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London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION' Very eligible FREEHOLD ;OUtJSES, Wine Ofice-eaurt,- and Fl L id-conurt, ?leet-5xrct. . 't' : By Messrs. SKiNNEIL. D.YaE and Co. On Maisday next, at I2, at Garrawoy's, Ino Lots, - - A Very eligible I i>ZEIOLD ESTATE, most desiraly stuate i'i Wino Office-court, anid l-liol-cVurst,.--- leading from Fleet-street to Gougl-sq-tate; collsiSting' of live.: i occellenecor.sndious ...

Advertisements & Notices

... p7--s A,4pHITHEATRE, Westminster Bridge. - RiOYA L CIRCUS COMPAN-Y. Fdr t!hc BENEFIT of -Mr. BRADBURY .'- - 4 rflIS preitent 'TUESDAY, a favourite Dane by e T Mr-'. ovgfoutrg,6y, called THE FIRST OFRAUGUST ; or j P 'he Jolly~l Wvatcaer . Principal Danceqs-Mr. Montgomery, i ct Ir. RoseY, Miaster iPleamore, Master Liinsdale, and Mr. Ridg- d ay*is Jesirtc, and-the two Miss Dennetfs'. A newseriou ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. sp~t~uly nfomsthe Public, that l~ift NO MU.:,iti at efr, to - tk ?'ta1' at Garr~isa' CoFfeC-hoixia, on Friday 11extI, i~s 'osanef until the 6th% at N~ovrn-huc. By Mr. SMITH at (!lir:-iwav's. onl Friday next, at twnl. ve, ini 3s jWeioints- lu1,- sctk sie of Prvt'.Cnr t A~- aukr~it'ns I\.LYIGLO&.sIl,,,DENIC E X a itsll itr a hLj,-i u,-It 1 y l-cnit, ,ii:t N:', v i -l -s-a Iis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * -SALES BY AIJCTION. -te Garocr~svr(,ti 3 1 At Garavvay'~t), 'Atsde, the Lth, or Novemnber, -rcc se, T eous' * iR 7 5'),ecdlse er4 ~l~di'-t. ~n->rq a~tl I a-i de, dcsirably ste:Lio, No.- In i sthreu'''ro ,-1. nt e l. a en tr ct s-c,,paved yard, n1 (I ''-lr- Hi g -e Id fIo I~ -antr. RItent Cal. Tlhe pur I-- St 5IL? be az~y~3aunolt c~itwsc -Aly po~ts scie-,n, -andlth tocls ~i !rt te aT ea r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i ol 'Fl R il-; EiGT ONLY. rflI-IIS prtcat 'ft' ^ J-U DAY, 051.9- 5, will be pre- s ., ;zinc scOCtS!ln'il '.ClUSPi'a DAY. Af- C ter whirlsch, -i . t! *- graod Spenl:s1- of the L.ONDON ApPRJ'N3 ; 'i, Seren Tov.wrs of Conistantinople. 'Ihe 1.rrit'.CSl c iiJr'lPr bv 1;. Astley. Iti the 'course of the cu eliqg, theT'lROOP of Ji' w}E ill~i3 vant~ltover Mlci andl ~i~o e. Severalnoroil: , ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. By Mr. RICHARD DIXON, At the City Repository,Barbican, on Fridayinextat ta precisely, UTPWARDS of i1o Lots of HOR.RSESCAR. JRIAGES, &c. consisting of some pairs of seasoned coach and chariot geldings, a variety of very useful; oad, gig and jturI ney horses; several very fast trotters, sonme useful galloway-s and ponies, a great nurilber of geldings and mares, well calcu- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. By Mr. PICHARD DIXON, C At Bsi CityV Repository, liarbican, THIS 'DAY, at i2 pr1cisaly, U PWA~x'11 : 4 ta o Lots of £IORSES, ol vai'iou1s !ilt~ itiuwilr~lCOithils, amtinoget which aie, several cepi- tUl hatr AI: rots in 'treat weight. sonic pdirh' of seasoned coazl% '&sa iii )dvhaitirle geldings, several exceeding fast trot- ters, a ri,k,bcr oC -c stdr-sit betaeshave bryn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R n~y-a A niubjirret .iei4, \'¢'cerailitnta-bssi'lge. thle g,-L i5F f 'it h;l. 'INK, M'r. COSGRiOVE, Mr. r ,iS ri 'Itil stcy Ot. 3, svill bepiesented realy par leie. nare lebrated Plioduiclion ofi 'rlIERU HE *, t . y , go tilro irmligh his wNnderfil Performances (lbl E rvtxh e 1lJll ffirs (fin this night o0lly) will go ',,- ,,i . . I [ C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W:ANTS A P'LACE. ASBAIP1F, under a Gentlemian, a young, Man 31 *'. years of age, with a good character. Lettes directed-to XVW. }F. N. 17, Great Bell-alley, Coleman-street, W,4ill be at- : SAILES BY AUCTIO.N. * 'By Mr. RICHARD DIXON,: At the City Repository, Barbican, To-morrow, at 12 precisely, .TPWARDS of 10o Lotstof HORSES, of various %.Jdascriptioeis and colours, amiongst which are, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *, By particular Desire for this iiglht only. For the BENEFIT of Mr. COLLINS, FitUITERr.R TO THEt T1imAli tE. ROYAL AMPHITHEATRE, Westmninster-bridge. Under-the Patronage of their Royal 'Highnesses the Priuceif Wales and Duke of York. rrpHIS present'TU'E8DAY, for this Nigth only, J will be presented, a Grand Spesitacle (Written by Mr. Bradwvell) called, fhe CASTLE of OTRANTO: or, The igsantic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * SALES BY AUCTION. Ftee~oDweding -huse,-with Gardens and Land, albout 14 Acres, Hitthin; Herts. * BMe SXINKR DYZIrE and 06 '' 1 O-M g~tat1,ct Gairrbway's, ' * '0 .- y, e ThE3HrLD .ESTATF5, plea- AY&Vleligible REHL1ST E ''bier situtte rtt Clirits, contigjuois to thc Park, an tgreeabie cistAned frornl tite an iitket town of Hitchin,'in the co0nty of 1-erts- and.wifthisn 3 miles ,f Londrin; ...