Advertisements & Notices

... ATK1NS'S COMIPOSITION, FIor DiSTR OrR'IG RA TS and MIC9.- ds allowed to be the moti efficacious thing ever yet difcovercd, for fpeedily extirpatitig rhefr pernicious Vermin from Corti Stacks, Barns, Stables, Dweling.g-Houfes, Mills, Malt.H,,ut;s, Granaries &c. anid fuch are the extraordiiary and attrativig powers it po&e-es, that the Inventor has frequently known them to take it from his hand ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EADLEIGH ASSEMBLy will be at thie New As- semhry Room, hI, Tuesday the 1Ith oi MNarch 1806.. Tickets to be had at the Wite Lion, GentlC- men lOs. 5X, Ladies5s. Tea,supper, c.included. GEO. WENYEVE, Esq.{:sicwards Rev- R. HEATH iears fHERE will be a BALL at the Crown Inn, it1 T Woodbridge, on Monday the 3d day ofaMarch. Admittance to Gentlcmen los, 6d. Ladies 5s. sUp- per included. Rev. Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHROPSHIRE. 'O be SOLD by PRIVATE. CONTRACT,- TI he MANOR of ASHFORD BOWI DLER, .co-extenfive with the Parifh, with divers valuable Freehold Eftates, Tithe free; comprifing Two capital Brick Manfions, with fuitable Out-Buildings apd Offices, and about 360 Acres of rich Meadow, Paflure, Orrcharding, and Arable Land, of the annual Value together of about 7501 in Afford aforefaid, within a Ring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABINGDON. WEST STH-ELEN;' STREE7. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,. T Thofeveryextenfive FREEHOLD PREMISSES, in the Occupation of the Proprietor, Wms. LANCE, Woolftapler and Worfied Manufacourer, who is going to remove to Grove, near Wantage; confiting of a Dwelling Houfe, containing a large Cellar, Hall, Two Parlours, Back Kitchen, Shop, Three Sleeping Rooms, and Two Attics. The Out-Buildings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For tie Benefit of Credhtar.- j3 he sOLD by AUCTION, by Meflrs. CHURCHILL and TURNER, on Saturday t the 15th Day- of March, a 8o6, at the Ang-e In, Fe5'ford, at Three ?? in the Afternoon,_All lat defirable FREEHOLD DWELLING HOUSE, th a oaid Slaughter Houfe, Cow Pens, Stabliog for qix NHrfes WVafh Houfe, Granary, and other Out- pjijdirlgs; Two Gardens and Orchard, -vell planted w.ith thriving ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OX FORD. TO be SOLD, or LETT for a Term of T Years,-A very commodious Houfe, with a neat Garden, fituate in New Inn Hall Lane, containing a Veftibule, Parlour, Dining Parlour, handfoome lofty Drawing Room, a7 Feet by x9, with an appropriate Number of 'Bed Chambers, Dreffing .Rooms, Light and Water Clofets. The Cellarage is excellent, and the Dorneffic Offices are particularly convenient. A ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 5* I .a.,Sc-~ufJwn'D ^ ILANDS FORt lA r, Cqusnty of .'iebtYdcen, ald Dz'?rz9 of Giwiocb. Thireiwill he foid by public tanp of ] Wednefday the ?? of Jose next, in Andsrfo's llotel, Oeen- A-.reet, wsw;xt 6 and 7 afternoon, rrHE 'I OWX N & IANDS of OVER iDODDOMNt, I. M'15 of lODDOM, CRAMIEBAN!; COIDWEI LS, and C,1 RNlESTON, together with the MiLt. of BODDOM, and Multures thereof, lyinne within ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LANDS FOR SAL.E. DyiriA7 oeJ ?? a ( Gav Do' Ateeldos. S'here will be Sold by public roup, on Friday the id of O&uber next, in Auderfon's Hotel. QOeen1 Street, 'Ewixt 6 and 7 ftcrnoon, in confequericc of an adjournment for that purpofe, rj' UE TOW1VY and LANDS of OVER BODDOM, I MAINS of BODDOM, CRAIGIEBANIC, COLDWELLS, and CAIRNIESTON, together with the MILL of Boddom and Mtilturces thereof, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A CAPiTA!' EAIMY TO DEC LET To b le ?? to at Whitssnuday first, for tuch nomber of years as -ii be agreved upon, 'J'HE barnsof INUDR~t R, Cin in the parish artce'ssty N1Basriff. Ti ami iutdwti ,sides of the town and hasbotir of Thrinl, IS of Mlactsifi, asiid about Li of I'ortsoy, to all which placts thee- i nos cay. by excellent nrn~pilke road-s. It consist', (with ccr alit ttdjoiuhi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HEREAS the Stock of GA1iME, particularly that oflHares, is fountl to befut to hl reduced on iie teveral anribs, or Lordlfiips (if 'ictknal, Reptolt & Mil toti, Afldfiot' and Sinfit'; and Willillgthu; alb oil Pot lock Farrto; thet jtrotig , eastresare necefflary to prevent fitzlher ?? letlen late therefore deitred nbt Id fport on the aboveruitntibtli ti Slailors or leordlipsl all unqualified ...

Advertisements & Notices

... D\vEclwiug, M 1 h t2136 ~t ;ard, iiir tio fccortd aime, Grand l iiu 4 Ats, called f/p9lb~6 \ T I N 0: O ?? Brto ef Vn, we,. ° ?? ?? AnltIWl Califtte>Spe~trc, &c. 0,bt ?? fe, Seniy, 4 Dc~eoaJeas ( lterijiha afavrie ur leua, ctted 0e tl D Aq S. uY tho 10, Siuefpear'G Tragedy of. O ; HA M L ?? T INCJE OF D1 SNMAIRK. t Or H 5M tj, by. Mr. F. A-IJUNDY. .jr.ii' l F. ?? Performu. ,dF RCE qEDNESDAY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? TI'TiATPl t DEMsV,' I ' ?? ?? Of IA 11%EF oR. 7'fJ E, y47'ataalefttle. > Ads ne a l .0 1 C-l LUraDICz Isil : 1,iRjy7 lJN QUcJC ;eiSlEUI.r '0 oi Plefday. April 8tl, . C De~y gL 'e tatle o ;f ,tht e,. t Pbt ?? y Corps of ' n VeAN 1.Y OM xN 1'X, r Cner a'4 jsrogjty~, by r.F. IMUN Dy, C 5A;e il~f5j ole ?? FPice of of ciL1)lLA-N IN TIlEb WOOD. F ,, jialtc;, iby Mr. F. M\IUN DY. ~1lutr9n ad ...