Advertisements & Notices

... HTFv ORIGINAL FURNISHING SHOP, After the Lorndcf sil3e. WILLIAM WILSON-& CO. General Furnifhe.; tD his Royal Highnefs ~5*hier'S.3 = the Duke of York, t No. 16, Prince's Street, Edis~erA, RE the liberty to announce to the Public, and W: their ere'pedive grnleoyers, the Prices of their - adi,,, Articles for the Seafon, for Readyc ?? rS i .coat, ordinary fize, of the bell. Siiu- APtr4ne WiltIhire ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oy- ZNA3DDI4Ga 0 PRICES a, GR. Al, May 9G gOX P Wbeet.'i Barly. j Oas i'ee/e. .Rcan:. go Firft ,4Ss a ?? 25s Od 22s Od S~os od 21 s 04 .,-Secon~da9ga ?? 2s. 6d~ Igs tmdj 1s- 'oa -r9s. 04 t~g, Third'Sgs' Od122s 0d~lG's ;dj~6 -s od Ius od Wheat aout Ss. Barley ard Oaes s. cheaper. Peafe srig ?? .~ ! *and .Beans~neariy aS laIweek. :wo A' PARi NERtiHfl' ihse R i ery extenfive 'and eibabliibed ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST STATE LOTTERY 1806, ~B''ie Drarwzrie 13t1l4 Oc7sser ;xt TICKETS tf SHARES Are Selling inr grat variety of Nnmbers, by SIEVWRGlllGTlT' & GREIG, 0_) SOU r a BRIDGE, EDI.flTRGl; COR Bvshor, No. I 3.-19, ta Prize of WENT'' 7IVE THOUSAND POUNTDS, - Md No. 4077, a Prize of a~rE T-IiHOU-SAND POUNDS, 7n the lai' AvIay lJottery, wvere fold in Shares A L S 0, 2 , o19,11,640, and 7656, Prizesof T-W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Psfltively the Laey NYigbt of t:e Company's Performing this seafoll. rIHE Public are moft refpetfully informed, That T Mr. HILL and Mrs ATKINS, (By particular defire) are engaged to perform One Night more previous to their going to Glafgow. SATURDAY Evening, Aug. 16.1806, will be prefented, The Comic Opera of THE DUENNA. Don Carlos, Mr HILL-Clara, Mrs ATKINS. In the courfe of the Evening, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -C A RD- 12 , I L ILES avails herfelf of the etiexnc 15S ity of announcing to the Ladies of E- ..Mnrg cd its vicinity, that fne has juft arrived from burr Lrndna with a fafhionable and elegant Af- Javneis, - rTCY DRESSES, felecled from the frtolreit° , rne has alfo formed connections that even not , Ite changes of Faflion will be regularly ,et, is encouragred tc hope that from her exertions ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 9 TrO BE SOLD, . I 1 CURRICLE and HARNE g d repair, I A made by Houlditch and Co. fo don he Vroper- ,ty of a Gentleman; and to be feenrst M ?? and Co's. Coach-yard, Princess Streetm . - . .: 1; ~ beatre}IaoatOi5> ..On SATUEDAY Evening, March e2, will be prefented, ?? -: A *Cosnedy,..called EVERY ONE HAS HIS FAULT - Written by Mrs IWCKZALQ. tfor t To which will, be added, a New P.arce, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %,,HOlJST IN GEORC:E ?? FOR SALE. rlkL' I4 I-OTSE No: 16. North Side, confifing of I th~ree flats, fuok klorey, ard garrets-three rooms on a floor-wafh-houle and ila'bles, &c behind, will be Sold by private hargoin. The Gronod having been Feed at an early period, the fe-ducty is only Two Pounds, Four Shilliugs and a Penny. Apply to Mr Heriot, W. S. 32 Quein Street, or ito Mr Tu-, iuholfterer, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET, And Entered Itmluadiateiv, Good Brick ItOUSE anid 8AKEIIOUSE in good A Biuliliels, \%ith fuitable Outbuildings, Yard, Gai- deni, and every convelniency neceffary for a Baker, fitu- uted in Duffield, near Derby. For fhrtiler particulars and to treat for the faie, apply to Mr. JOHN BEREIEY, upon the Prejidies. Duffield, June 2, 1806. CAPITAL OAK TIMUBER. TO BE SOLD, I conliderable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .TO BE MLt, . An&tEbtetred pont Imediatvly. 5 A SutI ?? DWELUNG HOUSEconiilQing aftwo A Parlour. a iarge Kitrhen and Paniry.wiib five .Jdgirig itooms, fituated between the Towns of Wirkf' worth and Cromford. Enuoircof JOSEPf REDF 1RN, Jun. Steeple-Tionfe, March i; I in. D . -.TIMIBER. ?? TO 'iE S(Th t -ION, ?? ' , ly Mir. W H A1. . ~ {T the quee;n's Head In,- -itit Ay-d¢JuZotch; iti - the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and 8 Ba eand Jeedwood bore#t Inclofure. t of 7tfl t teu E the underrigned Commiffioners named and ap- be .e W pointed in and by an A& of Parliament for ea ,der dividing, tillotifig, and inclofing the Foreft or Chafe of Needrlood, in tlhe countyof Stafford, jec. i fee DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, Be a~e That we have appointed a further Special ?? to be lea- held at the Dog and Partridge Inn, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C!IMUVY SERtIOk W IUIJ 4npreached lin the Parith Church 4t nerton upoll-rlent,o iuSuisiday, l ?? (tlie 16th jidlant, h ir the Benefil o the Eitrt' i Y tllS aay Scliol ?? that'town, by the Uev. E'11. VAIH;HAN, A. M. Vicar of St.l1lar- this a'd .Al-.Sain's, in Leiceller. Siltgilcg by tileir rYates, Malfter Chamberlain, 'and tire Burtol Choir. Bhurton, Mlay i0th, 1806. 1 DERBY ASSEIBlAES. Elaft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I tle the urty ,lity irdi. ove- sere tie f the itle- era- thle iell- 'e of the Onte Ad that r fe ii hitch Wit- for t its dor, and F. its s oil )ard February 28, I ?? may or. Derby, Malch 19, 1806. DANCING. M ESSRS. TUNALEY and KEYS refpeCLfUllV in- ?? their Frieuds anid the lPublic, that their next Quarter at tbe Old Alremibly Room, rserhy, will com- niete otl Motiday the 24th inttant; at ...