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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED IN DERBY, A NAPPREN'IC E to a Lihier ami XWoollen 1)raper. the A Eiquircr of tbre Printer of this Paper; if by jetter, pe- poft-paid. ted his5 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, dy N NAPPREN'ICE to a Grocer and 'Teadealer.- ev A Apply to H. Bradley, Buokfelfer and Printer, ( la- Chleferfield. . ?? . . WANTED IMMEDIATLLY', i1 xA- Coach Hariefs Maker and Trimnmer, alfo a Body ri be Arand Carriage Maker, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL POSTOFFICE, March itth, i8.5. Y an AM of Parliament paffed in the 45th year of the B.Ly Reign of his prefent Majefty, Cap. 1. which re. ceived the Royal Affent on the 12tth initant, it is enacted, , that from and after the pafling of the faid At there flall f be charged the following additional Duties of Poftage: For every lingle Letter within 5ireat-Britain or between e Great-Britain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE IS IIEREBY GIVEN. .rf'ATthe General Annual Meeting of the Commif- lfioners under t(le Ad of Parliaenit Iur Paving and f Liglhting the Streets in tihe Borough of Derby will be beld at tbe T ow Hall inl the faid BorougI on Mlonday the *29th day of April iiftant, at II o0clock il thie lbrenoon, paurfuat to the directions of the Ciuid Ac. .T UH. EDWAPD)S, Clerk anid Treafurer. Derby, 15th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Burton-upon7-Trent Subferption Ball c- Supper, 171TILL be at the Town Hall ou Tnefdav the 16th of ?? April, 10t-etecs'ulrpints. 6d.- Ladies SubtiVtiton 5s. RIChARD E , r Stewards. J.)SfPlfll P'CROFT, Eiq. Albiburle, April 9, 1805. J WOOD haviltt declined the Ion1l-keepilg Bulniefs, returns his molt grateful tltniths to the 'ublic lor aill fiavors, atd beys leavel to rmcomn.ttentl bit.'A'ARBATT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... UVIEUMATI, &S, pa11lfie, and Gouty Affections, totS f~4J wit ther ulal ?? Spafm, or flying .- pains, Flatualen~cy, Indigeflton, ?? of ginatin in whatever faurcet) are relieved and fcequenrtly cc cue b l teatr'ldS Essenfe Of ltsstrird Mills, af ter eve ry lid- orher mearssad failed'. udwiht Plsil it, The Fluid Essell 0Jf3riota9'd, ue ihth ili ,ke- thofe complaints where ireceffary) is perhaps ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Is \WANTED, te A N AP'RENTIC'I'to a lercer and Grocer.-Apply 1 . Li to ?? .31t11H, Reptuot, Derbytlire. . . _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ - tl,, WVANTED 1I3MMEDIATELY, tfo A ANAPPRENTICE to a Grocer and 'jeadealer.- on _9 Apply to R. Bradley, Bauohfeller and Printer, .i- Chefitrfield. I G. 1IUMPST'SiON, AVING refided ir Botid Street-.I oidon for fonr t .1 .5. year's, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... its .. -1 __ - edh' Capital WaterCprn Mil, Farm ' Ston7eQuarry. ~ed nel . TO LE3 LET, Upon a Leare flr 14 years fronit Michaelnis nexti, )n-. BY AUCTION, ra- At the Blnckmoor's ?? Inn, iln Ahbovne,. oni Satturday the the ,7rth day oE Aprii Initl. betweeia the ?? nf S and 5 o'clock ill thie alfternfool, (iutilcfs t'uone dif- poled of y priwate cottte of which notice will be givene,, anid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE ANTI-IMIPETIGINES, Or, SOLOMON's DROPS, (Without M ERCu RY or any deleterious Preparation,) FOR THE wRE aF TSE Scumru, Leproeb, and Venereal Dife'qre 1S aalteratiyeand purificrof the bluod; its operation I rgradual, gentle, and almnol imperceptible; it is the hetf fubftitute ihut hai eser been difcovered for that dangerous rincriel Mefcury ; it fwveetens the blood, and ?? it to expel 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of A - - - ?? = = W Is, -THEATRE, DE.tRBY, APRIL 24th, 1805. Nighls of Performing next Week, cot of AMONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, Arid-on FRIDAY th6e d of May, U For the Betimfit ! Mr. ADCOCK, rche Ce Comedy of Jul N Te1e lONElY A`OONA, Cai Ndw performring at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane, with he .1, trr uitsert'l applaufa,.' Ut' And tire New AlMflcul Al'oCe of of] n,1, :OUi OF PL ACE; OR ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I I TH'EATR'1'5 , (CO\ENTRY. -A B1t hlis .1NahfLjy'r SCtA ts. F di THE YOUNG ROSCIUS. II; IrTli, Celebrated MAr~STER J.FTTY, hetter ktoen by fi T ille Name ofthe YOUNG i OSCULS. is engaged for to iOUR AlIGH'1TS ONYLY, Atd sill rriatie his Firft Appearance, Oil MONDAY, AtV Sii. lhe Sth, at In tle Tr';gedI of C DOCUG G;AS. YOlNG NOIRiAL, by the YOUNG110SCIUS. Ott TUrSDAY, AarrIL tlre 9tI, r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or- BLYTHE, NBOTTI IrNG 11 Sn I RE. Singulart y Valtable 71rfants, Extenfrve Man&3 ant- Capital C 'apita, 14&ery, I ooods our and Plantations. and i t. MUNN ?? iniorrms the PPu-iic tth T tt ihL ?? \aaluable Elieale is dis ?? of by PrIvati veis Waibrirok, London, 20hh April, IS.t8 'ich One SALE STOSTPONEL. 'ane d A MOST CAPITAL SALE OF PAINTINGS, an ty tbe lUott' emirrUT PAIN-1 FUS of tire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DP., RADCLIFFL's 1ELIX1R1. j(R. a general alterative MedicnsiEii a L j, itood tanrivalled Ior more than Half a Century and t Ie ?? ls obi cnothveR cra to a more efficacious nur left over Remedy aa a Purilier of the Blood ?? be 0 ut~''wtra cocade Y too free Living, or from) jaundicel Stra e fmpls Srfet',Scurvy, or Humours after the-Mealles, Small,- n ordttiar-y Putx, e.-c. &c. For al ...