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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIED. n Tuefdav fe'inighs. at Hanley, Staffordagire. Mr. Challifulr, of this place, ?? MAi1s rld's, of ley., &ri ?? : few days fince, Mr. Samuel Sherwin, hatcher, to HakLicell. both of lthis place. Iirldiy lali, ir. W. Marihall, to Mifis Weatherhead; ot Walfall Staftairdibire. 'lrfdaty, at Qkieeta-fquare Chape., Bath, Captain tiney uiiis Majeflt's Navy, t6 I\Milfs Whitby, eldeft ttl'r uf lt ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -IfARRMAD- At Ed'nburgh, James Nairne. Essi. WS S. to Miss - Hill, eldest daughter of the deceased Dr. John Hi-ill, Pro- fessor of Humanity in the University of Edinburgl. Mr. M. B. M'Farlane, merchant Glasgow, to Miss MX. Rich- d mond, youngest duglhter of Mr. John Richmbsond, nmanu- facturer. At Fortyssat, Mr. Willians Laurie, Wilsontown, to Miss C. Meek, youngest daughter of the late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -TAIRRiSD--- At Rdinln-rhlI, M1; itl.-rt Hlardie, merchant, ic;R o ?? Alillar, darighter of Mr Millar, looker, Wii,;H, I London. At Kvlso, Jitoi Pirie, Esq. oF london, ?? 1. Nichol,. second daughter of Mr Nichol of Id,;:lrcik.- At lIolntrosr, I.ieutelnanit A. 'lPh-o0son, of ti: 8sthi r gL. to Ali;s Giise, datghter of Samnuel (Guis,, asq. Jat aiu:- geon in the East Inadi Company's Service. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... The lady of Lieut.-Col 1iornton, of4tih6ronille Royal and Falconer's Hall, on the 1ith inst. at Kenvon*Iouse, Lonribn, of a'son and heir.;: - I.ast wveek, it Fronme, a young woman vlbiad been mnarried duly 'ten monthsi was d'Iiered- of four chiklren -and anothel offive, elewveza inoths ahter hler i ;eddsng.-&IJieFed Irin,' : - t ~MARRIAGES. t ! Monsar lastr at Cottinghatn, Mr. John Horsley, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .M A RRI-t Il. Qn Snndry last, Mr 1George Dalton, cutler, to Mr3. Mary Vox, both of Shefiield. Oln Mosnday last, Mr. William Cooper, silversmith, to Miss Willey, daughier of Mr\ Willey, of the, wicker; Slief- field, ?? .Aoige Same dav, M1. J.'Mtilner, loiner, to Miss E. Armitage, both ssf.Wakfiesld. On Tusesday, Mr Peter Hope, jun. of Liverpool, to Miss Pots, daeghei of Tioltuas Pts, Esq. late ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHS- At Ayr,,oi the Isth init., the Hon. Mrs RtLLO, of a ron. T The Right HOn. Lady DUNBOYN E, of a fon. 01 -MARRIED- I °l On Monday, by the Rev. Mr Simpfaon, of the Tron Church, Mr ROBERT HARDIE, merchart,. Kelfo, to r Mifi MILLAR. -DIED- A At his houfe in Leith, on 6th April curt. Mr HUGU rii MORTON. . At EXmouth, in Devonfhire, on slit ult. much and jutly regretted, Dr JAM ES BHORT, of ...

On Wedrcsday seiilni

... ghit, Mr. Won. BalCc, rlamer. of tile Hay Paink, near Inoarcsbto', to Miss Brncc, of Figh Oiln Sunday fast; Mr. Stead, Lslt of Brndford, ti Miss fleauimont, titirl daughter ofsie ilte Mr. Matu'ew Beau- mno t, tobacco-mnanrnfactcrer, Hahllax. .Oi Monday la-t, Mr. Stept ien Horncr, blitcher, to Miss Jane Ayk'oyd, oldeqt daughter of Mr. A. Aykroyd, of the 'Id Trnveller Inn, H-ibfax. On Wednesdy, ...


... 0 Tuasday, at the 'Holy' Trinity church, Capr. mas ?? Rasnsden, of elymointh, to Miss Porter, eldest :daiygter of the late Mr B;'Porter, of this towsY3 On Saturday last, at Welton, Mr. William Blenkin, of this place, grocer, to Miss Richardson, daughter of Mr. John Richardson, of Welton. and ?? timse ago, a; Scadcoates 5Mr. R. M. Ringrose, rc of 11ii placc, Mechlat,'to Miss' Todd, daughter of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of i On Wednefilay lali, Mr. Thornasi Grraves of this {r. berf, tron monger, to Mirs mrtlid Radford 4 re' 'enfley, ncar Alat~i~OCk. Dcr6yiiev ; and nicc to Mr Richard S iut iern; of thi, place, mechant.t Of : n1 FsPidsy la4, at irni ty, Mr WilliaAn 'I lomas, ois of this tjwn, (hip-.chawidler, to Mifs Elitaheth Pierc-r5 of the former place. er Yefierday at the HjilI Trinity chttrch in this ...