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Aberdeen, Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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... The 0 azettes of tbe wcek announce the following c-~ptlires: i the Princess Augusta hired cutter, the Jena pri vuItcr, of 4 guns, with small arms, and 3o men a l r -e Prussian v'ssel, her prize, ?? the %V\¶s.t Indies, by the boats of the Pique, a fine Spa- rnii coppernd brig, pierced for xi guns. Our tars I hrouight out of Cabaret Bay, after destroying a bat- ?? of 3 guns on ?? by the sanlo, ...

Published: Wednesday 18 February 1807
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 1764 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Commerce 


... les LONDON GAZETTE. C he sir c la. ADTeRALTY OPtICE, JUNE 9, 1507. in The following letters vsere transmitted hv Commo- t, sir dore Sir S. flood, from Funchal Bay, Madeira. i S Hisl1lajest)'sskip Cr.sJ, ?? IS, 8o7.E I have the honour to report, for your information, r, - the capture of six of the enemy's vessels, (described l in the margin 4) by the boats of his Majesty's ship c under my ...


... I'hle (,nzette contatis an order for pernittiing the. !tan.~e into the 1Elbe, VWeser, and Ems, of neci- :l vessels under the boirdeh of 6o tons, provide \ vy are not laden With liquors or0provisi ns, or ivrn- h .icle, contrabdall of w,,tr- It also contaitis a dis tch from Lord ClIlingkvo)d, annotincing the cap ?? of a Spanillh gunVCB'i2c, Carryinu 011C lons IS = poundr in th io, two carriage ...


... DESTRUCTION OF A DUTCH SQUADRON. New York and Philadelphia papers have arrived to the 1st of May. The Nuw York Mercaniile Gazette copies an article from a Philadelphia paper, in which it is stated, that intelligence had been received in that city of the destruneion of two Dutch frigates, and sixteen other armed vessels, by the squadron Un- dcr Sir Rdwird Pillcw, cruizing off the island of Ba ...


... ENGAGEMENT AT BATAVIA. I 1(1 ADMIRALTY ?? JULYt 4, IC7. | t Copy of a Letter fromn Reer-Adiniral sir Ed ard eleew, |Y Bart. Conmn-r.nder in Chief of his Majesty's Shipsin the Ea:t hIdies, to Willian Aarsden, Esq. dated on board a Its ATijesty ' ship Culloden, Batavia Roads, November P Sue, I | SIR,,S ' 'i heir Lordships have been already apprized of l my intentionr of proceeding to this ...


... EAST INDIA SHI.'PING. We have the pleasure to state, that the under. mentioned ships are arrived in th1 Doavns, uirder convoy of his, Mal-sty's ship Nass3u, 1fi St. ltri n the 411i Maly last :--'.lphirnstine, Craig; Wniichelsel, Miffatt; Ccres, Dunsford; Walmcr Caqtle, D.)tli;- Alntvick Castle. Prencott; Esstx- 1)ritharn; David Scott, Locke, jun. ; anid William Pitt, ?? and Lady M. Sinclair, - ...


... e- DUTCH FRIGATES. o Extrac of a letter from Kirkwall, elated March d° 91 180io The Dutch frigate Utrecht, of 3S guns, com- Ismanded by Commodore Costerns, from Helvoetsluyb to Cnracoa, was wrecked on the island of Sanda, in * the storm of the 26th ult. The crew, including 2215 . artillery, amounted to 450 men, of whom about ino e e:e either drownued, or have diedl since they came ashore. ...


... JOYNT STOCK COMPAN'11. counrUL7 OF 'IiN; C ! I I.i!, NOVE IME3E ?? t',,,iiaitud Ilu~rial. *)eli ,. We are re ('4&(I tob sbix f I ; tie Attorneiy C;C- II eral Ia ili at as( ?? II ka t'011 'titj ip Io Ow inolo- bitle ii6,uo~, (If jioit 'tik O opawie~. 'I II u ?? male bv lilm iI JIm' ('imUI Cut - iiiw'S1 iicu bit 1 1ii i NI lt'i I, :,f NXi Ii I a f L piu ii 0i Ctivc it bvim, , L we opt! %%i~ii ...

Published: Wednesday 02 December 1807
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 500 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Commerce 


... tn The last Gazette contains an official notice of ti-c ' t bliekade of the river Oder, bv the naval forces of 1!t N,-iS Sw,~dish 7Toesty, communicated to Goivernruaee- e- by the Swedish Ambaisador. rr- The Gazette also 2nnounce3 the follooiawg cap,- tures:- ign A Spanish nolucc3, from La Guira, with a valvn- i of ble cargo of cocoai, bark, indigo, &c. and t..: Aut-: -rg. terlitz French ...


... It The Gazette contains a very gratifying account of' the soc-esses obtained over the enemy's ciuizers in the Indian seas. The Belione and Henrietta privateers have been taken bv his Majesty's ship Powtrful, Capt. Plam- :it:. Thie ile de France privateer, by his Majesty t ship Duncan, Lord G. Stuart; and L'Utnilien and r W,:1lat cwsrvettes, by his Majesty's ship Conccrde. ?? announced it1 our ...


... Tuesday's Gazette cont sins letters transmitted the officers to whom they are addressed:- Hii AlJnjesty's shi, 1'Palra, at sea, May , i2C I lis Majesty's ship under my command, on I1 morning of the 8th, Cape Ortegal bearing N. zo 2 g. W. distant 66 miles, capureed L'Alcrte French pii- vateer, of 14 guns ain( G; men; sailed from Bcxr. deaux the 6Uh of rlan ch; had captured the b-:ng Lovidon of ...


... ,V*P /l, P l/ 1 .A it 4 o( oc.k on Itue u av IlI(; !lIill,. it hW :vin:1 t I rnc lidui c g vle if wiAd, x hitlI a 'uw, t!:. . c/lsl: p sllj Silllyi~ol), *ot flull1 ti'll) Ioe ?? ?? UiiN! 1'elmli, fiaN, thtd(J:, &-c. Si:-luk io')i ilt' izt' ::LIl 'it ji:lt-a lnl'n~e to tic t' . ?? tic{ 9biter ?? 1e- Ih !mkti 'll~i~ill th,i: ho(pe ot Ibl';l' ?? :1- %i:.liliCtii obj!. t t ; . i iui a. the t U ...

Published: Wednesday 23 December 1807
Newspaper: Aberdeen Press and Journal
County: Aberdeenshire, Scotland
Type: Article | Words: 777 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: Commerce