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Advertisements & Notices

... CO C KING; hrr Ibe fought, at the CooetPrT, Oxford I during the Races,-The Third GREAT MAIN of Cocks, for TEN GUINEAS a Battle, and TWO HUNDRED GUINEAS the Main, between the GentleZmen of Oxfordlhire and Berkflire.-To begin Fighting at Ten o'Clock. EATON and FISHER, Feeders. - 7ANTED immediatelyA refpedable VI'/ yoUNG MAN, as Shopmnan, in the Grocery Bnllnefs. An undeniable Charad'cer 'will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7JANTFID A CLERGYMAN, to ofliciete as Reader in the Parils Church of Ludlow, in Shropihire, to consmaerce at Midl'ummtr ?? ParticTilars, as to Duty anid Salary, apply to Mr. Baxter, Town Clerk, of l;udlnv. MIAN' 'lklD,-A flead' YUUiNG .NIAN ] v of light Wc i'ht, to I-funt a Pack'of Harriers in a Down Country. Hoe muft be a ghood Shot en d 'underfland B3reaking of Dos ior the Gun. - I-e will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *Pvrarad 'Cburcoalt ad Qttcentraied V.ultionof Chiarcoal. ?? i)N ?? Chemiff to their' Rbyal C 'Highioeffees thi b)uke arida Duchefs of York, begs re'fj'e.a'ully'to `niorrni t le -Gentlemnen of the. Univerfity alh'd tffie Itiabitants a Oxford, Ind its Vicinity, who Ihav' onoured hi'n by the U'e of his PRFPARED CI',tAIROA, th-at h'e'has put-chafed a Recipe for r-endersi- CIHARCO4T SOLUBLE, which ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAME-KEEPERS, CSAMVE-K CAme-X-1Sk erj :e,-Na . ?? Nf of 2arsg. t Nam-e of Lord or Lady. A'atRToNJ. (o.Wighshill, 'Duke of Marlborough. Alderton, J. jun. Yarzstor artd Begbrooke, 'Sir H. W. Daiawcoa, Bart. Band, William-, S buthleigh, Stanton Wyard, & Sutton, Humphrey Sibthorpe, Efj. BTflett, Henry, tffl Bartn- W--- Willan, Efq. Baker, rhomas, urnr's Court, William Bullock, Efq. 'ftlon, Francis ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lan. OneiHalf t t itgi o'idj SOMERYCLE -- olthe Aicrs i ying oin Land. , r tl lt h~se Mll ?? o len of extra n long celebrated ?? all ?? Iyn ?? ?? Valelt aG Ife not isPOE of byf,, lri^ , 1C~ztd N06 ;` Mie and nodlficlat~ awhich t a a Norticgee vi b ve thi Lhor by ftatcthe , L 7di E e. avotr ?? a ready tlls Severnl 4te anc- Im ie Po * its w rodill b, tust ail hithe been ath ren -licd eiti ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THPLNOBILITY, &c. Gentleran, wiho has had the Advantage. A of an Un rfitrt and Military Education, with ,fome Experienc~e in the U'or~ld, and a~n Opportunity of digefting~it ?? is-alfo tolerably verfed in nodern Literature, and not unacquainted witlk the AncientsN vwould, be happ~y to devote his Ta- lents to the Service of 'fome Nobleman or Gentleman, as Tutgr, either travelling or domeftic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE ceMebrated' An Ess GEN' L I'ON, 'for the Cure df Sdotbutic Eritioios, Cdarfenefs Rednefs, Pimples, &c. on -the Face; Hands, and Neck, is the only Rrnedy for effeaually clearing the Corn- - plexion, and removing aU Difeafes of.the Skiti.. When the all-powerful Cha'rms of our Fair Coun- trywomen are, capable of ftimulating the Breafts of Youth to noble EDterprife and laudable Purrluits, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OXFQRL~sI~ - GA,1 ~.u r ?? Fo I D. s;. -: -: G At .ff 0 ( . .14 ?? CE-dGMEPU LIST of PtRSONS to whom CERT Fgm.fgr of 3L s;egranted under the Ais dfche 25th and 3 of GIORGF the Third. 2VrnZc and5 Place: of A6db o d | amy and 7.PIees Ef Aftda.: - ti Me 'Pt - 3A3, A. Arbftt, Jonathan, Lewt. B. Brown, Rev. Wjiliam; Oxford. Blake, Nathaniel, Hampton Pyl je. Baffett, John; Stantnm St. Jr;hh. 4,. Jnr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oxford, A4pril s, 8x B HifE NINTH and TENTH CONCERTS j , the prefent SUBSCRIPTION will be on dfday the 3!th of April, and Thurfday the Ift of May, the particulars of which will appear in next Weeks'1 paper. oFORD) CANAL NAVIGATION. OTICE is hereby given, That the Half Year's Intereft on Loan, due the 5th, will be fid on turda the t9th Infant. ?? Order of the Committee, J. DUNSFORD, Clerk. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . INSOLVENT DEBTORS. e NO ICE: is hereby given, That his Ma- . N jefty's Juftices of the Peace will, at the next Ge- ; neral Quarter Seflions to be holden at the Town Hall, L. in Reading, in and for the County of Berks, on Tuef- 6 day the Seventh Day of Odlober next, carry into Exe- cution an Adt paffed in the laft Seffilon of Parliament, . intituled, An A61 for the Relief of certain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FT, be SOLD by AUCTION, by T, T STONE, at the Swuan Inn, in Thaume. Oxford- .hire, on Tuefday the 7th Day of Oalober, j8o6, at Two ?? following FREEHOLD ESTATES, at Thame aforefaid. LOT L.- A neat Brick and Tiled Safhed Dwelling Houfe, pleasantly fituated at the Top of the High Street, in Thamne; comprifing Two Parlours, a Kit- chen, Three good Sleeping Rooms on the firft Floor, Two Garrets, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... id CALVES. CORDIAL. A Certain Cure for the Scouring of Calves, :h A OxcA, Cowrs, Sheep, Pigs, &c. cauling them to as thrive and fatten fooner, is again recommended to the Attention of a-f i Geenemen, Farmers, Grazcrs, &cc. id By the following Teftimony, fent to the Proprietor and his Agents, and fandtioned by the fijat Agriculturiis in g the Kingdom. at GENTLEMEN, Pleafe to rend me per to ...