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Oxfordshire, England

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Wednesday and Thursday's Post

... Yednesday and _Trbursdafs Post. m From tdie LON.L)UN 6AZLTTE; Je3. X, lOt.' ZINC STRIIET, JUNE 2. r HE King has been plt-aiid to ceaue it to be figni- I fied by the Rierht H;inourable Charles James Fox, hsis Maijefty's Pr1icipal Secretary of State for 3Yoreign Afffairs, to the Miniftbrs of Friendly and Neutral Powers reaiding at this Court, that, in confe- quence of fubfequent advices, the ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1029 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

LONDON, June 3

... L O N Do N, Olzne 3. On Friday Mr. Windham's plan for recruiting the array, by enilifinment for limited fervice, wvas taken into confideration in the Houfe of Commons, and produced a long and highly interefting debate. Nothing very new in point of argument was brought forward on the ft'ibje&, but the objealons to the meafare were an- fwiered wifh great force of argument by the Hon. 1Member. He ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4247 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, June 5

... L. 0 IV D N) 0 junNe.5. Tile following important communlications were yefterday received at Lloydps Coffee Hlotife Extraa of a letter froni Canton, dated the 3d of Jan. i8o6 :- The Commander of an Ame- rican veirel, which arvived hene five days fince, ftates, that feven Frcnch lhipsof war were lyintg at Manill, in expeaatibn of being joined by Admiral Harflinck, and three Dutch fhips of the ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1969 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 

Saturday's Post. By Express

... 8aturday's Post. ?? Express. *LO N D O N. 7une 7. T Nr the 1ioufe of Commons on Thurfday Mr. .t'pa* brought up the Bill for abulithing she fees of Officers in the Cufiotm Hoife of Lon doi, and to regulate the attendance of the faid Officers. On the mnotion of Sir John Neawpokt the Houfe 7ent into a Committee $_confider of the motion for leave to bring in- a Bill to permit the free ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 963 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... I 7 ?? I 1? -? 4- -- 3 - /ir toewotgsate s Peie h25 been ad-. Judged. t~di john.W~ii[Ut Efq. .Gbntlemnan .Comi. r onuiner of lagdelei Coillege, for EZlith Verfe on thef ollow0in; fi-bje&- A Recornmendatio or ovf be Satdyof be ?? of Grecian and Roati IV ArrhitrRre, Scnelptrre, and Painting. JWednetday, the firft day of Act Term, the le, Rev. Edward Seagrave, of Magdalen Ha-U; Meffirs. Robert ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1351 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post Continued

... Tuesdays-Post Continued. FROM TlE LONDON GAZETTE. WAR OFr Ict, MAsY 3I. H IP SM ajegtly has .been pleafed to appoint Lieut. LLGeier21 4Iis Highnefs William. Frederick Duke ,of GloticeRer, K. G. from the 6th Foot3 to be Colonel nf the 3d Regiment of Foot Guards, vice the Duke Of Argyle, deceafed. Dosonieg S&reet, My 2,3. The King has been pleafed to approve of N. Kohne, Erq. to be Confifl for ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 297 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

LONDON, June 3

... L 0 IV D J N, mune 3. A circurmflance has occurred which has ferved to inflame, to an extraordinary degree, the ani- mnoftv which the democratic faction in America have excited againft this country. On the zsth of April an Anierican feamati was killed by a chance (hot fired at a coalling floop clofe in with I Sandy Hook, by the Leander manl of war. From the depolitions of the Matiers of the ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 797 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Sunday and Tuesday's Post

... Sundazy and Tzie-day's Post. I FROM THL HAMBURCH MAIL. CONSTANTINOPLE, APRIL o0. O N the immediately afteF the arrival 0J of a Courier from St. Peterfburgh, a con- feleflce tcok place between the Ruffian Ambar- faldo(rnd the Reis Effetidi, which, coupled *with ti e affcinbling Of the Turkifih troops, has given rife to va iobuS reportS. Zergg, April z7. YeRerday the march of 1not1hr corps ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 301 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

HOUSE OF COMMONS, Monday, June 2

... HOUSF OF COMMONS, Monday, Yune I. Lord H. Petty faid, that it had been found necefl;hry to omit introducing any exemptions to perfons of fmnall fortune, and with large families, into the Property Bill which had lately palffed, in order to prevent any emn. baralf~nent in the operation of that Bill. But this t omillion did net proceed from any, want of feeling for the fituation of fiscsh perfons ...

Published: Saturday 07 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1169 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News 

Tuesday's Post Continued

... 7i1esday's Post eontinutid. Frwn the LONDON GAZETTE, letne ?? T I-IL Gazette contains a Ptoolalnation fo tbe- di- Tfiribution of prizes during the prefenthoftihties; tsn Order of Council for taking off the embargo from the Dfses and goods o£ the inhabitants of Bremen; and the Ceremonial of the Knighthood and lnvtftiture of the Right Hon. EWiliam liarL of Northeilk, Rear- Admiral of the Red ...

Published: Saturday 14 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 698 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 


... I OXFORD, Jun~f -l , 71 Am rday, the' 2d dny of l-me inlant, will be Preached iri St. 'MartiW'O' 7hbrch, for the b'enefit'of the Bwu CoAT Bot ,n 'this city, a CHAJ&V SERMON, by the Rev i. CorLi sTow, A. M. Pro- feor~g #!Poetry, and Fellow of Oriel College. §#* Serli c~a~vill Bergen'sat eleven O'clock On Thurfday eit 'llailes Mary Wentwdrth, Mtafler of Arts and Student in Law, of Brafe. nofe ...

Published: Saturday 14 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1190 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 

LONDON, June 10

... L O-A' D O, R. Yne io. New- York papers flate, thatt the Prelident of | the United Stales has publibhed a Proclaniation, commindingall perfonswithin ?? States, to arreft Capt. Whitby, of the Leander, where- foever he mav' be found, now or hereafter. The Proclamatiox1 alfo requires the Leowlner. Carn- brian, and Driezer, to depart front the harbours and waters of the United States, and ...

Published: Saturday 14 June 1806
Newspaper: Oxford Journal
County: Oxfordshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 613 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: News