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Oxfordshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... SHROPSHIRE. 'O be SOLD by PRIVATE. CONTRACT,- TI he MANOR of ASHFORD BOWI DLER, .co-extenfive with the Parifh, with divers valuable Freehold Eftates, Tithe free; comprifing Two capital Brick Manfions, with fuitable Out-Buildings apd Offices, and about 360 Acres of rich Meadow, Paflure, Orrcharding, and Arable Land, of the annual Value together of about 7501 in Afford aforefaid, within a Ring ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED,- A very affive and foher fleady : MAN, iunder the Age of forty-five Years, as Gamekeeper. I-le mnufl perfL. ctly underftand birealeing of Dogs, preferving Gaine, antl deltroying Vermin. He mnuf be of ?? Characrer, and he .well recoinmnei ded from hris lat Place, wherein he muft have lived at leadt twoYears. Allo wanted,-A handfuame ftrotig and particularly fafe and quiet GAI.O-WAY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Beauty and Cl'eanliness. AMBOYNA TOOTH POWDER. GENTLEMAN offers the only Drug yet A. difcovered that deftroys the Scurvy, heals the Gums, make theni and the Lips of a Healthful Red, failens, whitens, and preferves the TeetI- and makes the Breath fweet. 'It is the Produce of a far Foreign Country, never imported but by thejProprietor; and the firft Gentlemen of the Faculty who use i' declare it ...

Advertisements & Notices

... King/fon Yitrnpike lo he Lett. OTICE is hereby given, That the Tolls- LN arifing at Kingfion Gate, ereoted upon the Turn- pike Road leading from Fyfield, in the County of Berks, to Saint John's Bridge, in the County of GIou- cefter, and at the feveral Gates, Bars, Rails, or Chains ere&ed on the Side of the faid Road, in the Parilhes of Kingfton Bagpuize and Fyfield aforefaid, and now lett with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -O THE CLERGY. A Gentlemrat; in' Prieit's Orders, to whom a;r LiPERPETUAL 'CURACY, in the Neighbour-, hood of Liverpool'and Chefteq jenable Sit' an'y' Pre-, an ferment' in any 'Part' of tlie Kingneon, thight .. an1 th ,Objed rnay hear of fuch ?? fx aplying atte : ~Omfce of this Paper, 'near th'g'Neu' Market, High, Fi' :St'reet, Oxford, eith~er inl Peribn', or byLettee, Poll paid - . :0 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ?? T O be SOLD by AUCTION, by CRIPPS f and COLE, at the Bear Inn, in Standford in the I Vale, in the C(ounty of Berks, on Wednefday the 6th *1 Day of Augulft, X866, between the Hours of Two and e Four ?? in the Afternoon, (unlefs an acceptable S Offer be previoully made by Private Contrad) - A good and very commodious Freehold DWELLING HOUSE; confifting of an old accuftomed Shop, in I the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNIP SEED on SALE, New and True, A T Mr. TAGG's Seed 3Warehotnfe, High 1AL Street, Oxford, at the following Prices, viz.- Yellow Swedifh, IS. per lb. or 6s. per Gallon. White Norfolk,gd. per lb. or 4s. Ditto. Large White Kefit. Round, 9d. per lb. or 4s. 6d. Ditto. Red Round, 8d. Per lb. or 45.'Ditto. Green Round, 8d.per lb. or 4s. Ditto. Red Tankard, 9d..per 1fy. or 4s. 6d. Ditto. Early ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Noblemen, Gentlemen, Clergy, and Free- holders of the County of Oxford. Beg Leave to return you Thanks/or the Honour you have this Day conferred on me, by eleaing me one of the Ferderers of the Fore/d of IfPich. wood, in this County. Iam, my Lords and Gentlemen, Your obliged humble Servant, CHRISTOPHER WILLOUGHBY. Raldon Fozfue, zd 7uly, 18o6. BONDS. mO he SOID,-Three BOTLEY TURN- T. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... From the Right Hou. the EARL of EXETER, To Mr. Chi,,p, ApotJecary, C flde.k, Loidon. SIR, I Underftand, from my Apothecary, -I that the Effea of your ?? PATENT WORM LozF.cGEs on my Servant was complete in re- moving an Obilruclion in the ?? and Bowels, but there was no Appearance of rinms,; fhe had been unable to get up from her Bed for above nine Weeks; if fhe lay down or flood up the Pain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O;xORDS-HIRE YEOMANRY. AHE WOO'T'ON HUNDRED NORTH A. TROOP is defsired to mufter, for Ekxrcife, at Deddington, on Monday the P8th of July Iuftant5'at v Ten ?? in the Fbrenoon. OLDFIELD BOWLES, tIAPTAIN. Nsr.tI 4flon, 7ily I6; 8o. -4 - OfXFORD, YuLr 10, x8o6. S M RS. COOPER begs to prefent her molt v iVjL 'refperdtful Coipliments to her Friends, and = inforins them her SCHOOL, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W ANTED, - A STEADY MIDD1LE. AGED WOMAN as CFHAMIBRMALD in 2o, 1. ?? at the Mkrax INN, Oxford. rg 1Q bc LlTT, in the Vicinity of Oxford,- 'A very convenient FAMILY HOUSE, moft lefantlY fituated, with a good Garden, and a fmall Onantity of Pafture Land. : gnqnire of Mr. Roberfon, Attorney at Law, O:ford. - ' GROTIUS. I MkAhaelmas Term next Will he puhlZel/d, A New Tranflation into Englifl of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . - - -: B-UCK-S Freecold llanor Esate-, of ai6o Acres, And valuable CSILRCA PRErER;FCN-T. m0 be SOLD by AUCTION byl Meffirs. 1 WINSTANLEY and SON, at Garraviay's, on Tuefday the 30th Day of September'next, r8C6, at Twelve o'Clock, in One ?? very eligible and improveable FREEHOLD ESTATE, confiifing of: the Manor of: Hardmead,. extending over the whole Parilh, .and Four valuable Dairy Farms, ...