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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... RICHARD DAVIS, Lincs Draper, taberdarhe1 &c. QUEEN STREET, OXFORD, TAKES Leave moft refpe5lfullv to return 11 Thanks to his numerous Friends, and the Public in general, for the very diffinguiffied Encouragement he has experienced from his Commencement in the above Line, and to inform them, that he 'has recently laid in a neat and fashionable Alfortment of WOOLLEN DRAPERY, Which, together with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , ocJM¢eijreY h SOCietY Lond1e.7 - STEW.AkRDS S JOHN PAUiJP.A .L, Efq(j Rev. SAMIUeL PXcxEa;NO. 'THE -Coiniriiree of the Gloucefterfhire So-i lL' ciety do Ilerebh give Notice, that the ANN!I- VERSARY PiNNER of this -benevolent lilftitntion vill be'ield at' tei Crerwn 'sod 4ncbot Wa.'rtn, inthes Strand, ohn' enday' the cth D'af o My, s8e5 when 'he ' of 'he' feveral' 6vernofs and! aembers, aid o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CiPPINMG NORTON, la;r, xoS. C HARLES PHILLIPS, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, and late Surgeon to the Univerfil Medical liftitution, London, folicits the Intereft and Patronage of the Friends of the late Mr. W. L. MAR.n.xHLL and the Pztblic, and hopes to merit their Confidence by diligent Attention to the Pradlice of Surgery, Pharmacy, and Midwifery POSTING at ONE SHILLING per MILE. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sale f caixt Herdeold Puvnifture, and valuable .By- Mr. HALSE. ' . (-N Tuefday the f4thof May 'I hant, ?? be S6OLD'by AUCTION , on the Prenmiffes, at Cowley, nda- Oxford, All Ale , neat; .nd sniodern HOUSHOL J-FURNITURE, valuable Collt6ion of PRINTS; in high' b'nhedr ile Frames, ahd glazed 'oy Morland, and .vther minent Artiftsof Mrs. RoUEa'r.e,' who iste-(viiig-her' Rhridence at Cowley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dorchefler ardd.Bix Tnp.;,ri. OTICE. is hereby given,. 'That a Meeting JbN af the Truftees of the above Turnpikes will be held, by Adjournment, at the' White Hart Inn, in Benfingto, on Wedneldayl the Fifth ?? of June next, at Eleven 'o'Clock in the Forenoon. THOS. COOPER, Clerk to the Truifees. Henlek, May :kgd. z gls. .. Svpfton on Stovr, ,Yrorceatersbire. T0 be DISPOSED OF,-The STOCK-in ILT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... No. 26, CiRNHJL4 LONDQ.y 'T'ICKETS, Halves, qBarters, Eighths, and' 1 Sixteenths of the! following capital Prizes may be purchased of HORNSBSY and Co. for the enfuing Lottery, which begins Drawingv on the I3th of the prefent Month; and the Cafh for the ?? paid inime- diately. : 0 ?? - (of - - £30,00 3 - - of - - £sooI X - -'of - - 20,000 5 - - of - - §tc0o 3 - - of - - Io,oco, 8 - - of - - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... U RACY wanted at Midfummer or Mi- chaelmas next by a married Clergyman, a Gra- duate of Oxford, with ample Teftimonials. - Addrefs a Line to L. M. at Mrs. Jones's, at the Printing Office, near thy New Market, High Street, Oxford. FREEHOLD ESTATE. T0- be SOLD by AUCTION, by Merfrs.! T CHURCHILL and TURNER, on Tuefday the Twenty.firft Day of May Rnftant, x8oy, at the Marl. borosgh Arms Inn, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... From COLONEL RIDDELL, Exmouth, Devonihire. To MSflis. Ching and Butler, Cbeapfide, London. GENTLcEMOx, AVING feen many honourable Teftimo- 1H1 nies of the Efficacy of Csssoo's WotM LozeF.NGoE I was induced to make Trial of them; for, for a twenty- two Years' Refidence in the Eal' Indies, I had for a long Time been fubje&t to a Liver Complaint, and violent Bilious ObftruaiojIs, to remove which, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED imnediately,-A YOUNG WYMAN, as an Affiltant in the Grocerv and Tallow Chandlerin- Bufinefs. A Chara6ter will be required. Apply to Mr. Trubb, Grocer, ?? Oxford. NELL BRIDGE REPAIRING. ,OTICE is hereby given, That on Wed- l nefday Morninig, the azd of May Inft. the Arch over the River Cherxyell will be taken down, and all Paffage over the fame muft unavoidably be fufpended during the Re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXPVORD3HyfQp, N OTICEE is hereby given, Thbat his Mb- L jefly's Juflices of the' Peace ading hi and for the raid County will hold an Adjburnment of theq Ge- lner.d Quarter Sfflnlis of the Peace on Saturday the 18th Day of IMay Inflant, at Ele4en ?? in the Furexfoon,' at the Lodgings of,;he Revereiid the Pre- fident of Corpus 1Chrifti Colfege, in the Univerfity of Oxford, to confider and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r*HE ,A-NNUAL FIGH~riNG. at the Kging Alfred'6 Head, in Wantage, will be on W;!.Mdonday next, the 3d of June. There will be a eat Nt~er of Cocks up; and'it ii expedlced to be a Meetn, a5 the S:bfcribers meet on that Day g-'.rsl~e ?? for the Cups for next T~arahe Cocks to be font in to Pens On Friday and Satulrday the 2,4th and z5th of Maly lntardt a INQTT, Feeder. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... psTIN'; at ONF SMIULING per MITt I wurBE HIhRr |VN, C£ipping Nertow, xoJXn. 1OHN WATrSON returns his moft fincere ' hanks tO his Friends and the Public in general er grut Encourageument he has met with fince t c r -ern the 3hove Inn, and informs them he has re- ducei his POSTING to ONE SHILLING per MILE. N. B. ie li;ewife informs them, that he Charges the fame Number of Miles only from ...