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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 6-eJyllh reo. ' . .9,A 2 BARK FOR SALE. To BE SoLD,, CONSIDERABLE QUJANTITy of OAK3 A BARK, from feveral lots of thriving Coppie. Worod, (.part )f the timber of wvhich hns been previoui: ly contra~ted for). W The purchafer of the Bark will have the Oak XWoo to cut the enfainig ieafon, wvhen fuitabe fi.r rhe .tipjpin and niakiog the Bark. Thle greater part of the Wool is. only about a quarter ...


... P, MEMBERS are requefted to meet at FR- 1T TUFFE'S, on Wednefday the 14th curt. s WM. MACDOWALL, Efq. of Garthland, Prefes. WM, SC HENRY HAGART, Secs. TO BE SOLD, - 753 A PLACE in the TRINITY HOSPITA L.- 1A The purchafer rruft be a Burgefs of Edinburgh, a Burgefs's Widow, or..Burgeafi's Son or Daughter. Apply to James Laing, writer, Cathrine Street. r TO BE SOLD, T WO SHARES in the EDINBURGH ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HE publie are f linformed, That-the 'HP. a~o~care m 1 Open thlis Evening, the 24th in- THEATRE tw.Y'5 favourite Comedy of Rant with Mrs Co' THE BELLES STRATAGEM. ?? George Touchwood, OricJurdy Mr MJr RoCrc. _Mrs Racket, Mrs ,France b T wUChVoOd, Mrs ORGER- ~iHardy Mrs l tou In AL IV- GRAND IVASOCERADE SCENE. A hh will be added the much-admired Farce of THE IRISHMAN IN LONDON. h l* Mr Rocr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ESTATE IN TIl COUNTY OF MORAY1 v TI'o be SOLD by private bargain, al -THE LANDS and ESTATE of WESTFIELD, in 1 the parinl of Newlpynie, and county of Moray l' the foil of which is well known to be of an excellent ai quality, and capable of producing all kinds of corn and een crops in the greatelt perfection. On part of the preiperty a ftratum of marle has been difcovered-and there are feveral ...

Advertisements & Notices

... /g BO~ARD C EDUCA''T~ON. I- CLERGYMA2IRN wvho has been in the habit of le teaching, -.ill be glad to talte into his houfe a A- few Genalemens Sons as BORDER. & SCHOLARS. N He will be happy to have them young, and to inh-lri, ,e them i; the principles of Elocution, and to carry them r- on along with his own children. He flatters himfelf id that nothing will be found wanting for promoting the t- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VOCAL CONCERT-6o Corr's Rooms.' ESSqm ELLIOTS, WATTS, & EVANS, beg ?? to inform the Nobility, Gentry, o Ul t c in general, that they will Perform seir SECOND CoNCERTi', on Tuefday evening next, oat natthe -above Rooms, confifling of the 0lowing ?? Sogs Gl ees. - Part I. t es, Think not my ?? Calcott. three, 0r In this iair vale-Hsr/?sy, A-.B. lee, threeVltsVANS, -The Savovard. lee, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT LEITH, of I TAKING IN GOODS FOR LONDON wRECT, Tke 17nion Svipping Company's Smaci, Armed 6y Goscrnment ac withj/ix 18-pound ca7ronades, roo EL I ZA,wi JAMES SUTHERLAND Mafter, &c To fail- on Tuefday the 27th infl. at roa three o'cclck. - for Union, Sh 74ing Cs's OfmiIe, Leith, fee. 24,1807. 3 AT LEITH FOR LONDON-DIRECT, ont The Edinhurgh 0.Leith Shipping Combrnya;'s.New Smacks, coa Armed by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -_ THE LAST NIGHT BUT ONE. Br Permiffion of tile Right Honourable TNE LORD PROVOST & MAGISTRATES. Atheing's Arms Affembly Roorn, High Street, viz., n tihis sateeiday, acd -Mosday Evenings, Sd, and 5th. Jan ary, 7, - L7 M R B E L (Late cf ?? 7c5eaty-e-R aya, £dhe:u ?? evil ?? his Celebrated-and Fafhionable En. tertaintrent -of TIERIGMIAROLE R1EPOSITORY;- To brulh awaV the Canker of Care, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 6 ED J CAT IO N. N BENEFICED CLPRGYMAN, refiding in the North Weft of England, undertakes the care of o Five Pepils, from 12 to 16 years of age. Each of them 6 is accommodated with a feparate bed-chamber. This fituation wvill be found particularly advantageous to 0 natives oI North Britain, defigned for the learned pro- GE fellions. Apply perfonally, or by letter pofk paid, to elythe Editor of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... g('I REAL BARGAINS. ?? TrNS JAMES COOPER ETURNS monl grateful acknowledgments to his s * Friends and the Public in general, for the very diftinguilhedl encouragement he has experienced fince the commencement of his Sale, rerpeafully aflures themit thai there being an ahfolate necesty for every article at prefent in the Shop being difpofed of immediately, TIHE GREATEST BARGAINS WILL BE GIVEN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aU 0 r AL C ON L C EONRTERS. S Cor1 n r's Rooms. LAST NIGHT BUT ONE. -Lr0Ts, WATTS, & EVANS, re- ,qrS55it , form the Nobility, Gentry, and fpcrt ?? that their THIRD CONCERTN'l 0blici' nin Tt Fo-ieaorrowy evening, the 27th btatte aboe Part t. ces Mine be a coco-Hr-ry, r 2 ?? . leeleer f ev' cehere are the Sons of Grrven.e., le , e s5r e D r C r dI sr t. - L, EVANS, NS ie thee home Sandy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OIZwatcnrinajcer. r[E;)T1CE TO DEBTORS AND CRDITORS. LL Perfons Ishaving claims againftithe? deceafed L JAMES SOMMERVILLE, Farmer at Eaft: Lanton, near Mid&Calder, are ?? to lodge the fame immediately, or at latekt before the 1ith current, with Mrs Sommerville, at Lantn.- - And all perfons who are indebted to the faid James Sonmmerville, will pleafe maake payment to Mrs Som- rnerville. .Eq/ ...