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Advertisements & Notices

... WitANTED, . rlg 11 r bl~sm Dter ?? i grc * HF I&&J~ OPDF LC I~i~;CE. ; dieR I 11il, /or the Liberties of Holland Irr lcir Il iulianid & Atiow, in thecounty !, uic r byears or during thie War, ire i n b rrni anpprnvedl by tile Receiving Oflicer l 1uiiielaCnd if willjin to cntigage br iflitiuitted ?? seill be intitled to a ftrtber bounty mj i r le, ahing in theC v, liole '\'ELNTY- Ir S rby ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *.C}IESTERFI I5 kRACES 1806. GOLD CUP, lt Serihbet of ?? Guinial each, tt A if above Twot!t Sibfecribet!, thre C.ur to be Oxa s ,uNliaRD GusNSa. Xveue, aiudlthe Reiiainder to be paid to lihe Winner in SSj)~.-Te ?? po Rbce.-Three 'Yeair old to carry .6fit. 31b.,-Four Years -,4 old, Y7L'7h._ivo Years old, 81L 3lb.-Six Yeairs. old, ci 8Gl. 2lb--Aud aged, IL..-0aetFonr Mile Heat.- Mitre aild ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -o-S - CURIOUS AND INTERESTING. This day was publifled, price 3s. only, in One Volume Ofavo, of near 30o pages, with a Portrait of the Author, a Newi Edition, (with Additions) of . A GUIDE TO HEALTH, OR, ADVICE to both A SEXES in a Variety of Complsnts: Explaining the moft fsmple aind `effiiiacious remedies for thofe difea. fes, which are tieated on under the proper beads, BY S. SOLOMON, M. D. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STALLION S.A TO COVE1R THIS S-EASOY,' we >. ~~At Sivar~k~iie; ?? 0y0 . AtTwn GioCi pus iA lMre, amd a Srwn the.Groomn. -e j'H01R(t0(iGU-REJ D Aires,nch hsve wona °01. .] n.-r Pr! e ilksinft , ee orj .iore;re- ted ilores, 4grdtis.tili e- 4retid ii' lu 31as aiug Urpolij's Fee only.. f 1 I lsgc olei na5 git Qx 1Tr'inpagtorldaxn (Jct,) byl 1B4ag- g' ncr, grndidri by Squirrel. grealt graisdsitn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - = I :q TO THE LADIES. iho I ~ .. ; BAGAZET's ORIENTAL DEPILATORY, For removin*, SUPERFLUOUS PHAIRS from, the 'FACE,-NECK, ARMS, &c., And for improving the COMI'LEXION, THE abpye bas been fufficientily cglebrared chrongh- ,x ou; hhe Eallern Nations trorn whence it was firfl brought to this Cou-try. by 'Lidy ?? re;' and has fince chst time futlained a charatler in England. and on the Continent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ott t Neat Cattk, S/eep, loiwfi, §:c. :c. I'eb T'1 BE SOLD BiY AUCTION, -he . By Mr. HARLO W, On.Tuefday the 30th of September inflant, at Clifton, via, . - . near Affsiborne, rhe The Property of Mr. J. BAJNBRIGGE; FUr. IVE uncommnon ufeftil Dairy Cows, 2 Heifers, and the 1 2 Stirlss, 16 capital bred Ewes and 17heaves; 1 Year- ri- lng Ram, 4 Ram Lambs and7 Ewe Lambs ?? full blood Black Horfe, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !Chestefield ?? Jssembfii b,, AT THE OLD ASSE iU]3LLY ROOM, ANGEL INN. 1806. 1{1.-Wednefday, November 2 Gth. 'nd.-Wediefdlay, December 31it. 1307. Srd.-Wednefday, January 2111. : 4th.-Wediefniiy, Febfiiay 18th. c Subfcription to all the .%ffemblies, 10s, U8. I 'I Non-'Subtcribers to pay 4s. each Affcmbl g. (Tea and Sandwiches included.) a IRICIIARD JEBI3, E S( I Stewards. JOHN CHARGE, EsQ. C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAIBER, All growing at PRESTWOOD, in the Parilh of Ellaften, in the county of Stalford, TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, At the Hotife of Charles 9mith, at Elafton, on Wednef- day the 5th day of February next, at 3 o'clock in the alternoon, in the fol lowinig Lots; LOT 1. O NE Hundred anal Forty-fiur Oak, .50 Ah, 2 Elm, en adl 8 Aller l'recs, upon Lands irs poffeffion of Mr. Thomas Carrington, and John ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LE:T, And entered Upon at lidfciumer next, or fooner if wifbied. A Neat & Convenient Safoed DWVELLING.1HOUSE, 1 in complete repair, calculated fbr a fiiiall genteel Family, fituate in the Parilb of St. Peter, in Derby, op. pofite t~le Church, iit the occiisation of Mrs. Cutlibertfori. n Application to be etlade at the Office of Mr. EDWARDS, I Attorney, Derby. 22d April. 18t)6. l r TOLLS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; |F; 1800. TAO COE 21 3}EASOXG '1 .At SWrAet~O$iC, npar KDBRBa g ' Tila lfandlnsae- Brown florfe; O R'L AN-:-OW : ;-RAC>I;G ZtRES at flvee'uiheas, and ither bf3mi a g eas, and five ibiD ye the Groopi.' .: lioroog1,-bred. Matres, that 1haeew~a .vlt piaet of' 51i se t, upswards, will-be ,overed grati. (Growia Fee ecvpsed.) f : Otlando.,* by Wbiley out of Aaeelza. NNiaey, N : vwas got bay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ng ~WANT=D rul A D JR ED I t14hAEI: .- GEjs e who cari produce. , a-gootd tart~er for g~ity and lunet, 'widl ?? u * th ot d Wag and e I.nt VN ork. . ied is; 'TO BI SOL , S COW KPj nid : UARCE of'vefy capital IAG$ the Dyg has been i - tgiltffsot to two Selifoni, the Bitch one, teguiarll geg :lbtet: for the lf ei eyl-drn' n Aarue Staunchr, aind itider good lohimutld. .aj, Ap'pl~My(poi~d) to'JOU ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L . LADIES' BQARDING SCHOOL, Burton-Tpon- Trent. ,y RSi. t)ANCF.RIboftlrefpeafullyhi1~ifrnslier Friends and tlie Public, thatther School willbere-opened on i~oniday 3yiy tflthi 1806.i Derby, July t2d; 1806. ESSflS..TUwNALEYand KFYS ?? inform ' their lriends ard the liublcd; thatltlheir next Quaiter at .the-Old Affemhly 13ooi6m. Derby; will com- -reence tzc r onidiv lthe'i8il inlilaat; at ...