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Advertisements & Notices

... In the Press, and in a few Days will te publisbed-, In Three Voluse'uA, lmo, embellisl)ed with elegant Pothaits of the Queen of France and Navarre, the Princess of Lam- balle, and Madamne.Buonapiarte, 'HE FEMALWE REVOLUTIONARY PLU- .'ITARPCH; colitaining Biographical, Historic:l, and Revo- lutionary.Sketchea, Charstcersand Anecdotes, &c. By the AOTIOa RoPf ' I Y. REVOl.U1ONARY PILUTARCH, and. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO PiRTSBA, HAnTS:.. TO IE SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRA .CT, MESSUAGE or DWELLING-HOUSE, 1A and good-accuolimrd Chandler's Shop, fituate and benig on the iveft fide of Harvant-ftreet, in Portfea afore. faid, next door to the Lord Vunecan's Hend, as the fame are ntiw in thc occuipationt of Mifs Martin, tenant at will. For toriber particu lars appl, to Mr. JOHN ItOtWELL, Attorney at Law, Gofport, isth ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FRENCH PUBLIC CHARACTERS. This Day is Publithed, ill S Vols. 12mo. vith Portraits of Moreau, PichegruJ, and the Duke d'Enghien. firlr TiThe Third Edition of b or HE REVOLUTIONARY PLUTARCH; -exhibiting ala T the imoft di'ftinguillied Characers; Literarv, Military, the and Poiltical, it the ?? of the French Republic. Iul!, The grveate part froin the origital information of aGentle- day man ...

Advertisements & Notices

... bsea r elc~pal. ?§, VigS t of ike YouNG RosCOVt, n g w SATELDAY, will be prefented, ?? D^Tragedy, called Is BARB AR Ob S A, hi GING OF ALGIERS. f l N/r, by the YOUNG ROSCIUS. Tow ~, ic will be added, Wg AGR>EABDE SURPRIZE. g veniflg, Oct 21. syill be prefented, loi The qjlortcal Play of - 7l eRiCHiARD TH-7IRD. . pe ?? ¢Rlsbrd, by the YOUNG ROSCIUSi.r fTIIE WVATERMAN, O R,- fs ;IEST 0F AUGUST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R. THOMPSON, SW-VopaN BROicER, Audtioneer and Aget for the Purchase or Disposal of Landed arid other Propcrcy, respedlfully desires perrnission to announce, that hse has ready fr general inspeclion and information, at his Ollice, 30, FIr-itoti- Ett~, LoN~ON-BRIOiDr, BOOKS of RE- CORD of itl1 SAL.ES, by puiblic Audcion or private Contradl; andl of 'all HOUSES to L.' in London and in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... This Day are publ'-bcd, in Two Volumes Q!t-arto, Frirc 31 ,9. f'i EFIPST'aol MS(SEOND PARTS o E11LA 1u rEPOENTAA or, TIhe DIVERSIONS ori II IP E Us . By J. TiOrN 'r'oo; Ac 3. Johu. son' N'o. : St. Pasil's Church-yard. 'Tih Sn' arc r'qnicsed t, svnUd their Receipts far the S s,'ad Volkinc (ps't to lyr. JolmS-an, wha vwill dtlivei thl . o~A to them v'i-ju at.a.y :,ddihionil charge ...

Advertisements & Notices

... M R. ROBERT ISAACSON ruspvectully informs the public, thesale (if Ete Esiate;, Abbcygatc- 1tkHs - lhwV St. Edzmjsnjld's, is ?? V Db'r MJ. ethii ?? 00. 7, 1803i AblI)EBI-hGI IT ' l'l VINE. A Meeding of ?? TrusteCs -of dI; Turnpike Road AICUkaing from the several parisI)CS of YoXford, d5xit5lihhiiam an*1 Benhall, in (ise County of Suffolk, to tsus town of Aldeborgh, iii tie 4' 'I Couny, wvill he ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - To -T 1ILLERSS. LACENMORE & Co. beg leave to re- B, I turn their grateful acknowledgments to their .fiends, for the numerous favours they have receivedi, ,and to requefi a continuance thereof. To plevert fimpolition, thty confider it. a duty. incumbent onl nthm to flate, that no other ?? has, nor ever had. any intereft whatever in any Patent for the making ,or improvement of BOLTINGJ CLOTHS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? andi Support of flie Puiic~ii esi~. - 1 ffly' mlid ekirhestl~, reqeested by ?? rerisknt in-or near Whitlsurie, fi' thel~ounty ol Duhrtin,: to resbt an: Atteiyptsaide byftk6,eeor of.that.Place, to enforce Pay- r~teitof aitbthi&df Sini.tent ,- .by.Tae:,o~f, sl~4ih~iasidcd within the Mgseetial' ~Kgl . thiercof, *which -1)e'lnanl -being. de~ieidii911egal,,. and 'irobaly totally wit.hiut j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3jUST ~1NT0rTh F'ROM\ ~ANIV1tCA.'F (FBein thilast Pu-hlicton- of tse'Deceasod Authnri) ET-TO T11B 1l3LE, in N~1ich tile ~v1 .irs~b~ls'~liachoccur in the Mcripittrts, ate aph tbeilieAlly ~iatrsged, with sacuntate references- to all the Bflooka pf~ thI~bld inod Nc iv eTcpiisent5; tle'igned to, facilitate the litudy of C lhe~insltab eReord P1. rice 5s. in boards. c 'a. Ntesom all? the Book% rif ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Royal ,iAMOi 511' catre, V. 9'caziastn:cl 1- For the B N .ti 1' F C '\IaSirs. EUlNSIDL, J U, nB UiR- \AI \ and BiUSSE! L jTlS p.- ;sent i'iily, G1- 4jtlh, 'aill -bi piresented T at hallf six precisely, ati eutiely ncws BalleD iyttDiV.I ttel'1t oll I,'cd !)v' Nlo!n Pi'erceror, Cailblt. 'I'ill NOvSE |GAY (,R T o nshich Nvill be addedl a ninoti 911ii ' grand hist. ricAChinscSpedele, Ch il ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEEKLY MARKET AT STONEHAVEN. '' ith fuggeftion of feveral refpcaable Cattle '1 Dealers, Corn Merchants and Farmers, Mr B.3rCLAY of Ury propofes to eftablifi.a WEEKLY MARKET, in the prefect market place of the New Town of Stonehavern, fimilar to the weekly markets . held in Ai lhinhlae and Brechin. ' I The firft m=rket day will be on Monday the 4th 4::y of November next ; to be continued every ...