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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? OXFORDSHIRB. ?? THE Commiffioners for the Redemption tfd T Sale of the Land 'l'ax will h6ldi their next Meet- ing at the Star Inn, in Oxford, on Th'llrfday the ift Day of Auguft next, between the Hours of Eleven 0 and Three o'Clbck. Perfons wifling to redeem or ?? Tax may contra& for the fame at any rime by fending to the Clerk Schedules or Particulars of the Eftates on which it is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o tORaD RACES, 'SOS, ILL be holden on the 6th, 7th, and Sth ?? D-y of Au(usr.-Particulara in due lime. w g,>li f HO Aq PARKER, and, St W.i S-i itAIToN, Stwrs .1 lensiez's ORDINARIES, each Day at t!:e St ar Inn--BA L~s, as ufoal, at the a*n-tall the6rfl and laft Evenlings; a TOWN BALL I-AYl.OR's CREDI I ORS, qi , eering of the Creditors of W. TAY- | joR. late Of Begbrook, ii' the County of Ox. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , aXPOR.D, JULT 29, r805. SARAHE. Q330R NE, Widow of the late Mr. JAMES OBORNE, SADLEY 30d H-ARNESS M.ut;ER, ESPECTFULLY informs her Friends, the 1% Cuftomers of her late THlvband, and the Public . imreneral, that tbe intends to carry on the above Bu- fints in all its Bfanehes: At the fame Tijmeaf ures theim, that na Exertion on her Part Ih211 be wanting to merit fiei futute Favpursm by ,hih ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Evenload, Jrorce fehie. F be- SOLD by AUCTION, by Meflrs. ST PARRY and SON, at the Unicorn Inn, in Moreton in Marlh, on Tuefday the Twentieth Dayof Auguft, x8o., at Three o'Clock, together or in Lots, tand tiader fuch Conditions as w be fettled at the Time of Sale,-A very imptovabze FREEHOLD .ESTATE, moftly. Tithejree j confiil'ing 'of an excel- lent Farm Houfe, with fuitable Barns, Stables, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WARWICKS HIRE. OTICE is hereby given, That a General N OZI Meetin of the Lieutenancy bf the County of W'arwick wd be held at the yal'wicaL Arrm, Inn, ill the Borough of WUarwick, on Tuefday the Sixteenth S Day of July next, at Ten ?? in the Forenoon, for n carrying into Execution an A6I of Parliament of the ti lall Seflion, iltituled, An Ata for eftablifhing and g m tintaining a Permanent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * :: 'tXPORDS#i1JS. oicI E is hereby given, That a. General g jecting of the Commifflioert for putting. in - tll Lan Tax Aas in the County of Oxford ;E~e'jt10nl 3t th io'wnl H311, Oxford, on Friday the soid oyf Al uw trest, at Eleven ?? in the for the Purpofe of appoinifing CommiIpionexs reno 0ExecutiOna for the enfuing Year, the feveral '0 parliament made and paffed, ' For granting *A tis 1 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Milliners and Fancy Drefs Ma1kerr. A, Young Perfon, of refpe6table Conneaions, wifhes to engage herfelf as an Affiftant in the above Bufinefs.-Letters, Poft paid, addreffed to Y. X. at the Office of this Paper, will be duly attended to. TO be SOLD,-A BAY CHARIOT 1HORSE, feven Years old, fifteen Hands three Inches high, Rteady and quiet in Harnefs, and in high Condition. Price 45 Guineas. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FREE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, WITNrEY, OXrORDSITIRP. THE Rev. 'THOVAS CRIPPS, A. M I (lately elec~ted ~ailer of the above School) moft I rofpedfully informss the Patents and Guardians of young Gentlemen that he intends opening, the famet tor the Reception of Boatders, on Monday the .2d Day of July next, on the following'Terms:- Board and Infiruffion in the Foglifh, Latih, and I Greek Languages, Writing ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNPIKE TOLLS TO BE LETT. OTICE is hereby given, 'That the Tolls Narifing at the Toll Gates upon the Turnpike Road leading from Chapel on the Heath, in the County .of Oxford, to the Quarry above Bourton on the Hill, in the County of Gloucefter, called Morton and Chip- ?? Gates,'will be LETT by AUCTION, to the beft Bidder or Bidders,'at a Meeting of the Truf- tees for repairing the faid. Road, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... QOXF;ORD, y7vrkv 20, xSo2. WHEREAS Mr. R. RAWLIN'S, Aprthe- t, cary and AMlan-Midwife, and the Executwrs of his late Partner, Mr. J. C. WOOTTEN, bs~vinig buffered very materially froun Perflons, who have been their i; Patients, not paying-their refped'ive Debts: All thofe; a who now fland indebted to them are defired forthwith t; to pay their Debts to Mr. R. Ravwlins, or to Mr. J. t1 Battin, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFORD, 3trLr 19, i8c;. SARAH -OBORNE, d xY of the late Mr. JAMES OBORNE, SADLER a'd HARNESS MAKER, ,,qpCTFULLY informs her Friends,- the acieflomers of her late Hufband, and the Public a ClI that fhe intends to carry on the above Bu- in e ,a its Branches: At the fame Time affures l; IhIat no Exeition on her Part fhall be wanting to , hei, future Favours, by which dhe hopes to be lnerto yiv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stoken Church, W ieate, Begabrook, and Ijip TURNPIKE ROADS. XTOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting .N of the Truflees of the above Turnpike Roads will be holden at the Houfe of J. Haines, the Crown Inn, in Wheatley, in the County of Oxford, on Friday the 9th Day of Augul next; at- which Meeting the Tolls arifing at the Stoken Church, Wheatley, and Begbrook Gates, and the Weighing Machines at ...