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Advertisements & Notices

... .ATTORNEY TAX. ?? by an Act pasred in the 25th year of his 'ut ivafjestv's reign, cap. 80, certain Stamp Duties vxcre lid upon Certilicates to be annually taken c!t ;by fsliriewr, Agents, a0d 1irocucrators, admitted, il- rriled, ur re i~tf red, in any C'ourt in (;re:t Britain, who stoal ecd p: tuctC or defcnd 'try Suit or pr'.-ecrtion in such *t:: -t, truand aater the Ist 'Novebluer 1.'si. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TneIIeR AY, Ncv. 27, will beperformed, i 'vle favourite Tragedy bf L J A NE SH-1OR E. 0 R Inn gi.ags¢, Mr Tonts-Duke of Glo'fler, Mr T Ic 1). .vy ER.-Alxciiz, Miat PW'- a' ?? lrs 'nucO N. * vich svill be added, the Mufical Farce of 'CHIC HIGHLAND REEL. ]itk' Mr- R.ocx-rsM;ilPin, Mr JU14N50N.- MuToggy, Mrs ORGoR. On SArTURDAY, * gA'RLOOK'D HUSBAIND, and PAUL & VIR_ 3. G GINlA. A pm.. to he open ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ABINGDON. WEST STH-ELEN;' STREE7. TO be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT,. T Thofeveryextenfive FREEHOLD PREMISSES, in the Occupation of the Proprietor, Wms. LANCE, Woolftapler and Worfied Manufacourer, who is going to remove to Grove, near Wantage; confiting of a Dwelling Houfe, containing a large Cellar, Hall, Two Parlours, Back Kitchen, Shop, Three Sleeping Rooms, and Two Attics. The Out-Buildings ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X4'R LB S E C, Srrgeon Dentist, fresm Iianover- .80tn~ret, Ltoli~l,. respectfuily informs hfi5 Friends and t he Pufic ingenieral, th~t le has isw arrived ?? urner's l odgings, Close to th!e Queen's-lfead Inn,, Newrcastle, ?? he eray be consulteC. iNMh. His ?? IPovdee arid nth Bushes sold as usual. J O-HN MAR SHALL MATHER,, CRO lNMONOCKR, HiARODV'A5EMAN, alldi 5TovE GRATEMAN1- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SANS PA,~REil~oiposite th Adeinhi, a d . - Licensed by ?? ?? anh OQi, Exhibitio i HinayO es, bet~t,,yt Hltnl 'pen rfssorntifing TI'AM11SEMEXIM't44ee Parkg Ub pome av en ~~~as 'FCoI0o~VS -PAW `lir *issi-n-An Enterft0df t ttaconsiqti; ?? ssiittdsij entitled THE . hole. written, T nposdf .:it the exception of tire OSbe spoled n, seni n, eonmpanied,by atyouo v ad, being the Cs underathe -ante on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MOrpY RPlAY to ADVANCYf. W HE R 1REAS nany Ladies and Gntluemen ePcr[I rienscrvery greatpecuniary inconveniei;ce for want qf Wowing somne respeaable channel through whose medium they' a eaccnein otdawithter.iorarvar uermat SUMS of e rs. }4A~kR IS and (Sar' the Alnnuitv Blanl no.5, Suffela-sireet, Clarin~ Cross, respedfolly infqces the No- bility anst1 Gentry. in po ,session eI incomes arising ...

Advertisements & Notices

... | ~~To be .iOLD by Aiotn, (If not previously disrosed of by private Contrae,ofwilclr due Nvotice will be give-a) 'At mir Mri1hurx , Georgc Tca- e,.D O rav ,-uy Scusor, vn MXx- : day the gt/ Day rf J)crerrIcr nest, ?? een ik. les- j Tho ant iteein hti.4 AJtc' 3lo'n, .(SOlltS OIA.I r.rO', AuCTION'11t5 * LI that well3-hiftdt I REL iof D WELL.bI HMTOSE, situate In 1-iow~rd Ste-ect, Nsortb bbiel&'. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I -KI KIGS 8R1DG!R, J)EvoN,, 'PH ERE t~i1,4ej B~liL at ehe ii~g's L arms innl, d the 2d dabof D~cczbe1 a lraneil~ ta~iu ryhtmocs be nR TUESDAY the!th :ntt d as da.An~ TO TtEI C'LLj t Y Clergytnn having a HouteRw 1AS&`c. to acconmlt nle zah*I vicesiontafy termb luin A at Mr;-Mathews s .. .. ~I-loit. , Exeter, 2#tb . FXETER ASS:' ES, iw IE obility an on Thurfdlay tht 27th o Novem er, and r ol .a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A, .a 5. 0 .LMA.ti'E:F ?? *9 For the Parflh of BALLINGItv, FifefhFiie. L muft be qualified to teach Latin, Eigillb, Writ. 1 ing, Arithmetic, and Book-keeping, and alfb to precent in Church. T he Salary is the maximum granted by the late a&c of Parliament. and the emoluments (exclufiveofithehoufe and garden) nmay be estimated at J.. 40 per annumn.- The Dweiling-hotufe is old, and in indifferent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , To TIIr GENTLEMEN CLERGY, AND . FREEHOLDtj1S- F T}IE OCOUNTY P>AL4TZVE :OF CHE-ST1ER. e --UNTyEi, . , 4CCE ' oar heartfdt thafiks the digh m-: nor whzctij.i ou` htc thisa dy conferred 2ipon evs in re*eiec r ys ouje Jpreseiwatives in Par5 7 ze trust, ?? bg a tead, thte to- n teress of the Ifigdbnz0 iji-jewfral 'and the County Paldhtie'f (4ester. u pcrtic41ar, rve .shatl not pr-e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HORES, &c. BY AUCTION. By Mr. R. DIXON, at the City Repository, Barbican, on Tuesday next, at 31, COME Pairs of Coach, Chariot, Curricle and Ba. U roucie Geldings, odd Ditto, calculated to match errun in stlgle Harnes9s, several seasoned Roadsters, a number of well known Journrey Horses, a variety of well bred Hunters and tharnugh bruke CtUagers, asme.very clever Gig Horses, several very hlond ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ASSEMBLY ROOMS, NtNewcastle, November 21st, I8o6. 1 e six Subscription Winter Assen- he fir u oFd4 ursday next, the 24,th rust. Gvd5~jllecl, FDW. HAUMvBLE, Secretary. I~ J0li t)rO begin at stifle ?? precisely. DsrUll RHAM I'-NRl MARY. 5I ceting o' 'Trustees is aptpointed at ?? t~ on T[huraday the urth of December I 'df9 ?? WILLIAMI SHIELDS,Sec. I 9oip ,nost respeflfully informs the Ladies 05 ...