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Advertisements & Notices

... 'A CARD. 'o tA , Parishionec* and' Inrabitants of the Parishl of AIlierstlhe. z. in1 s /iSD GOI L:r4~~itr~s, T EU'1S YGU!GS, .;impr4d ?? of gra- L titide for tier mrany Favors he has already received ,nt lie I nihabitatits ot the P..t ilh, requefts their accept- atict at lis thanks generailv, and particularly thofe of the Paritlioners, who have by thitcrnirts anti Friends, kindly effered to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCtION. Neat FURNITURE, MUSICAL INSTFRUMENTSPl 'rS, EIc &..By Mr. WULLOIi ; On the Premises, iHIS and following Day, st r2, by Order P. -of flie Executors, By 7r]At necat HOUS5EHIOLDF:URiNITIJRI, iiid I .J vata hers late house, No.0 , on the north isle of Curzon-streetj '0ay. Fair ; consisting ef gdoil beds andi.beddibg,tralsogany-*articles tfu in chx~ijes. *vardtobess'draweirs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EtxETER.Tufanet -OR SALE by atliaion, on IIIdynet the 31 of I)eceirbet, and ?? day, at MNs. L the 3, ' e eteel HOUSE- lIOLD GOODs iind FUVIVNTURtrK cornprirl*g a nea~t ?? jilli~dg-roofn1 parlour, bd-foam, and ktcben tetjil ; c at el Oeven o'cl o balo tobcgill day IATANED a CHILD's MAID. A Ileady rcipec-kablu woman, who has been accuiturned to Voting children ; and a FOOTMAN, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED- a cAcHMA~T; j ive i spedable familj,,a fewmiles frons townvx.. J-ieqnlit hot ObjedI to work his horsel Occasionally art thefarm, -widthisis all in, grass, zndito ni~ke himself useful on thle premise4.. A Mar'- nred manw6uld not be objcidled to-in whiclic isethey tv~,ouhdf's. ~iie in the lodge, at a distance from the house; -and it would be to a~deservinig touple! a desirable situation. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -- fs . N'>st ?? Ifl . Um~erstarid~fihW'Fat2 tht &Sr 21 tt W~t^ L Ne'wcestle lavet - lown, to set onl Foot a hi;ss.r tftbic a i-dt 4, Vide jablhjed at loi a q i Q tp raenttatd Relief of th.i: ,e - inl the b~efen8e -of their Conttaf. as ae a t'hr tt$ Iing thei2 Ustea ot tr. dCi-iL r ii'uka siit.4 nus Naval& ViiC'tSSa2, ran -an Liu 2 Libeity of i*c10'estinng vtiU to- ca a gu ,p Inhabitant,, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SUfiG EiN jS t 'I'F h ROYAL NAVY. --IlFiRE beimg a/t the Lis. of Noezs Surrgcans, the Li SC 'tf 'Of Zyj tr'ove !C! Jrrveri, Ji as to Ieconlc wotirled o ci'r, Ca mrffrsers -c Sicek srd 5rsrndcrt s inen do &1. z b: give mticc, uIhat, anl.Js Jioie Per ?? present 'ttronrjel'resr orE pl 1'to. OrJ;tf rv.e 8t-a's of tdeir irabiit.y to djoJc, be- tv to ?? aef ie pri-re I rear, their Nrelrrs wiril ?be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- : 3MtCH4AMBE.RLAIN, Midtfcr, retlurns5 ,iThanks or the t'awtors he has received in btrflurie, and baving refigned the erare to Yrdr. STRtOUD1 seuefta ieavt C to recommnend him *ri his Friends ?? WILLIAM STROUD begs to the VV Public, that ?? taken to the b:,finefa of Mr. Chaunberlain, Maltfler, Old Rope Walk;, Portfea, the frrne will be carried on there as ufu. l, where he hbpes tf a receive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Widow pf the late WLrLvi.AMs Ro)3jesoN, UpHarofIt and ClsrEir MaoEaj, in e flih Street, RETURNS her monll &ateful lhaniks to the J ?? and City for the manv Favours con- ferred on her late HIufbaid ii h'is Bit.fipefs, and begs' Leave to ?? a Contixnuacse o the fauime for herfetf anld Fisamily. O7xfscl Nav. I, si>O5. To Stasge 111JOe.s, kayeJrs, Stabk Keepaers, &C. moh he SOLD) by ;AUC'TION, by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, by a Young Man in Prief's Orders,-A CURACY. Letters, Poft paid, dire~fted to Rev. the A. B. at the Poll Office, Tewkel- bury, will be attended to. J OHN BYI1ELD, late of Loudon, te- fpedlfully acquaints the Rev. the Clergy, Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, that he teaches MUSIC, DRAWING and ETCHING, and TUNES all KEYED INSIRUMENTS. Reference at Mr. Pike's, Holywell, Oxford. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NIUSIC RCOM, OXiORD, xov. X3, 1805. iFIRST and Si..CQND CONCERTS 1^ he prefnut Sbfcription will be on Monday 1n the r sth and 2th Inftant for ?? i. ARRISON and Mrs. VAUGHAN, as Vocal ,are alteady engaged. F v'l~w ilh to become Sulbcribtrs are requelled ccd their Names-to the ufual Places before the 6ANTED.-5001. in one Suum, or in V feveral Snilt', ON A MUOST [NEXCEPTIONABLE tRITy, guarapteed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *SALES BY AUCTI YN. 'Vaissabis. Re6lory, Staiffrhslsira. F B~y .Tiers-r SKNINTER, YKE-asad Co). on Tarec-lay nleat, ait T fl,'~ock, ait Garraway's; HEu Perpetui-l Advnwsean and next Presentation to',O T the Redt'ssy oU thef Plarishl of Chieclkley, Situate in a rich and ferti vllc 1kv si thel Onainty' of' Stafford, four miles from .' Ciseadle ansd five from Uctottiter; consistinsi of a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1XTANTS EMTPLOYME79Tr, a PATTERN DRAWER in the CAL.ICO PRIN't INC LINE; -iy Person in want olacc Saucbreut, that will .-dd.ess a line to Al. C'. No.gS, Clhapel-Micld, Soeth Lamribeth shallbe Waited oron. ANTS a sITUTATION, as CLERRK to ant,. VV J.-louse of rspectability, a yoLing Man in the coumtry, about zo, 'Who has had a liberal Lducatior and rnot long lett school; security wvill be' given, ...