id,- 1parbY, tbe 3d -ChflaellieId anid Brampton, J~tilh WedilefdflY Hlill andl patir ld, Friday 5tht- lrib SatardaY 61th idas; = = 5 I.Tem' ...