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Oxford, Oxfordshire, England

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Public Tags

Advertisements & Notices

... -or FJ, fronth rounds of WILLIAMT 6 1-IlLINGWO Rh, near'the Mile.Stone on i B-nbury Road, near xforiJ, on Saturday Night ~iie earlv nn0 Sunday Morniag.-A SAT LAMB, 3 tfte irl eiteflerfhre Ereed.-NV~loever can g ID , ' nat 'on af the O ffenlder or Offeiadere, ro that they ?? thereof, fail receive a Reward of r:3,NI']Y GUINEAS from the above I ?? WJLLIANM CHSLLINGWORTH. {;j/ AlitU g. ~,iSo.1 . ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . Churcb,-' 'iey, Degfbrook, and IJJ/E Turnpike Roadss. OT1 ICE is Ite rev given, That a Meeting N of the Truiees of the above Turnpile Roads ?? h 1,tinen, by Adjourn:n-eot, at the Crown Inn, * ; tv~erk-, in thr: Coumny of Oxford, on Thuitllday eo rctl' Day of July reat, at fwelve o'Clock, at By Order of the ''-tftcees, . ?? act, JOHN HOLLIER, 7 Cler1s. I3c5. R H. J. NOR'FH, 3 * FARh-S, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXEOR DSHIR F. 0 be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,- T A MESSUAGE or TENEMENT, with Barns, Stable, Cow Houies, and leveral Ilcloffires of Arable and Pafhtre Land, containing, by Admeafurement, (more or lefs) 8,.A. IR. z2P. called the Lower Woods, lituate within the Manor of Iflip, and now in the Oc- cupation of Cuisromurn IPsoOMIS, as Tenant from Year to Year. Alfi, a MESSIJAGE, with a Barn, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | rt7r~txl)CF ToLIA> TO BE LRITr. of thE irl heieby given, 'That a Meeting N )E of the Tuftees of tihe Turnpike Road leadian from Shil4lgford through Waliinigford and ?? to Reading w ifl be held at tile iear !sref, in Walling- ford, in the (bounty of Berks, on Monday the 24th Day of Jnne next, at Eleven ?? in the Fore- noon, at which Mleeting the '['ruftees wvill LLT'T by AUCTI ON, to the belt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNIP SEED 0T1 be SOLD, at Mr. TAGG'S, Nurfery J and Seedfman, of the following Sorts, geriuine and new; any Q.iantity may be had on reafinable Terms, by Pound, Peck, or Buihel :-Swediih Turnip-TankArd. Ditto-True Norfolk-Green. Round-Large White a Round-Red Round--True Erly Stubble, particularly early, and valuable to be fown after Wheat or late Peace. WVAR WFICKS B.R . WHITE PAPER AND CORN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAPITAL RESIDENCE,' HANTS, 0T ' be SOLD bY PRIVAT4 CONTRAeT, J. fituate ten Miles Eaft of Winchefter tweive South-Wrelt of Altozi, and five South from Alresford, calkd BROOKWOOD 'PARK ?? a, naodious nmodern-hui t ?? Houfe, Wstl Offce',jf every Derription;.ie principal Aparttnents neatly fitted up in the bef tflyle, with Statuary, In-laid-and Marble Chirnney Pieces, Stucco Cornices, enriched ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T O be SOLD, at Mr. BROCKLESBY'S 1LIvERY STABLES, St.' Aldate's, Oxford,-A BROWN GELDING, four Years old, and fifteen Hands and a Half high, the Property of a Gentleman who bred him.; He is very powerful, and promifes to make an excellent Hunter. N. B. The Price ONE. HuwDiton GuiNEAS. T O bh SOLP.,-The ADVOWSONN and . NEXT PRESENTATION of a. LIVING in Somerfetchire, of the yearly Value of Viol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To No blemenz, Gentlemen, and Divin's, Who have received their Education at the Univerfity of Oxford, as well as to Amateurs of the Fine Arts, the following fplendid Work is recommenoed, . Wbicb is this Day publiohed, Elegantly printed in Imperial Folio, and enriched with four correct and beautifully engraved Views of Oxford, ?? by two Sheets of Letter Prefs, Number I, (to be regularly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A. ROUTLEDGE, Arear St.l .lYary'&..Cbrcrch, Oxfard, f OST refpcftfull.-begs Leave to return his* MVJL Iincere T'hahltstQ ?? Ladies and .Gentlenten who ?? already hhlomiif1 him' Nvitlr.theiriPatronage, and allro begs -Leave- t0.nfornithemi that-he is pro- vided with head Dredes, of fuperior Manufadlure, ?? on tale late Royal lirth I)ay oiade to iefemble Nature fo exadIly, that the mofl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF OXFORD. Ob SOLD by PRtVATE C0N+RACT,- J Two exceedinr3ly good DWELLING HOtrsIs, Sith St, Coach 1-loure, and fuiitsbie Offices, f tuate ?? l'rillt Slop. at tthe Bottoni of the Hiig3- Street. ,)Jrd'now in the Occupations ?? SouLr-lBV, .,r and M u}rs. ROr aRVs. The Preufiffus, which Freehold, are, in Point of Convenience, niot in- vie the whole City of'Oxford; they are in frtir tĀ°efent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD RACES .1-1 : 17 ILI be holden onthe 6,t'h 7th, andt 8th ?? of ?? Particulars in due Tinie. Hon. THOMAS PARKER, and, 7 Captain STRATTON, Stewards. ANTED,-A CURACY, within- W twenty Miles of Burford, with a good Par- fonage'Houfe, and fomne Land attached to it. Letters diref ed to A. B. at the Poft Office, Witney, will be attended to. 1lTANTED,_-A STEADY MIDDLES W AGED WOMAN, as COOK. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOLL CV1'%NIY,_.OXF5ItDSa:IRE. THE Rev. THOMAS CRIPPS, A.M' (lately elected Mafter of the above School) nmoft refpedlfully informs the 'Parents and Guardians of young Gentlemen thaitie'intends opening the faille, f. r the Reception of Boardeis, on M ond'y thte 'a2d Daty of July next, on the following Terms:.- . Bard hnd ?? in the Engliff, Latin, and Greek Languages, Writing, ...