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Oxfordshire, England

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Wednesday [ill] Thursday's Post

... Mlltincoblap' T C-butORY'o Peft. FROMf TIPE 7L0,NDONIV GAZ ETEr -E WVIIT:EHALL, APRIL 1. THE K ing hals been pleafed to grant the dignity of T an Earl of the United Kinrdorr of Great Britain and I elaull to the Right Hon. Chas. Vifcount Nenvark, and the heirs omiae of his body, lawfully begotten, by the name, ftile, and title of Earl Manvers. 'The King has been pleafed to grant the dignity of ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 934 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... .alln oap ano ?? ?? FROM THE HAMBURGH MAIL. 1AMOBURGH, MARCEi 55. C ' Tis confidently afferted here, on the autho. E I rity of private letters from Berlin, that the E jollowing^T propofals form a confitlerable part of I the negolo~atiOnlS ypending between France and c prillia. Is was intended to obtain the contfent e of the Emperor of Rufflia if pollible, but in cafe C that 1ho~ild ?? be ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 714 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post continued

... 'CUeg1laafoPoll tontinum. 'Froin tbe LONDON GAZETTE, Marcd 29. ADMIRALTY OFFICt, MARCh 27. [Tranfutitted by Vice-Admiral Dacres.1 2v>hZ h/ar, of Port Azaracleroea, I/load of Cuba, jan. 2 S, I-3tIAvs the greateft fatisfa&ion in having it in my power to -acquaint you, that his Mjety's ihip under my command, and his Majefty's floop Wolfe have this day captured Le Redrula ear and Le NArpoleon, two ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1252 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, April 1

... £ 0 N D 0 N, . wril z. THE NEW TAXES. Laft night Lori Henry Petty opened his fizf4 Budget Nvith great perfpicuity. The Wear Taxes are, firit, an addition to the Property Tax, to make it lo per cent. from which there is expeaked - - - Zs5,OO,cooC ad, Various Duties in the Cuoirnis and Excife, viz. Tobacco 300,00cl. and an -eddi- tion of 3s. per cwt. on Sugar, making together - - - - - - . - - ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3078 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... , OR..'15V erprets-0. lrj?qrmpl 10 1 I 0 N P 0 dv, APrd 4. ,tr wltNDHA4 laid his new Military ; I$ n t lal night, before the Houlfe of it 'it embraced three heads, the Army, °1, tee and the Militia. IX propores to e e Bate of the Regular Army, to an ! at may indulce the low er orders to enter mode of life, to which they are now c a0 tld l by exceilive bounties. For this oe irt propofes an ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1259 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

LONDON, April 3

... This morning arrived the Harnburgh Mail.- The following is the moft material intelligence brought by it :-Buonaparte perfeveres in his fvoiem of levying contributions on Germany, aid Eamburgh has been required to furnifh a Loan of fix millions of livres, with a prornile of proteclion in cafe of compliance. The demand has been refif'ed, and one of the Haambiirgli Senators is ?? to Paris to make ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3954 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

LONDON, April 2

... L O N D ON, April 2. It is underatvod that another commulnication has been received by our Governmnt n tro France ; but fo much fecrecy is prelerved that flotl0g iS known. Sir Richard Stracian, with feven fail of the l:e, returned to Madeira on the 10th of NTarch, after feem, the Welt India Fleet fate to a cer- taln latitude. We have received a copy of an Add refs to the Dutch Governmentt ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1754 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 


... OXFORD, Atz . Yerlerdav being Good Friday the Same iwas leligiotifly and devootly obferved ?? this Univerfirv and Ciiv. The Rev. Thos. Woodforde is ?? to the Living of Pointington, Somerfetdire, on the prefentation of Lord Willoughby de Broke. On Wednefday laft the lady of Sir Chriftopher.Wil- loughby, Bart. was fafely delivered of a daughter, at Baldon Hooufe, in this county. The fame day C ...

Published: Saturday 05 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 918 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... osturloapo lPoil. '3p e I L 0 N D 0 N, April zI. Y ESTERDAY various reports were circu- lated in the City refpedting Denmark.- One rumour faid, that Englijh veffels were not in future to be admitted into the Damiih ports. Another flated, with a greater (hare of probabi. lity, that Denmark was determined to maintain her ftrid neutrality, and, with the aid of Ruflia, to proted the paffage of ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 780 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... - I I , ; ,, ; ,1 ,, 1 , , , ?? ?? ft E iuemap~o groft RO7 Tl13. LQ N iA2;ETTE, . g a court at e..Qwiren': !. 4p i1 5, A ?? nt, the Kingn Mo. c EtcellentSMajefty in Council; jrEREAS his Mijefty has ireceiv'ed advice that V his Majeky the King. ot Pruria has taken pof- gfeln of vorious parts of th4 EledRorate of Hahover, i other domfli~nins belonging to his Majefty, in a rcible aud hoajiet ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 573 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

LONDON, April 8

... ON~LlO,,N- i4 . ! ?? eiarlm veffels anrived ili the' triver from ?? Tley fd6rt patfbf `t 41W6t of frency- fofiit 'Paca oticby fierTllriia' C ron- pinirg at '~i-Ilmbuirgh C)? O ?? iiyie aottt'li ~1t; btiut four odclock in1t -t alldtee i~nd per:emlpraory orde al ari otsmun if eN orf ihe Brioipe Vice Cofsfi.-i Nlzieftg, the6tm1t3q1tst that pi-ace i.i twelve hours, and the Elbe with- outt ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1125 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Wednesday [ill] Thursday's Post

... t7M~tieap, I Xura___Bonx I ldiom the LONDON GAZETTE, April&8 ADMIRALrY OFFICE, APRIL 7. A LETTER, from Lord St. Vincent inclofes . the folluwiig:- Coupoys Hired Brig, Plymoutb, March 30, 1So6. MY LoaD, I have the honour to acquaint your Lordfhip, that, cruifing in his Majefty's brig Colpoys, under my command, agreeable to the orders of Adm. Cornwallis, on the zift of this month, we chaced ...

Published: Saturday 12 April 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 640 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News