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Hull, Yorkshire, England

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FHULL. eJ/Is: Laid O

... n. for Sale, &c. Fo r.ELSINORE, L(UBECK ?? (if therele 'Wtb r#zient draft of water) and KONIGS.BERG, The'- RANGER, Is ready tr taket ir God for the anhvo Ports, and tq fail withi convoy iboaat'the bithl. of Novcember. For ftirthler particutlats, apply to; : ?? JOHN JiALL Id EMMEW'. Hull, Oaober 26rh, r80,S. For ,EAM BD LW, 'JThe Pruffian Brig . MI4NERVA, * uTH MS' BODFIMAN, Mahier, . Is now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For the Xntid, Ckholi/r, Pser, and 'e D.ifrdere of' ?? rDA LBY's CAB MLNANiT IV - ' CAUTIOg. ) ANY -counteifelted preparation of this medicine lavitig heen bffered for Gle, Inder ipecious pretences, all ?? are requelled not r( take any unlefs they obferve, tthat. the nare t F. Niewhry, N0. 45, Sr. FauI'r is engraved ir the Ilamp, and that in the bill of dre~hions bour)g each bottle isoan ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - To -T 1ILLERSS. LACENMORE & Co. beg leave to re- B, I turn their grateful acknowledgments to their .fiends, for the numerous favours they have receivedi, ,and to requefi a continuance thereof. To plevert fimpolition, thty confider it. a duty. incumbent onl nthm to flate, that no other ?? has, nor ever had. any intereft whatever in any Patent for the making ,or improvement of BOLTINGJ CLOTHS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ± i L'~'tzd ?? for'Sale, &c.' 'Foo RIS9UNVRAEr and LURfECKYTOU'M e . . I;lie 3. CANC HES TE i , -,,xSI gflhIL5 M~tlF.rr ?? t - ?? lieu af the AvOIa, ?? arrived) g lnend6J eo & iI .v-ith eoripof eapeaed iabeut the e 1- l zth of Odcober. -. C 47Apply to, e- P J HALL tr EMMETT. n Hutl, Odsber r, ta8oS For STIETTVI svd LIEBAU,. -- ;. The Papenburg Hoy. . Q Mis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CORDIAL BALM or GILEAD .4fidavit of Mr. Y. BROOM, Downed, near B, T WAS long troubled with a nervous co J.plains, accompanied vith greattrembiirg wes, nefs, debili:y. and lownefi of fpilis, and whr converfed with a fiiend, tears irrsolrntarily gi fromn my eyes. Thus I became emaciated an4 ' reduced, as not to be able to walk into my own den, or f&arcely flard on my feet- was with a. bad cough ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _1UE S D A Y, 0 C TO1B 8, 1805. I x SrENCE - X PRINTED and PUBLISIED by R'OBtR.T -PECK, in SCALE-LANE, HULL. ADVFRTI TEMPNTS .nd. O RS for this PA'.Pu, are received 1v the ref;eaive B00k(, at, the Poft-ogfces, &C. &c. in every towp: and by, MeWTi. TATL&W and-NaWhRC, Printers' Agent, -gNo. s, WarwickkSquare, NewaeFStreet, LorNov; lt may be feei every`_fr1lVednj, -at Peele's and New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !ror . , cIan, KU.LL LEITI1 SApping C&M7 pay rofi: | NgevO G ?? VLG:E and . : raw-.t -r L~ISrC~' i - rtre | - ?'jAMES CAMPpEII,, Maflr, ' 'i e And ts expcflrtd- ofaii'isll ?? nshO DS r c frloitu tO, bedor. .1 at . >Britain, by. thel Cormpany's. vdeis, the asand for Glafgow qand, the-Wefllupoin: ba ?? terrms of 'freigljt as if,ifint direr2 of^to Grangernouth or Port-Dnrdas ?? . T he Comr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Gv;£ERAL INFIRMARY, HULL, SE PTEJIBER 27, 15. ' f R-rPRzr G.ENERAL BOAR!) of AL lR-TSoTEES, 'will k held here ot .Euj+05D) OCTOBER 3, at ttweve afthe Cio04 -By Ordr, g iO N HIwCSON, ili1 lf LYjING-IN CHA ITy. G Gw:FRR,?L WUAR7'R. rr Mx.EV 4 t e TRUvR ET for t, Z ' f j i >1y GHIRIf r, 'will he held -at the firniarq on Friday the 4tth day of 00ober, at Z2kve a.CIocA. By Order. WMSS. JEFERSONV, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W1Th-'LETON. . .To be LET, d enfrtrd ?? a Mal s ihxa or 't plea frs' -. A TiOLSE, widt a Ih o 'lT itable and a en adjoihg the fame 1futable for aIgn. sttt forimd . . , ,, r rrtictutlrS, inqnite of Joh`t SmitlX cltonA $,ptembcr r8th, ?? . - 'w NURSEY &LR - - THOMAS RG INS $,iURSERY ASN SEzDS MX N, FlSHERCGATE, YORK -- all Sorts of Gard1oen Sees,- ;t aid-, ;)F-ref Trees, Ever- ;reen ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BR' WSTER SESSIONS.. TowN- and LiniEmRT1 ES of BR VEuLEY I7 the COUNTY . YORK. HATOtfe i3 bercbp gin, r S HAT the AcGI-SMR4TEs oill hold ther - 1 S7SSIOPJS, fr th GEN;EER.AL LWRCN^7SCrG ef IANAgEErERs vitohin ?? and Liberties fBF[IERLEr, on Thurfiday the 7th day of p~t7vember next, at ten O'dochr in the ftrenoon - l,;en anad ?? al perfin i- ztnd t ap Jr h reewal teir Lice , MO come pre- epred ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - Dr. Briodui'nts ?? to Certain -ProoF of the fuperior eff tes Dr. BRODUM's MEDICN 7 o ?? Which is acknowledged nr only by fur sie apothecaries, but by many err t edr Lord ROBCRT STEPHEs' N FITZOEKAL hh he Envoy Extraordinary at the Court of D i attefts the following reflimonly or It is not alone that the fil 1t miedical 'en. Ls, land have acknowlcdged tlhe'excellence of D i'te duma.! ' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VO TfE Lus-rr jxnD PFl. TIFUL Umss -. 7i dlusion to soine Partuc?'ship in a Lotterg Share. 1.MP7{o i1 '7 r. IN wedlock a species of nltirv lies, Wherv iii Wlanils ond iin ovoos. we deal; 3st Low ?? it, tbat von such a plkiful rire, Shsoild sci long have rruain'd in the whecl. If ever, by Fortune's indulgent decree, To Ine such a ticl:et ?? roll, A suixtacth, lleavI linns, were slllficiont for ...