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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... OX FORD. TO be SOLD, or LETT for a Term of T Years,-A very commodious Houfe, with a neat Garden, fituate in New Inn Hall Lane, containing a Veftibule, Parlour, Dining Parlour, handfoome lofty Drawing Room, a7 Feet by x9, with an appropriate Number of 'Bed Chambers, Dreffing .Rooms, Light and Water Clofets. The Cellarage is excellent, and the Dorneffic Offices are particularly convenient. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHROPSHIRE. 'O be SOLD by PRIVATE. CONTRACT,- TI he MANOR of ASHFORD BOWI DLER, .co-extenfive with the Parifh, with divers valuable Freehold Eftates, Tithe free; comprifing Two capital Brick Manfions, with fuitable Out-Buildings apd Offices, and about 360 Acres of rich Meadow, Paflure, Orrcharding, and Arable Land, of the annual Value together of about 7501 in Afford aforefaid, within a Ring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For tie Benefit of Credhtar.- j3 he sOLD by AUCTION, by Meflrs. CHURCHILL and TURNER, on Saturday t the 15th Day- of March, a 8o6, at the Ang-e In, Fe5'ford, at Three ?? in the Afternoon,_All lat defirable FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, th a oaid Slaughter Houfe, Cow Pens, Stabliog for qix NHrfes WVafh Houfe, Granary, and other Out- pjijdirlgs; Two Gardens and Orchard, -vell planted w.ith thriving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABINGDON. WEST STH-ELEN;' STREE7. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,. T Thofeveryextenfive FREEHOLD PREMISSES, in the Occupation of the Proprietor, Wms. LANCE, Woolftapler and Worfied Manufacourer, who is going to remove to Grove, near Wantage; confiting of a Dwelling Houfe, containing a large Cellar, Hall, Two Parlours, Back Kitchen, Shop, Three Sleeping Rooms, and Two Attics. The Out-Buildings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEEKLY REVIEW OF BOOKS. On Saturday the 20tb oh )`e ara, 'will La.p[lyZed, No. 1. (to be completed in Eight Weekly Numbers, Price 2s. 6d. each) Of HE ANNUAL REVIEW, and Hillory of Literature for 1805. A. A I K I N, EDITOR. Contents of the Finrt Chapter, the greateft Part of which will be comprifed in the Firft Number: Bruce's Travels, Dr.-Griffiths's Travels, Lindley's Voyage to Brafil, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cbarlbary' Witney, WoXdjock, En/4ls*e, and Great Tetv ?? TURNPIKE ROADS. NJOTICE is hereby given, That a Meeting IN of the Truftees of the above Turnpike Roads will be held at the Bell Inn, in Charlbury, in the County of Oxford, on Friday the 21ft Day of Feb. next, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon.-Alfo, that the Tolls arifing at the under-mentioned Gates will be LETT by AUCTION, to the befr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LL Perfons indebtcd to the Rftate and EI:cfvls of the late Mr. GEORGE GROVE, of. Bamptoni, in the County of Oxford, Ba:ker and Meal- man, and fince his Deceafe to Mrs. MORSE, hi5 )augflhter and Atlminiftratrix, are hereby required to pay the fame either to Mr. Marfe, of B-m-pton, or Illr. Higgons, of Black Bourton, in the County afore- faid, without further Delay: And all Perfons to whom the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT KIDIINGTjO`. NEAR OXFORD. T° ~~FT 't EI1,wit ifininediate.Poffefflon ,-r A mftf DESIRASB9E COUNiiiRY RESI- DENCE, calculated for'the Reception of a Gentleman as with a fimall Family, where Comfort and. Consveniencit 1 have been particularly. confidered, the late Proprietor-I having completely fitte'ditp the Honfe for his otrsn Ufe, which confifis of' a Veftibule, exceedingg-ood Bfeakfift 'I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e *.)VO2BLEWEAr, GAN'TZRMEY, Lt9PG2-) and `IkEE-rIO;DLERS of the County of Oxford. ?? onte the VA RDER ERSofd tze *t . 1ryq of hfflicbwoed, in this Cou nty,. htving ?ecome ' acaniby the Dealb of RICIeeAnD GorvGES FAOTTIPLACE, Itahe the Liberty of of'ring pntfeif a Candidate to fucceedhim, and ?? the Honour of your 'otes and .Diterej] fin the Day of fle~iwz, wbiwb the Sberlff has fteed to ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BI)RNIINGI HAXM FREX O C js GI-IiiO SrrE5T, BIR, 7UACM, Fo. vtn/h~ r t asnde oter BuaI~fds, areosfiar, zn . ,, THE ODir&ors of' r t/t 2 , . fith a ]ie'e4rSeniii of tra- .iue ?? difin.'h - ~ ~~~ith ,Which l vhv en r'-rxiendsank t thejr 5 apd; heg t-o inform; thofe; wlfe. inlfuraces become Idue ?? next1 that printed Receipts, for the, Renewal thereof, are ready for De.livery by the re- fieffive ...

Advertisements & Notices

... °9Vfm-,!1X-;I -e Girme' CrtXieiCte.. mHIS N6tice is give'n, That GANQE CER- T TlFICATiES are nowv iihuig at the Office of the Clerk of the Pcace for this County, at the 'rown 'jiall, in, Uixford',where Attendance is daily gi~e'rr frohi' Nrine till Tlree ot'ClrIt. The Clerk of the Peace fiids it neceflarv again to repeat thlat no Certificates will be filled up without a De,pofit of the Duty, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED,- A very affive and foher fleady : MAN, iunder the Age of forty-five Years, as Gamekeeper. I-le mnufl perfL. ctly underftand birealeing of Dogs, preferving Gaine, antl deltroying Vermin. He mnuf be of ?? Characrer, and he .well recoinmnei ded from hris lat Place, wherein he muft have lived at leadt twoYears. Allo wanted,-A handfuame ftrotig and particularly fafe and quiet GAI.O-WAY, ...