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Advertisements & Notices

... S TOLEN or STRAYED, from Mariton, near Oxford, on Saturday, June 2oth, 1807,- A light-coloured fpotted COW, with dark Red on both Sides, very lame, fpreading Horns, three Years old, full of Milk, and bought at Abingdon the fame Day.-Whoever has taken her up, and will bring her to Jofeph Bleay, of Marfton aforefaid, fball receive FIVE SHILLINGS, and all reafonableExpences. FIRE AT CHUDLEIGH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANGEL INN, OX ORD, a ROYAL MAIL and POST COACH OFFICE. E POST COACH to London every Morning a A at Eight o'Clock, to the Old Bell, Holborn. t A COACH every Morning at Half paft Six o'Clock,I thro' Henley and Slough, to the Bell Savage, Ludgate Hill. A POST COACH to London ?? at Five o'Clock, to the George'and Blue Boar, Holborn. A POST COACH to Birmingham every Morning at Seven o'Clock. A POST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIVATE TUITION. W ANTED, in a Family of Refpe&ability ' V V in Wales,-A TUTOR for four young Gen- tlemen, He muft be gentlemanly in his Deportment. of mild Ditpofuion, and competent to teach the Latin Language, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, &c. and if to thfe he adds a Knowledge of French, the more ?? It is particularly requefled that no one wvxl apply. who cannot produce unexceptionable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SbLPD bY AUCTION; by ^. M-r e EY, on Ttie~'aY th~e 25th Day of AuUFl, RAOw ?? in the Afternoon, at Mr. B3al goat Four °~ es4 oh hqe9 t Charney, ini the frd'S' thi>ks bjedt to CX°neti ¢cin L ?? stow gronving in the Mfadows at tb dAyR efaid, ?? t@ Mr. I'hatcher, to be Cba ,e afrt th Day of Oc~ober ne~ct, viz. t If ~ tnehe Mead calle ?? _st ___g Great Diteo, :1- - - - ao Ditto. ?? Ditto. p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :-SCRIPTURE PRIXTS. THIS DAY IS PUBiLISHND, I SET of PLATES to ILLUS8TRATE Y 11the SCRIPTURE HISTORY, deigned by Mr. is Craig, and cut in Wood by Bewick,:Nefbitj.Branfton, a Clenniel, and Hole., NINETY-FiVE SUBJECTS, *e PRINTED IN e Demy Quarto - - -- ?? v6s. od. n Royal Ditto S. ?? s5. bd. - litto, on Chinefe Paper x- -. z IsI: 6d. n Ditto, Imperial 4t0.IDo. - I f- 5s. od. EIGHTY-ONE SUBJECTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... o be SOLD by AUCTION, by. Mefrs. ,EATON and SON, at the Wheafb~eaf Inn, in Aldate's Parilh, Oxford, on Wednefday the 25th ; of February, 1807, between the Hours of Six 0 Eight in the Evening, -All thofe lately-eredted EEI-IOLD MESSUAGES or TENEMENTS, rling a neat Row of Dwellings, leading out of Fifh treet, on the Eafi Side thereof, adjoining the Green ragon Public Houfe, and occupied by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... be SLD-.A S:Z4ALL PHAETON, a b AI of BAY HORSES, 14 Hana5 high, together, witi, Harners, &c. comPlete. h ?? is an excellent Saddle Rorle. En- the HiHopkii$ns Coach Maker, Oxford. H TSOLDA LIGHT PHAETON, bteA Repair, with a Head, and HARNESS of Horfesi likewife, a PaIr of BAY 1SGS, perfeafly fteady, the Property of a Dl*vho has no further Ufeor ?? '1,rticulars apply to Mr. flophins, Coach in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'ItYBNEY, BERKS, bEC. *, 1807 WHEREAS JOSEPH NIPE, of the faid W Parish of Tubney, was drawn to ferve in the Militia, and has fince abfconded: Notice is bcreby given, That whosoever fhall apprehend, or caufe to be appre- hended, the faid Jofeph Nipe, fhall receive a Reward of TEN POUNDS of the Conflable of the above Parifh, or of Milton. Jofeph Nipe {hands about $ Feet 6 Inches high, is about ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Iu11o1a ed M/f 1ooftton, OxffrdA rM-c. 'f'1HE Affize of Bread fet in and fortthe (aid. T Hundred 'to take 111ace odi Monday the 17th-Day of'July, io0je and to-continue in Force for fourteen Days, is as follows:- . . a o r- - - To~e,5h Tob~erwlfr- i.. o., dr. s. d. The Penny 5Standard Wheaten 75 X 1.oaf 2 soufhold l 8. Two-penny Standard Wheaten J! rc 2 Loaf Houlfold I Ii 2 I'lhe Peck Standard ...

Advertisements & Notices

... General for the Connty of I ' 'Rep adereby gives Notice, that the Day ap- JlOxfor d . Receipt of Property Tax in the Hun- fW o Dinfat ld andRLafgtree, on Tlhurfday next the S cf dfi at the Red Lion, Henley, is poitponed b of 4uger S otice. ~19 of Algnfl, 5507. ANT..DA YOUNG MAN, as {1Shep1naf in the Grocery Bufinefs. An unde- be Charan r wvlll be required. 3ihe ?? at the Office of this Journal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ' 'MANORS OF WOODEATON, NOKE, AND ELSFIELD. NkTOTICEis hereby given, That all utjiqua- Aq lified Perfons found [hooting, or otherwife tref- palling on the above Manors, will be profecuted. Oaater A6, z07. J. WEYLAND. T Obe SOLDI-A CHESiNUT GAL- LOWAY, by SPEAR, five Years old. Price SIXriEEN Gul'NEws.-Enquire of Thomas Beefley, Holywell, Oxford. By Permiasn ef the. Ret. tbe Vice-Chanicelor and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC OO, ?? OCTOBER 30, 1807- ~ oDNOVEYIBER 9, thete Wzill p0a CAERT, (not included in the Termsr be I Cobfcription,) to defray the Expences te pree up the Room, for which ,:aurred Joidtin is engaged. S'.Irs. SALMON Tickets ss. each. -N 7WELL and SLATTER, DRAPERS, TAILORS, HABIT PCE's M)APERS, &C. L~eave to ilfnrn the Gentlemen of 315 .e Uei and City of Oxford, and its Vici- 3tha theyhave ...