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Advertisements & Notices

... PONIES for SA . 10 be SOLD, two hai.d;ure PONIES, T one chcdfiut colour, twclvua hahids and lti highI, full nmaftcr of 12 flone; the other MlaCk, maftcr (Jf 10 flone, a fait trotter, well worth the atte'ntion ot any ladv or gentleman in want of che above. }'air trial allowed, to be k-n in .$t. Paul's-flrct, op1pofh tcPazictaf, barge Exet Cdr. ia) 0C hit a; Wa rt ri la rit Ict n , til Sif lit) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI MB ER. r O be SOLD at auaion, at the anchor inn, d Exminfter, M M6hday the 14th of April, at three o'clock in the afterihoon, in three lots, 60 OAK 'REES, with their top, and bark.jqw fltaning on th eflate of Middle Tow~fi0gton, in the faid parifih. The timber may be viewed by~applying to the tehant Mr. Mathias Chowne, of Extiinfter, aforefaid. P653 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H IONITON. BALL AT TUE. GOLDEN IONT INN'. tHE nobility and gentry are moft refped- bulily iltloroied, there will be a ball at the golden 1 oinn, Monday the 3d (I'March, under thc particular rooage of ma;w ladies and gentlemen. )ted Feb. 24th, 1806. STAV.;IRTON. Di vns. 0 be SOLD. by public auaion, at the lonmitt inn, Afhburtnn, on the firft of March st, at follr o'clock P. .M. if not foonut ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, a feady MAN, who under- V ftnds ui garden, and caa work occalionally in the farming way, as there is not full occupation in the garden, being a fmall one, within three mites of Exei ete. A rwarnrd mabs would he preferred: he-can have immrnediate poteffion of a oottge, with a garden at- tached to it. Ne perfon need apply that cannot brinD an undeniable charaifer forhonefty and fobriety ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I -KI KIGS 8R1DG!R, J)EvoN,, 'PH ERE t~i1,4ej B~liL at ehe ii~g's L arms innl, d the 2d dabof D~cczbe1 a lraneil~ ta~iu ryhtmocs be nR TUESDAY the!th :ntt d as da.An~ TO TtEI C'LLj t Y Clergytnn having a HouteRw 1AS&`c. to acconmlt nle zah*I vicesiontafy termb luin A at Mr;-Mathews s .. .. ~I-loit. , Exeter, 2#tb . FXETER ASS:' ES, iw IE obility an on Thurfdlay tht 27th o Novem er, and r ol .a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4-rANI ED, a LOAN of TWO TlHOU- I 9 AAND POUNDS, on the fecurity of a good fetladl enlate in Devonflaire. AI)teNIY to Mr. Francis Berry, in Barnflaple. Iatckli th March, 1806. [484 I O'I'EL, CRIOCKERNWELL DIMCKER, refpetfully returns his fin- * ceci thanks to the nobility, gentry, gentlemen 11ielleC I, and the public in general, for the g eat port lie has received, fince he has occupied the ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SEA SIDE, rVO be LET, FugNtsnED, for 2, 3, or 6 1 mouths, or a longer trrmi if reqdired, aurd to bJ entered on ?? after the 28:h of the prefett n tomh, A GENTEEL HOUSE, pleafantly ituated. at Starcrols, fronting the fea i with a gaiden, Qlable, coach-hotrfe, &c. &c. For further parriitulars apply to Meffrs. TREEw-MAS, printers, hxeter. Augaft 3@, 15o6. WVESTINl-AAI IA llA'M. Jus imperted, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PI IOE, near EXErrER. 0 be SOLD, either together or in three i ots, the fec-fimplc and inheritalic' of an over- -n nement, callcd BOLITIlO E's, otberwife V; V 1.NS's, containing-about 18 acres of very rich f:!l: land, 14 acres of which arc fituate about a tu nml half from Exeter, in the parifb of Pinlioc, arl- ,iii. the turnpike road leading to Gullotilpton. I -re i a very good %lone barn on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... F vn Fxidavthe24 h(;iolier inft. by twelveu'clock. Fo R IfIOMN E; cc)ivs U~ PI' ) ,h 10 Baise, U;ellc7td Flux 1820) Pieces Nicaraga Wood loS Bugs Peali' FOU LXPOR5TATION, 10 Calf.s I)rcfi'ed Flax Being part of the carno of the lbip FntvA, talen on her voyage from Antfierdaoi, arl eondenned as prize to his nialeily's hirid arnedi blio; tOilpoys, commanded by lieut. Thomas Uther. For viewing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I-lORSES for SA.LE. rpO be SOLD, a verv handfoome chefinut I PONEY, 12 hands and half high, mafter ?? ten ftone, fa perfeftlydocile, that a l:dv may ride him. Allo, a handfoinc bay GALLO W.iY, 14 hand-s high, mafter of 12 ftone, pcrfet in all his paces. A fair trial will be giv' n. Apply at the flables, oppofite paiucras-lanc, ft. pau'ls frect, Exeter. E X E r E R. and A. STAMP, MIlilliners ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MINIITES of~ 'a COURT- MA'TlAL 7ttle DAY i' p8RpuiSTWDA ] L I holden on boatd the PIa IV Cof WAI§S, for tile I triot Sii'ROI3euL' cAL DEf, bart. %ice-oriiral of I Itb: blue; totether ritl Coat Ol ?? between thle .Ion. Admiral Col~T xi v.vie $ ?? m'Sr, I iri ar C.; inca, Admiral, Lsixrd '6a cl rotiaia, a-td L~etter to the Adrintitdy, demiandtng a ort1 til d''d tutb~t.I. ?? . . _. printed by, JI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PLEASANTEST PART of DEVONSHIRE. -TO be LET, for a term of 6 years, a farm T and commodious dwclling-houfe, linown by the tame ofUPPER NUtT\VfLL, fit for the immediate leception of a genteel family; aud coufiffing.of a large hall, ufed as a parlour; a fercants' hall; a dining toom 22 feet long; a very handibmne drawing room 30 ret long and 18 wide; a laundry; feven beR bed- looms * befides ...