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Advertisements & Notices

... ABINGDON. WEST STH-ELEN;' STREE7. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,. T Thofeveryextenfive FREEHOLD PREMISSES, in the Occupation of the Proprietor, Wms. LANCE, Woolftapler and Worfied Manufacourer, who is going to remove to Grove, near Wantage; confiting of a Dwelling Houfe, containing a large Cellar, Hall, Two Parlours, Back Kitchen, Shop, Three Sleeping Rooms, and Two Attics. The Out-Buildings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aitd aRIGINAL Japan ; or Tarkiih Liguid Bztck. can 0 .ng, prepared with Oil-univierally approved, and 4hts acknowledged Cuperior to any te, offered to the public. - no. This unrivalled com7poition is offercd to the public, with ?? a confidence that a lingle trial ia fufficitet to eafure its u'e ?? by all thofe who are dcfirous of obtaining with the greitek the eu!e, an elegait jet black nluare ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ofQRD' CITY ELECTION. , To 4 C. ?? , and Ovipr7ers of all paifiwes zia ngland. HE Poll Book or the City of Oxford, on f this iledtioO. is to be fcrdtinifed. It will be- 0erial to knowv b1 your Books who has received Pobah Relief I truft you will keep all your Books ?? in fuch a Manner as Msall infure a fair f S emon of them to all Parties. Do not fufferthem 10e taken out of your Cufiody, nor ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSMOUTH VICTUALLING OFFICE, ith of November, sSo6. OY Tburscday the 27th infeant, I jhat be ready,. at sry ejlle, to rtceiue Tendrs in writing (fealtd up) and PI frest witb fsrb Perfons as onay he wifling to furnih, on contra?, vvhar FRESt. BEEF may let reqired for the taf of bis Majes- 's S. ips and IPels at St. Ielen's, Cvwes, and rarmourh, in the .fJe Y' ;rT&, for Twelve Montint, from ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7o te Preemen of the Cty o CENTLr.Ma~, . ?? : T FTiR~(o ardtious a.Conteff, which vour LA flrnl and Conftitutional Independence has uianrked as a new and aufpicious Epocha in this City, permit me, whom you have f0 generoufly fupported, to cx- prefs my heart-felt Gristitide-fol your Kindriefs, m~y. overawe you? And what Refult has been produced? This monftrous and portentous Coalition of -iren ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BEN's PARIS OINTMENT, is offered to K the word as a certaincure for the bie-dirg,2nd blimi Wits c; its af'oo-ifiting properties being tuch, -that all kindsi 41f eruptions, fares, ulcers, fcald,, burns, old-or new c 'ts, fc Id heads, fore breaits, and all other extelinal complaimi, .mule t yeld to its heiling visrueh: g'a' narmlers navw hez- pily been cured, a fic C8ces may hr scn at shc Propr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE ceMebrated' An Ess GEN' L I'ON, 'for the Cure df Sdotbutic Eritioios, Cdarfenefs Rednefs, Pimples, &c. on -the Face; Hands, and Neck, is the only Rrnedy for effeaually clearing the Corn- - plexion, and removing aU Difeafes of.the Skiti.. When the all-powerful Cha'rms of our Fair Coun- trywomen are, capable of ftimulating the Breafts of Youth to noble EDterprife and laudable Purrluits, who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC ROOM, OXFORD, NOiEzintR I, S8o6. T HE FIRST C O N C E RT ins the prefent T SUBSCRIPTION will be on Monday next the Third lnftant. Thofe Ladies and Gentlemen who have not received their Tickets may have them on Monday at the Mufic Room. To the 11,orthy and Independent Freemen of the .Ba ngh5 f Woodfock. GENTLEMEN, IN Obedience. to your call I ftood forward to vindicate your Rights and to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL KOSFPtUL AT HA.,LAR, ?? of November, sto6. 01%r Fr die, he 54th &nustifyl, 1So6, at tcdo'cbci,,, rik nu..u ?? vlH/ £ SOLD by AUC7TION, by!. HOBSIIV'PJ J;:e ,e aIjrj*' BE)Bs and CLOTHES, ebe property of Parients * 3, v 6w1re died izn tr-ir J. 'Tbt lors rmay be wnireeedby apy. zo'cr r. ohe Ste.wurd andl gent. AT a Meeting of the Friendst of -Mr. CHUTE A and Sir HENRY MILDMAY, held this 3d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NPW REVIEW. On T/inafday, the ift Day of Jaz y, AILL BE PUBLISHED, PRICE IEALF-A-CROWN, THE FIRST NUMBER OF A NEW REVIEW, To be cantintred Monthly, vnder the Title of 'THE OXFORD REVIEW; or, LITERARY T. CENso90,contaisingAnalyfes, Criticifms,andOpi- nions, of NE.W BOOKS, Englifh and Foreign, written. BY. ,MEMBERS OF THA UNIFE-V1RSZi OF OXFORD. PLAN AND ADVANTAGrs Or THIS woRK. J. The Writers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (oRIGXMAL Japan; cr Turkilh Liquid Black- log, prepared with Oil-univerfaayrppOed, and acknowledged ilaperior to any yet offered to the public.- This unrivalled conspofition is offered to the palblic, with a confidence that a fiogle trial is (tffigimnt to etifure itc ufe, by all thofe who are defirous of obtainiqg witirthe grteli 'cafe, an elegart jet black lulire, to their boots and ihoes, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... L L Perfons who have any Claims or 1 Demands on the Eflate or Effedts of HENRY MAYNr Wnonwoon, Efq. late of Headington Houfe, near Oxford, deceafed, are defired to deliver the Par- ticulars and Aniount thereof to Mefirs. Walih, Oxford. Philantropphic Axnuziy Plne. D l)URSUANiT to the Refoiution of the lafi I Meeting, upwards of zo~ooo Shares having been lfubcribed for; I do hereby give Notice, ...