... TRIAL OF SIR HOME POpHAM. : THIRD DAY-March 9. This Morning, at nine o'clock. precisely, the, Court 'met, with the usual ceremonies) pursuant to adjournment, and Sir Hrome Poi)harn entered upon his d&fknd6: -His observations generally t Ended to slhew that officers havi;-gcommands like his, couud not be fettered by the literal tenor of the order ,e } U ~ygsen.0 A cofl2^mtad' like 'la nits very ...


... SURRErASSIZES. KINGSTON, FRIDAY, MARCH 20. s MURDERS. V WILLIAM DUNCAN was tried on an indict- k ment for the wilfiH murder of Mr William Chi- h, vers, in the parish of St Mary, Battersea, on the o0 24th.of January. i Henry Groombridge, a servant in the family of s, Mr Chivers, stated, the prisoner. had been the h house gardener eleven days previous to the death n of his master. On the morning ...


... THOMIPSON ;ersus MAIRR. This was an action brought bv the PlaiiTi' toi re- covcr a compensation in dlarnacs, for the intjury and loss hcl had sustained, in consequeice of the seduction iti his daughter by tthe defendant. Alurjy Toilepsoi, daughter of the plaintiff, (who is a farmer at Eastby, itear Stokesley) stated, that James Marr, the delendaut, visited her at her father's house, as a ...


... LA iT7ELLIG~lVCE. . C6URT OF KiNGS' BgNXCFI, MARCK y I, -4 ASO4 A.ND LA.CE, V. ,VORALL. . ,:hc Plc titfiat holders otf t Lvrtorliry flutej.brcnugiat this r~aniadiols was sornesihat irrtluahn John Waotrail, tleI bIro- tier f the Dwefeilaiit, wanting mianbey, the Defendant agreetd to lend ninh bills of exchange, to the a'mounlt of i6dol. for.w'hich the ?? received no 'consideration, rnd JohIn ...


... HORJRiD7- %TJfR.I f Bo ?? A irost desperate and daring 'obberf has,- firsome time past, *inlested the' country iuid.hvatitictter and Arundel; f .he is supposed to have colleaedi coisidrable proderty, as he has broken open a* uiun 'of hddses,' aewe~las$r'orty all de- ft scription of pas'engerk at ''lidtis of'the day, as well - n hitbs~fdp & Ntva ?? &'ah1rtnisg thap 'thed fnbb itants oJ'- , ithe ...


... 1W TA io e a 7 1 On the r4ghbt .f y6eerrday se niniilt, tijehoutse of 3. WU -4 man. Esq. of'Layton, near Waltiahaatow,-was broke opensi ribbed of cotisiacetable property. The robbery was not dis- vered till the family rose the following ?? of Mr. W- dmans iI otires of the names of FMacraft and Wellesly were ,.peeted. a-.d after a minuti search' the greater part of the property was found ...


... - 'vvrLL!GEBc. COURT OF KI BENCH, F'a. 8- t , . tIN.SEY A ELLERTON. -M. GARROW moved to set aside the ju anment a t~e Io its e, on theoground of-gross usury, the OO aiwthff lawving taken a bontd for the payinent of l . tool. tith lawful itet at 51. per t. andal'soai engagement todpay 16l pert inn5L for' fi~dit us ser- . vces to be performed. in the ofice 6f the Defendant, but Which Was a mere ...


... - L-Aw.IV.LEELLIGENCE. COURT OF KING'S BFNCH, JAN. 24. Captain Tow4ers, of the Coldstreani Guards, was breught up to receive judgment for writing a certain de- famatory libel to one of the Magisirates of Ipswich, contemlning his authority, and treating him with personal scorn. The faes were, that some of the brother offi- cers of the defendant had c*mitted a breach of thF1 peace, for which ...


... COURT OF CHANCERY, N9OVEMBER 3. BOv3t 5 Sl HAYS AND lJiiiER9. Nie Sanmuel Roinily, fodlowedhbv Mr ?? on the same side, moved the court this day on behidf of the Hon. '1 hos. Bowes, for a continuance of aa injuntioin by him obtain- ed agairist the defemdants' prccecdistgs at laivwil this cae. The circunastances statcd were,' that the p)laioiief beinig in embarrassment about the year IgO4, ...


... HERTFORD AS-SIZES. HERTFORD, THUSDAY, MARC145. This monnhfig Justice Heath opened the Assizes for thijl County. ;Tsere Wvere six causes entered for trial, of which only the following wa of any importance:- SEAae a,. Pscs;trr. This wks an adtion against the Defendant, a snrgeop; for unskilful treatment of the l'li-ntifft in the cure of a hrokeh arni. . The Learned Juclge said he wolt I riot ...


... BURY, ASSIZES. GRAND JTRY. For tler County. For the Librrtil. Sir Itobert HarIenld, Bart. Sir PatricL Blakc, Bart. Sir WIII. midde ton, Burt. Sir William IRowley, Bart. t harles Rcrrncrjun-Esq. B. E. Hloward, Esq. tieorge Wilsun, Esq. William Parker, Esq. '1 J. W1oodvzurd, Esq. J. IL. Powell, Esq. John Verflo.rTrEsq. J. T. 11. EIbvs, ELYI. I)avido Eiisliat l~av,, Esq. Willid, 315thle-, E,(l. ...


... Dr. MOSELET2' ACCOUNT Oil A CASE OF HYDROPHOBIA. tileI -CIELSEA HOSPITAL, Monday Penbohs, 9th I~v. ~TH'S afternoon, 'At three o'clock, Mrs. Mtale I o.2, ompton-str-eet, br1ought her son, Mr., c cree Frederick Michael -Metcalfe, to me, for advice, at my 11OIY house iii Albany, Piccadilfly. He informed me, tha he was attacked about four c., o'cliick yestevday Imorinitg with a difficulty in ...

Published: Tuesday 01 December 1807
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1753 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment