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Advertisements & Notices

... *h A~izSpriltSo.' 0 V TjHURSDA Ytht .zt2iftank , ,e, i tet-o'ek' n, ir tre Foirentcn, I Prf al be rezrdy, to fe/ to re bigir . kidder, in jo 'eral Lots, 1bf ahdermncrircietid 9yantitits of OLD C STAVES, HEADINQ, IRON 1iI)OPS, &c. lying in biis 6 Afajefly's Cooperagc ?? Weesvill, near Gvpar t, where any. Perfon inclit.r al to pwrcbafi,' nay bave the ihberry of aviewing the fame, in tbe common ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TR w NI 'O1(T~l'tC'L; , V' , - ?? C od Cil£idY of PJrisntrri's of ?? do herrehtgev natice, that they wiet be ready, at this Office, on T halasdair the 81h of Jroallnr1q, 7SOi, to r'ceive soened Tender's, wid treat alith saurA Persons as wlst hbe 2itting to Contrnit l ur suilppllyng the tudernivetioned Articles, Jlir the servicr of the Roajsl Hlospitat at li1nrln, frun thle Ist. Iobtsaarle, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S aEX. d TO BE SOL1D BY AUCTION, 'O : By Mr. BARTLETT ; ''0n ThrfdaYthe pl 5 tof July.. zo6, at twelve o'clock, at the Royal Osa, Eaftwittering, I :tHE fifflowingFr'ehllld, Leaifehold, antl.Copy, t hold Eftates, with immediate poi'effion, late the pro. ?? Mr. George Gadd, dteceared: Lot x. AFREEHOLD FARM, called Longlandocon- taining So acres, rnore or lels, of arabie, meadow, and paf- tore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OFFICE F }OR- siC AND WOUNDED SEAMI5EN, tatE ricemr.Sr, . !j 7 HE Cotnmmis2soe'rs fir 1ea iag Cr re of Sick and I $3- rt 2202022', ?? ?? ?? ?? '2 t0 weery l=8/ile ?? ?? -c Jeo~. 'vs n Vri'ol.a 21,2t St! f1 ) ?? y :!St, at th}in 03/roe, ia7 | ?? , eisoc;* ore:.,fTrs, :.2e ?? e.t oie so k Ptos 7so .s r:t b, 'tr r to rstrot; t rlbrv t :!n .1 2:.: t r 2ted 2.2, for tb: RU'2 rfo'i. Ry ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIAN !j), la flladv Man, as a Portr, .Et. V quire ot' Mr. Irelind, St. Gen:ae',, SI uare, oios' W xTANTrE1. N:mediatel v, :a grrni COOK, in V V a fmiall Fabinli; 0hlec ?? huntie ?? her bufinefs wel. Apepls to he irrtitcr. 5VANTED, tno gnod BASKET MAKERS, AV who can turn their hands to eithrr wh;te or brown ?? to Mr. Stevens, tog, Hih-Bftret, Portf. nra th. Tr p'oach-'iniths. -VlTANTET), a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' JROM Colonel RIDDELLExmouth,, Dvon rLfhire, to MelT. Ching and Butler; Cheapfide, London: Gentlemen,-.Iaving leen many honourable teftimonies of the efficacy of Ching's Worm .Lozenies, I was induced to make trial of them i for, from a 2,2 years refidence in the h EafR-Indies, I had for a long time been fubje;t to a liver complaint, and violent bilious obftrutlions; to remove which, every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T HE HAMBLEDON HUNT RACES are fixed for the 6th of May, on Soberton Down.-w Thle 1iorfec to hart at eleven o'clock. Te V. 1rHE Gentlemen Farmers within Mr. Powlett's pva T. Hunt, are refpeafully informed, that Mr. Powlet's a v. Cup will be run for on Soberton Down, on Tuefday the 6th day of May, by Horfes or Marcs, who havt never- Itarted, paid, or received Forfeits (bona fide) the property or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? - ._ - , 1 - ?? ijl . Ae'ine- Residence, BifgAton. in TO BE SOLD BY AtlCTl&ON he By Mr.: ATTREE, e, OuThurfday, May t9, ISQ6, at the Old ShipTare,- as ling Win, at 12 o'clock. rof' Fx AMIL Y: HOUSI' ?? nt A.tfituatt d athe south end of the Old 9teync, Brish- of tons commanding ark cxtentive view-ef the ea, down,, and le faftlionable walka, and within a Awrt diltan e of t41t Li. a' brrnes, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7-HESE are to gtvC nSDtiCC, thatftjoe this tilne uttil Tbharfdy tbe 30tb of this month, Trnders (fJeald tp) quill be receiad at my #ice, from Ji..b Perfons as mny be itcina. lJ to inake ?? out of Canvafs from returned Coarfes and .,pjoi/o;--eobic Tenders on that day noiW be tranfmitted to the Y.,;ry Board, for their cofyderariom. The Carnvaft is to be crt out. P. tbh yard, and fisinmped qith ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O7 U\-D, ?? -ell Cilcliroitwr Harbour & pII- .A read a' fut~r-mrci 'tA\V L, vvith no naime ; (he is~ icirnker built, Itrs a whitc bolttom vvith red infice, three fait thwarts, an bout :6. feet long, Apply tu W. S4xtorn, AtRAH CAVEF, Wvidow of Aitral~am Cave, i. S Pritrr, At N*. 32, Droad-lb ret, Point, bcettlaveS to acquaint her lrit:rnds, arrlti the I'tublic in grnacral, thlot fjve intmad, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... an n. c- ORnt disorders oxf the head, dimnefis of fight, de- ,. Fed of hearing &c.-The CORDIAL CEPHALIC e. S.NUFF. As a proft of its efficacy, Mr. Rechab Thorn, ir, of Itchen-Stoke, Hants, writes, in February, i8go, to the .n Proprietors as follows:- I am now 74 years old, and can b, fee to read with common glaifes, and my memory is as ot good as when I was only 18. In July, 1776, (29 years ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To Tsomnas Taylor, Esq. No. 9, New Bridje-ftreet, London. , NCWOURZnD SIR, . dinburgh, Maich, 18, I3O0. BEGJ jeave to inforin you, that ever fitpce the year 790, I hvC ?? ?? the lues veuerea; %ibiich, foi its oblitinacly retilin, cvr iy courle of. medi- chic prefcribed bythe! moftcatinent ot the laculty here,rind udergoing feveral levere ?? of (sit`ation, aud twice dilfharged froin the ...