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... -PART.NERSHIPS DISSOLVED: From the Gazette of Saturday, Dcc. 21. r 180S, Feb.'23. Q Robert Turner and 'Williama Boddy, of Kinglion-upon.J-Hull, grocersandte.a.dealers. d 1804, Dec. 31.' James Tod, Andrew Tod, Andrew y Cowan and Thomas Thomson, 'at Borrowftloefs. eC: Dec. 31. Elirhard Fpthergill, John Hnilfcoreh, Wathin IBloore and Robert Huloiin, of Chapman, Surrey, carpeu- d ters and builders ...

Published: Thursday 02 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 431 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

LONDON, MONDAY, December 23

... vLONDON, MON DAY, Decernber 23. -(fhom the Coarier.) '1 his morning wve received a conpy of the Sup- plement to the Argus of thle 17til. *i'here can now remain no doubt of the truth of its con- tents; i'aris Joirnals to tile 19th, and Dutch to the '2-1th, 'hasving been yfcirday received in tow I, which e lunderiltand Containi the 30th & .iit BulletinIs as they appeared in the Argus; ise ...

Published: Thursday 02 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1901 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... S------dl as - 5'tSunday a11(. 7;-lie.'t'ty's Post., T7he LONI)ON GAZ.E'i''E, Slielutday DLc. °3. sccre ,ry oj StaIle's Ojicc, ffAitdiall, Dcc. °S, rP II 1, Cenlmandirlg Of icers fA tilore Volun- IL teel 'erM-, ill the netroipolis and its vici- nity, %%hich aic dlefirous of offering their fler- iceas in attinldanice at tile fullerail of tilt late Vice Admtniral Levil Vii'counit Nelleti, are rt ...

Published: Thursday 02 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 749 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... F i f In'l. -1 7ETTE, TV011Y, E 0T u7eJ y, Dec. 31. f DC. i31, 1805.. d r.~ e t rai- n t° llil5 tt efi)j ' Shi, 1E'n ,ticillie, i 1t lallIt, Dec. 28R, 18iu. ...

Published: Thursday 02 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1086 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... I b u ytday'sPo LONDO-N, FRIDAY, DEC. 27. E' York p apers to the 22d inflanit, have beci receiveo]. They are filled with 1 1ts of the depredations committed by ptKoa ch andl Spanilh cruizers oin the com- p f the United States. It alforappears, OttLhe difftrenccs between the Americalt; and 03SCtoverlnents, rcfpep1ing New Orleans, '' ajulFied; and it feems to be a prevail- r(C iliOCH atng'flg ...

Published: Thursday 02 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1456 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

LONDON, MONDAY, December 30

... LONDON, MONDAY, Decembei 30. - I - - C - -1--, n '1wo Meffe gers atrived at the Secretary. of State's Oflice early ycflerdlay morning; Mr. Proudman, with dilpatches from Lord Levefon Gower, his M lojefty's Ambaffidor to the Elipe- rnz of duflia, dated tromn T'echen-and Mr. Cturvoifier w ith dift)atches from Lord Harrow- hv. '1The diirpatches from Tcfeben are of the 15th, thofe froim Berliln of ...

Published: Thursday 09 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1640 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... PalRT.Ni'RSHIPS DISSOLVE. - Fromi the Gazette 1' SaturdayDec. 28. a 5804, April 1. Joih, 'l'heat, James 'lhtat, S'%muel ht llits eat, illiam'Thwea t, of Harwoud, and Abra.Tbweat, 1l of T'ouige-cuii-Hai lgih, Lncalhife, bile chers. 'I Dec. 31. Janmes 'lud, Andrew Ttid, Andrew Cowanj 'n amid Thomas Thomion, tf 2orrriwionel s. 180.', Sept. nt'. 'lhonias Wililfon and William Water- houlf-, of L, ...

Published: Thursday 09 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 489 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... S'ild'Ill III, l Tu Iesday's Post. T71_ LO ON P N, GA'Z I, I'VE, Saturdaq fan. 4. r-p IIIS Gsiaztte conttnins Addreffes to hisi m Maijdc-y on the Inte gloriouts Vi.ory, fr(ont the CitV (if ('trk, Doroughs of Kirkcud- britht, DlUItIfries, Roval B]3rgh of Lnanirk7 'Towns of Dock (Devunllfllire)a Pelzance, and HlisaIiaXt Harfx u Oft.rce, Jar. 4. 1 806. 6tod Regimj'it of loot, liuteriaot-Geticral ...

Published: Thursday 09 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 824 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... I -----77- sTa(CREPT, ll?- PO , YriO, T1JESD)4Y, JAN. 7. L7 1 intellig(enic has reached us f° frtilhC Continent. 'Ihe report of a 9 t103 atyof Peace having been figned be- nriitc 'Ire anMd Alitia is, to faY the leadit Iecll c nor do xse believe thut Bona- riIe I) ijuw find it anl cafy tal; to dic- ,fit,'Vi 1V fSiJtaktodc ~,f~t to ;Uftria--SUs. Pnlctiotil em Ini be all eagerly looking le'plljo ...

Published: Thursday 09 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1676 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... STATE' PAPER. DEC LA RATION OF SWEDEN. We, (u4liavus Adolphus, by the Grace of G0(d, King of Sweden, the Goths and Vandals, I ivit of Dennina k ahd Norwvay, I) Le ofSleIfWig awidl Hofltein, &c. &c. declare, 6c make known, thitt wvhen we entered upon the government of our kingdom, the unlfoLtulnate Frrench revola- tioni hitd prevailed for tome years, while thle nof0t Ifnhguinare and unheard( of ...

Published: Thursday 09 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 959 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... I pbrid'e and atardays bosrts L DONT, FRIDAY, JAN. 3. IE jllamburgh Mails of the 17th, 20th, f ant 24th ult. arrived onl Thurfday; they lcoifirml the figning of thc Armilifce be- 1 t Iperor of Germany & Bonaparte, jo ,mo becl fItipulated in favotir ,,,01 ~tIng ore has be ,jiullians than an unmoletfed retreat, and We nral uidcrflanding whatever has been general U jilieR between Rullia and ...

Published: Thursday 09 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1903 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... rlFWArERAL of LORD NELSON.. an~ - A -r-, . .- vi ', \ .-I . - . Wednefdisy morning tbe Procelfion by water coinmenced. Before day-light the He- ralds. ani feversl Naval Officers who were Xo aflift, akminbled at the Adniralty, and pro- ceeded in form, in carriages, to Greeliwich. At twelve o'clock the Proe0csa fet out fromt thence, and the comtinued firing of the Tower guns iannoutced its slow ...

Published: Thursday 16 January 1806
Newspaper: Derby Mercury
County: Derbyshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1932 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News