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Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF EDINBURGH MILITIA; AT a GENERAL MEETING of the AI Lientenancy of this County, held here the 29th July 1306, in pursuance of an act of the 42d Geo. II. cap. S1. entitled, An act to Raise and Establish a Militia Prce in Scotland (26th June 1302), the following SUB- DIVI1SION or DISTRICT MEEgINGS were fixed, for the purpose of the Deputy Lieutenants receiving the Returns of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - TO CA2LTNTAST'RS. /'tJ W HEREAS John Camnplell, William Bl Viil . hlian Williamfon, David Allan, Rolberr \Ceir, Adam Morris, Alexander Penman,} Robert Ruf-lM, and Gibfon Condie, all BOUND COLLIERS at BALD. I RIDGE COLLIERY, near Dunferniline, have kbfcond- ea, and as their is reafon to fuppofe they will be offer- ing to engage at other Collieris, it nquefled that no Cbalmafter or Manager ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g T°o be Sgd' Pii§J iia 6iiCtra& ertjrcr toethert otr o-i i parrately; ~FftfrB A ES in thle C'no'r a 7F71 ^No i 7 ' . -s Appf~perindnliv lPiter, (pott paid3 to Mr J 1 it Ty -BEREhiFORD - ' ' L' p- r S ex ' - ff ' ?? ,BiThe hi'.l e'a d'ideod sx clu yeof rprvl'x, ?? -Y ?? ;TQ(BE! S LD ' L LET. I I WO'i &'owplta Fplt EFHOLIYDWEILLING- d T H(USHQE$, eitbsr wit'iirr'wiihoitStops, adapted. for e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S . ~tv ana CO.bej etvoiio ' ortatat e Pubiilietbeyhlve this Daypublished, price 6s. eytra lard, a'newvdlume of the. 'LOWERS of LITEJRATURE i or, Literary . Novelties foi the Year 180$. and the lives and.Portralts of the Right Honourable W. Pitt; V. Kndx, the Essayist; T. Ihibdls, the Comedlian;'Mrs. E. Holmee,.the Novel Writer; Robert Bloomfi' I. the Poet. *¶* The four Voltunes of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'VABLES, a new ldition, $p~l s ^o are now published, Price One rt); tii*' V::. - 'till and complete baltract of the t r ! er nt Deduction ; the iol. !. '1'.1zntes the Appraisemerl, and all tnL r.;-;vqtel.>1 lnstfl!&ols to Junciseyllsti alnd t 1cI r Returnis xrller the Proptaty Ad. - K, rkes l F!v t-Street, ILondou; and sold ie rl'v, anld .,skeul'e'dI , Newcastle / Oi f v lontl esay be had, * ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FIRST STATE LOTTERY 1806, ~B''ie Drarwzrie 13t1l4 Oc7sser ;xt TICKETS tf SHARES Are Selling inr grat variety of Nnmbers, by SIEVWRGlllGTlT' & GREIG, 0_) SOU r a BRIDGE, EDI.flTRGl; COR Bvshor, No. I 3.-19, ta Prize of WENT'' 7IVE THOUSAND POUNTDS, - Md No. 4077, a Prize of a~rE T-IiHOU-SAND POUNDS, 7n the lai' AvIay lJottery, wvere fold in Shares A L S 0, 2 , o19,11,640, and 7656, Prizesof T-W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Psfltively the Laey NYigbt of t:e Company's Performing this seafoll. rIHE Public are moft refpetfully informed, That T Mr. HILL and Mrs ATKINS, (By particular defire) are engaged to perform One Night more previous to their going to Glafgow. SATURDAY Evening, Aug. 16.1806, will be prefented, The Comic Opera of THE DUENNA. Don Carlos, Mr HILL-Clara, Mrs ATKINS. In the courfe of the Evening, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T.'R Da is publislae?, vartst. and al. price 6s. AN ADDRESS to, the VISITORS of the iIN- CORPORATED SOCIETY of DOCTORS in CIVIL and' QAION' LAW'. ?? ByNATHiAN[EL HIGHMORE, LL. and M. P_>ted for T. Cadell and W. Davi*, Strand. 'Ef1NBIJRGH REVfIiW, No. XVI. Thbis D'ay is piblir.iedin Octavo, priiesr. THE l;EDINBUlRGH REVIEW; or eRITI- T HCAL JOUQ.NAL, No; XVI. fcr'July, xIo6. '*To -be contbiued ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIAN !j), la flladv Man, as a Portr, .Et. V quire ot' Mr. Irelind, St. Gen:ae',, SI uare, oios' W xTANTrE1. N:mediatel v, :a grrni COOK, in V V a fmiall Fabinli; 0hlec ?? huntie ?? her bufinefs wel. Apepls to he irrtitcr. 5VANTED, tno gnod BASKET MAKERS, AV who can turn their hands to eithrr wh;te or brown ?? to Mr. Stevens, tog, Hih-Bftret, Portf. nra th. Tr p'oach-'iniths. -VlTANTET), a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A LL Perfons indebtcd to the Rftate and EI:cfvls of the late Mr. GEORGE GROVE, of. Bamptoni, in the County of Oxford, Ba:ker and Meal- man, and fince his Deceafe to Mrs. MORSE, hi5 )augflhter and Atlminiftratrix, are hereby required to pay the fame either to Mr. Marfe, of B-m-pton, or Illr. Higgons, of Black Bourton, in the County afore- faid, without further Delay: And all Perfons to whom the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GAME. The MANOR of MELLS in WENHASTON. NTOTICE is Hereby given, That if any unqualified N. person or persons, shall hereafter kill any game on the said manor, ot otherwise be found ?? thereon, they will be prosecuted as the law directs. And all qualified persons are requested to refrain from shooting upon the same manor. Year YOXFORD. To be LET ready FURNISHED, For a Term of Years, A Mast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... FQXritX of lin oatfitr and E;iprs.TH is E Vd aIil, t E teBRM1IIF ]ORU .1A No22 Picc-'diIby, will: fie dlc- cuss-i '1 le foll~iorn g Qaeqlttiri- s \'VOMAN cr~eaterd equjal or inferior1 tO A N 1-cIst TI1btisd-dsy it was, decided that Methodsits1 nu~,ht tJDbie, discountunos icrd, -at exciicineca ?? Spirit of' raisads TiDm 415( Fio'ts' itlld oono',jgecng the Salety of the Esltablished Clhu ch.ri ...