Advertisements & Notices

... GALt-RISON GROUND. - -G rrHE rematning LOTS on the GARRISON-, at ?? ), onfirld at titO An~liro Oil the ZtIf jinltant, bt wjll be Difpofed Of bv P ivate Contrafl 3Apply to Meffies. Conv andi GAIt LAND, or Mr. 01 JAMES GtFEN, SOli;ciorS, HUll. hG A 3EN:[FIT of Mr. THOMPSON. u CI 45fatrtdao^;!aI, t)dL r O WEDNESDAY Eveuing, January s, ol W 807, their Mal'licrs' Servanrts will pertorm a g~ ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H' U LEDr .or MA4TA and MITESSINA, (Arnd. will taken in Goods for PNi.ERMo, to be for. _ .warddd-at the Ship's expence, but at the rifle of nd the Owners of the Goods; warranted to fail with, I Xd Convoy from England, cxpe~ted to depart in all I Ad May, or early in June.) a :0 _ , T le fal-failing ship, ADVENTURE, Captain fiHOMAS 0. MEDLEY, A nd lavirg the greatefl part of her d, Cargo enoaged ...

Advertisements & Notices

... For the FACE and SKIN. A pleasing appearance is the best letter of t recomrikendation. D No. 55. Long-Acrt. an G OWILAND's LOTION, (prepared by R. c k- DICKINSON, Sole Prrpiiutirr Of the Original Pa Recipe,) has been eflablilired, in the flr(t circles of fit faflhion, for upwards of ?? years, and as the moil an eflltual eleanfer of the Skin arid ibeaotitier of the qu Complexion, in all the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .EARlIEIN WARE. tEXCHIA TS and Wholesale DFAURiS F't maybe Jupplied With all forts of EARI rH-NE EiFARP of~thC lrli qsqality,-on the toweft terms, aiid ghtie ibortefi notice, ?? Printed TABLE and jl¢A ?? ARE-E namelled ?? Colouyed r ,itt) &C. by ROBERT SOWTER, Apt il 6th, 1807. Bouine areet, Hi~l. TO BE LET, 'Aid ftsay be entered Upon -immedatily., * Lage and Convenient DWELLI dG u rtUsiE, fiu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOLOMON's GUIDE TO HEALTH. THIlS DlA 5 ?? tLlIiSri, price ts. In one Volume, octavo, of near °o0 pages, vith an elegant portrait of the Author, A NEW EDITION (with Additions) of GUDE TO HEALTH, or, ADVICE TO BOTH l ASEXES, in a variety of complaints. Expliining I the most simple and efficacious remedies for those T diseases which are treated, on under the ftolloasillg a heads, viz. iv Asthosa, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... The indis psiaio Shper-krrty itht GENUINE CHA1ICOAJ D;EIIFRICE.. pREPARED only by the Proprigtork KERNOT and P BLAKE, Che nists, 33, St. Jamei'Vstrect, Lon- don, over the various kirds in genetil circulbtion, Is fui;y establishedi by the decidcd prefercoc2 which thorle who have made aaiile tricontinue to give it; this idaily confirmedlyavery rapidand rxiensivesale. The Prbprietbrs therefore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SbLPD bY AUCTION; by ^. M-r e EY, on Ttie~'aY th~e 25th Day of AuUFl, RAOw ?? in the Afternoon, at Mr. B3al goat Four °~ es4 oh hqe9 t Charney, ini the frd'S' thi>ks bjedt to CX°neti ¢cin L ?? stow gronving in the Mfadows at tb dAyR efaid, ?? t@ Mr. I'hatcher, to be Cba ,e afrt th Day of Oc~ober ne~ct, viz. t If ~ tnehe Mead calle ?? _st ___g Great Diteo, :1- - - - ao Ditto. ?? Ditto. p ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ANGEL INN, OX ORD, a ROYAL MAIL and POST COACH OFFICE. E POST COACH to London every Morning a A at Eight o'Clock, to the Old Bell, Holborn. t A COACH every Morning at Half paft Six o'Clock,I thro' Henley and Slough, to the Bell Savage, Ludgate Hill. A POST COACH to London ?? at Five o'Clock, to the George'and Blue Boar, Holborn. A POST COACH to Birmingham every Morning at Seven o'Clock. A POST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S TOLEN or STRAYED, from Mariton, near Oxford, on Saturday, June 2oth, 1807,- A light-coloured fpotted COW, with dark Red on both Sides, very lame, fpreading Horns, three Years old, full of Milk, and bought at Abingdon the fame Day.-Whoever has taken her up, and will bring her to Jofeph Bleay, of Marfton aforefaid, fball receive FIVE SHILLINGS, and all reafonableExpences. FIRE AT CHUDLEIGH, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PRIVATE TUITION. W ANTED, in a Family of Refpe&ability ' V V in Wales,-A TUTOR for four young Gen- tlemen, He muft be gentlemanly in his Deportment. of mild Ditpofuion, and competent to teach the Latin Language, Writing, Arithmetic, Geography, &c. and if to thfe he adds a Knowledge of French, the more ?? It is particularly requefled that no one wvxl apply. who cannot produce unexceptionable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :-SCRIPTURE PRIXTS. THIS DAY IS PUBiLISHND, I SET of PLATES to ILLUS8TRATE Y 11the SCRIPTURE HISTORY, deigned by Mr. is Craig, and cut in Wood by Bewick,:Nefbitj.Branfton, a Clenniel, and Hole., NINETY-FiVE SUBJECTS, *e PRINTED IN e Demy Quarto - - -- ?? v6s. od. n Royal Ditto S. ?? s5. bd. - litto, on Chinefe Paper x- -. z IsI: 6d. n Ditto, Imperial 4t0.IDo. - I f- 5s. od. EIGHTY-ONE SUBJECTS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~R~~i1~fr~s07Ttit coui-ry Or RomS (ie-h ?? Ia ite toe huncuril tao ilect site yosrry Ropresen. Clt~vi- in iParli'. s-so, ntistit, istacr nn s)e etie veha ;!I , tti.5 , tetiest '*tiOsin.In rity prosent i ltation. fitr rt:rnvtsvd frosn voa astd from nsy tative coisn- icy, the imopressions tire jttpotrtionaill deeper. 'if the amost 2ealous dliselsirge of myr rofir-sionai dsstics abroad, sssd the ...