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... PERTHSHIRE FOR SALE. IT is intended to divide into LOTS, the LANDS and ESTATE of GLENALMOND, formerly adver- t Further particulars may be known by applying to a a homas Hay Marfhal, Perth, who has power to con- t Ls clude a private bargain. SALE OF LANDS IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF lNVERNESS. OF lNVERNESS. of Whitsunday next, (the day to be fixed in a future advertisement), if not previously ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION' Very eligible FREEHOLD ;OUtJSES, Wine Ofice-eaurt,- and Fl L id-conurt, ?leet-5xrct. . 't' : By Messrs. SKiNNEIL. D.YaE and Co. On Maisday next, at I2, at Garrawoy's, Ino Lots, - - A Very eligible I i>ZEIOLD ESTATE, most desiraly stuate i'i Wino Office-court, anid l-liol-cVurst,.--- leading from Fleet-street to Gougl-sq-tate; collsiSting' of live.: i occellenecor.sndious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEASES OF DtIRRTI FOR SALE. On Mondaly the lotsh ecember next, at .6 o'clock retrnuot~s, there wiil be Sould br pulblic rouip, within the thstfe of Ceorge Ronald, vintner in Aberdeen, T fASES of the following FARMS on the Ellate 14of lurri;, for faty oue years after Whitfunday ascxt, viz - 9 1. kASTER, WESTER, and MIDDLE BAL. IRFIAIJIE, containing aO acres of arable land or thwreby, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A T the General Qiarter Sefisons et the Peace, ai bolden at the Gusildliall, in and for the Borough of El piteofiith, and the Libertics thereof, on Thurfiiay the to ,oilh d&y ,f tidlober, !805, before William Goldlun, Elq. ,Jy'yor; James lButrougl, Efq. Recorder ; Sir John Carr, fa Knigt; ljohn Godwin, Efq Stepheln Gafelce, E'q. ?? .-!bc Rev. Gcorgc Curhbert; Juffi-es af4ifrzed to kcc; the ol ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SERVANTS.' \V ANTED,-A WOMAN SERVANT, W about Thirty Years of Age, one that can drefs a plain Dinner, clean a Houfe, and ufe a Needle occafionally. She muit bring an undeniable Charadler from her laft Place for Honefty, Sobriety, and Clean- ?? of Mr. E.. Rufbridge, in St.'Mary Hall Lane, Oxford. A LL Perfons having any Demands on the A Eftate of Mr. THOMAS GODDARD, late of Oxford, deceafed, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p7--s A,4pHITHEATRE, Westminster Bridge. - RiOYA L CIRCUS COMPAN-Y. Fdr t!hc BENEFIT of -Mr. BRADBURY .'- - 4 rflIS preitent 'TUESDAY, a favourite Dane by e T Mr-'. ovgfoutrg,6y, called THE FIRST OFRAUGUST ; or j P 'he Jolly~l Wvatcaer . Principal Danceqs-Mr. Montgomery, i ct Ir. RoseY, Miaster iPleamore, Master Liinsdale, and Mr. Ridg- d ay*is Jesirtc, and-the two Miss Dennetfs'. A newseriou ...

FHULL. eJ/Is: Laid O

... n. for Sale, &c. Fo r.ELSINORE, L(UBECK ?? (if therele 'Wtb r#zient draft of water) and KONIGS.BERG, The'- RANGER, Is ready tr taket ir God for the anhvo Ports, and tq fail withi convoy iboaat'the bithl. of Novcember. For ftirthler particutlats, apply to; : ?? JOHN JiALL Id EMMEW'. Hull, Oaober 26rh, r80,S. For ,EAM BD LW, 'JThe Pruffian Brig . MI4NERVA, * uTH MS' BODFIMAN, Mahier, . Is now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. sp~t~uly nfomsthe Public, that l~ift NO MU.:,iti at efr, to - tk ?'ta1' at Garr~isa' CoFfeC-hoixia, on Friday 11extI, i~s 'osanef until the 6th% at N~ovrn-huc. By Mr. SMITH at (!lir:-iwav's. onl Friday next, at twnl. ve, ini 3s jWeioints- lu1,- sctk sie of Prvt'.Cnr t A~- aukr~it'ns I\.LYIGLO&.sIl,,,DENIC E X a itsll itr a hLj,-i u,-It 1 y l-cnit, ,ii:t N:', v i -l -s-a Iis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * -SALES BY AIJCTION. -te Garocr~svr(,ti 3 1 At Garavvay'~t), 'Atsde, the Lth, or Novemnber, -rcc se, T eous' * iR 7 5'),ecdlse er4 ~l~di'-t. ~n->rq a~tl I a-i de, dcsirably ste:Lio, No.- In i sthreu'''ro ,-1. nt e l. a en tr ct s-c,,paved yard, n1 (I ''-lr- Hi g -e Id fIo I~ -antr. RItent Cal. Tlhe pur I-- St 5IL? be az~y~3aunolt c~itwsc -Aly po~ts scie-,n, -andlth tocls ~i !rt te aT ea r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S A9T m~?fiddle d AN1YhN g YV,- ritv.; a sood Wlnd, and pc'fed~styu.r le sedS~S~ -eeping. Further Psrticutars knovn nln AppA C ,&tter8Sost-ipaid,'dressed to A. 1. at~tlie I llutLr'5 lthS5 1~per. -Mewcaatle, 2I st CdS'obef; t~s , \tr NtE} t AMr41IATEI-Y, a V OMAN, t3 O -VV the Caaii i~oK~nKOUSBKIEP rR. Oai will b tVC ?? her. A Chiaradw er fla'r~ 'last ,Fiee ?? reqouifred andtr she ura. ,t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R(Y, BRYCE & CO. 1 ESPECTrFUll.LY inform their Friends and the RX Public, that they have commenced bufinels ine the ,3ANUFACTURJNG. of COOAGOODS, a -i will endeavour to ferve them on the loweft ternms; in the following articesl, vi2.- 4 411:, 9-Sh5, 5-4ths and &4ths Fancy Shawls, vdith Silk and Cotton Burders; 4 4ths, 9-8ths, 5-4ths and 6-4tehs T'anrbored Ditto, 3-4ths Light and Dark iune ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Parents 'and Guardians. W1JANTED Itolmediately, ?? Man of Liberal ldeeation as ani Apprentice to a Surgeon, &r. k Par sricul;iapply b ?? to Meffrs. SAL'1' and . MOi;(A N, gurt l, - llfield -- .ANTED, A N Aftiie Unmarried Man as Keeper, who perfealy ;A underetasids ?? and the Pretervatioi 'of . Gante ;~i he Is bone rccuftouse4 tp.Deer,- it will be a recommelndation. : . or further ...