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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... - o - * - ---r ?? - the h ;te- ' 0 AB1IkCORN BRICK WORK) - j' there' -of- * ?? 0 ' Portlello 'l nan *UNTR & CO. continue to Manufadure and Sell, floor , upon the moft reafonable terms, at the above No. I ahn Work, the following articles: confif mues ?? r: ' Commqon Brick Aricles. room Common Brick. . 'n wout 'maving Tiles of all dimenflons. - Lof Flue Covers for Hot-houfes. p ,by Tiles'and. ...


... IORITY of the TEMPLE LANDS _L of SCOTLAND, formerly belonging to the *nights Templars,and Knights of St. John of Jerufalern, (and which rernainedwith the E~ouourable John Hamil- to4 at his deathw compsehenddng the fisperiority of a great many lands in diferent Cotti ties, and the Superiority of feverai Houfes,- in the old t 'wn of Ediburgh and other towns in Scotland, either in whue i or in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... s1pmptc Q-CUs,' ?? COLLIcCE S . . ?? Tspreent Dec. 16. 180. f Wll be prefdiited another - *,NGE OF. ENTERTAINMENTS. - I b parumrs for the-ir& time, a favourite D ANCE, In the courfe of which, IRS PARER1 AND MR CRO0SMAN --,,deco fevecril Reels, -Flings, Stratffipeys; &c. mderet aftonifiniug Feath of Strenglltl ?? ~-of the, ' b FLEMISh HERCULES. 1i t0olude with the faveorfte Pantomime of o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Published. a P OR'T -R AIT O_ THE LATE PROFI;SSOR ROBSDB N s N ENGRAVING of a PORTRAiT of the late k JOHN ROBISON, LL.D. Profeffor of Natural Y Philofophy in the Uniierfity of Ediblisg, - &c; by an y Eminent Ar~i1 in London, from a Painting-by. Mr RA EsB rxN , is this day Publihediand. fuch as Are deurous nof having Copies may le previded by Mr Marnoch, Carver arid Gilder, Prince's Street ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ch , et s~lher snigost .g~rat~ful~acicnowvedhments MtA ,-in . the .benesolene con~p~antvh patronized the Bat i ce- for the benefit of herself and her children on Thurs- of day ast. She bas no words: to express her sense hi, of h1ndne~ s which she has miperkenced under n- her JreTens affliction She shall never cease to pray for the. kbessiil,, of db1 cn lihse -.ho so charil- ikl talv exerted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : .OUSA'\I^ d>E 'GK ^TEA ?? '1HAT Elg-xd puibdosHUE o 2.ff Inorth £ide of Georve Srteet:; which lbelouged to, ?? arid was poffeffed by th~e lae -Mn~s Hiyjof Leys, wiith ie back ground, coach-houfe, and ftables.: ?? ' - App]7 ti Jmiies Thomfin, W.S. North Calile Street. .Ban -TO 3E SOLD S7' ,4- public roup, within the Royal Exchange Coffee- E e ?? on Thurfday the 2Md day of Jainuary hext, at- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EBO 'FJR. -ELP & .i rHE-C oUN3rY. ,, - - ; - . ~ed'fI~7c' Liea-iZaden,: - ' .; (- l: ';~DeteeiibartSL6S. ?? EXE-I lDlRE:CTORS of yiO' ,, ~ ,> iaiving conflidered-thp very heaive'xpenfe, agd thenu- 'Nheroes injonve niqc~es attending 'the,eablilhment of .1 - Agentaesjw and b'eing defirous to devife fome ao'de of leffrinig- the c~gdes of bifuraiiee to perfons refident£n thfe- country^-wvstniut0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , fi JUST ARLIVED FROM BOURDEA:, f t ER1 -NCi PLUMS in boxes, hal bores, adquar- 1 .ter boxes.- -Alfo, COMMON PAUNES in ?? be fold on mo- derate terms by CHAS. COWAN & CO. r et5, Vce. sii; '1805 ?? ?? k A CAPITAL HUNTER FQR SAEJ s AGREY GELDING, ring fevner years oldbtby r AGRelpine oit of a tlorough bred rmare. He is e- r qual to carry'1 4 hone, J capital lunter, and a high- and eool leaper,; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FOR RHEUMATIMS Rtheumatic GozztLumbagQo, Numines, Palsy .&c. THE following recent inftances of the efficacy of r T WHITEHEAD's ESSENCE-OF MUSTARD - are publilhed, at the requeil of the parties, for the bene- - it-of others. Six-! have beenfubje& to very fevere Rheumatifms,L which at length increafed fo much, that for two months, a before I had recourfe to your celebrated Effence of a, Maftard, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .p~rxoo5;SEb T H E QIEEN, /U D JogIt ROYALiOGSsE: RJNCE & PRINCESS OFWP4LES }r AiN EILLZ-tGTON ND kOscIUS, MISS LEE SUGG, (647y Six 21ears {> Ae} .lo.ilitv' Gentty, athd the Public-in general in rJE5* burgland its vicinity, are inthe ioftre- r4snner inforned, that the above f~ C111LD'S SONGS& cRECITAITIONS ithoured i the higheft marks of apprdbation aeh jnfie, at Corri'son Tuefday Evehing. At ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INU. THE WIDOWS ' ORPHANS thore brave M¢en, who fell in the late Glorious OfNSGA.t6.EIMNT OFF TRAFALGAR. derto pay a tribute of gratitude to departed va- ID for the benevolent purpofe of alleviating the , j .ju! relaeives of thofe brave men that have the glorious 211A of OdLober, -nder the im- in the ?? under *D, g^AD SvcAOAN, the Managers of the sw@mpic circuo, COLLEGE STREET, t their duty to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE LATE VICTORIES If OV;iETHE COMaBINED F.LaETsOr FRANcr AND Edkilurgb, Mercanjt .il, Dec. 15. 1805. t UBSCRIPTIONS received in confequence of the S Refoltitions paffed at the Meeting of the principal Inhabitants of this City and its Neighbourhood, held' upon the 2sth day of November laft :f FOlIthe BX R PL wf14h* B.LATIONS o ' - iLose. braze Men who have fallen in the late NAVAL EN- ...