! _~~~1141 CiiH - !

... Mrs T. Furner, at Brighb-n. a daughtir her liersts' ! ;surii chii',.-l'he Wyfe G - Fitzhciir a soldier in tie guards, four boys, all still-borri. -MARRIED- At E nlbur.,hl, .. W Fot, Esq. Alloa, to auarjoiy, el ides dii' *er of Mr Ntison, of Greerfi-td.-rhe Rev. I Daid v.allchspe, to Ma.y, eldest daughter of the iate Sir A'Xi. Dick of P.-rnton.ficld.-Mr Andrew Herlot, mer- chant, Glasgow to Ar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sh We EDNESDAY1- SEPTEMfBER 14. A Uarrietl at Manse of Fyvie, on Monday the 1 2th inst. le Mr. Lewis NxcoL, Advocate in Aberdeen; to 1%iss ELI. ZAEuToucn, Daughter, of Wlilliant'Pouch, Esq. late -* of -lhe Royal Navy. of Died at her sister's house, inyerness, on the 30th Aug. rs -kMiss F-UaZAIACT11 Nisso,. of Novar, sitter to thle latr Si at Sir Hector Muniro. at n, Died at Berbice, GILBERT ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAKRIAGES. Lately, at Glasgow , Mr. Alexander Lock, to 31iis3 Janet Gan. This is as it should be; for w-hat's a guz witholut a lock ? At Broughton, Lincolnshire, the Rev. J. Gifiard, of Raby, A.-M. Claplain, R. N. to Ann, widow of Tiiomas Swann, banker, of Gainsborongh. At Walcot church5 Bath, Majo!' Edward Batehellor, 6f the Madras Establishment, to Miss Everard, daughter of Edward Everard, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHS.- the 28th ult. Mrs GRANT, Duke Street, of a fon. At Clayhill, thelioul.MirssW aE oi.Rc N, uia dauglh- ter. Mrs DUFer of Harton, of a foin. E a a -to MAiRTED- OCI~tertYre, 1on the, 28th Sept, JANIES GI ASS- late Sir William Muirray, Bart. of Ochtertyre. The Rev. TnomAS lactIc, minifier oT LtochruttiO, to Mifs JANLET HENDERSO N, youngreft daughter of the late Robert Henderfon, Efqi of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... - .. -W- r On ?? 8th instant,'Mr. GeQrge Conrad Strobel, of ?? BerrnOndieY, to 1~its, JIoanma Fre krica 'lricbuer, y 'datighter; a' the Rev. C. F. 'Triebner, Oid Broad-.treet, ?? Londod, aitld lale ol thiis place. . Lately, r. Chtiitopher Jarratt.ofSuttop, to. M;Ss Mivry Heriring, of Prestwo, but'in.Hioldern~ess. pa Wedpecday last, at Codttiun,,hanmyvlr. iolgate, ta M-issi Shiulrj~io, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IP3EDN-ESDAY-DsCE.BsER 14. Died, en the 3d February last, at St. Thcme,. in India, where -he had gone for the recovery of his health, lVx. TODD, Esq. Senior Surgeon of the Forces at Hjydrabad, son of the de eased Andrew rodd, Esq. of Feall ; mech esteemed and justly regretted by all who knew .lim. Died on Tuesday, the 6th ins-ant, at Dorbshill, in the C2d year of his age, BENiAMIiN IND; Es LEs ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... On tihe l'zth itni. Anguvus. ioni Ft, q Eq oF thc tlird iegimeIe[ ol' olot, to \isS Lltarlotti- Luister, o ovigest dritighter tf thie late Na h' el I ster, I;s1 or Arinitpge Park, Stalabrs- shire, uinle to tht p eseat Lcl ltibblesq1ale. Ol Satillilaym Dahir. vies, of Liverpool; sDliCitor, to 'Siss Plary Slailley, ; 'olugsu.et nuivitiier of MTr Gerard Stuileg nf Stoney hillu llons, Larc-'svhire ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .M J!TH. On Saturday, Mrs. Bonner, wife to Thorlas Bonner, 11'sq vf Cleveland-cnurt,St. Jamiues's-p'ace, of a Ddisghter ; who had tlie miblortune to lose t' few hours before, Dy, the hlopipg cough, her voungest child, ao ntontli old. M Ale Al/; i 15. ?? On Saturriay last, by mpecial licence, at Cre.liton. hv the Rtv. J. F. Howell, Vice-Adtsiral Sir l.T. i C Dl'.Wtt-. ., ?? WI Uear, ilu the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , a MARRYAGE9.; his 0On Monday last, at -Bralbrongla, Derbyshire, Mr. J. of Ports, sail-cloth manufacturer, of this to'wn, to Miss Martha Norborrn, of the'former place. he On the 22d uIt. at Whithv, Mr. Banjamin Scott, of to Tadcaster, to Miss Catharine PlTis:Tn, of Kippax-Park. ]to Thursdav last, at Sheffidd, Mr. janes Martin, paper- to maker, of' Woodiid6, near Leeds, to Miss Rogers, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 794; Eo yal NMARRIAGES. ?? On Monday last, Mr. John FergusDn, cooper, to Miss Ann Burnett, both of this place. . OnQ Tuesday, at this place, Mr. Win. Spence, farmer, of Walkington, to Miss Jane Parker, oif this town. OnThtursdav, at Sr. Michael's-le-Belfrey, xrk, by the Rev. William Rich;!edson, Alexander Milne, Esq. Major in his Majesty's 15th regisnent, to Miss Henrietta Belcombe, second ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... eDSAYreen2 lJ', EDNVESD,4Y-JULY 27. I 4TXarried, 3t Lancaster, on the I8th-ilst, Mr. WILLTAM .i LTTLEJOIN, Merchant in Aberdeen, to Miss ANN I I ?? -fT LiTrrsjouHN, of Lancaster. On Wednesday last, died here, in the 65th year of her age, Mrs. JEAN FAtQU51AR, Spouse to Mr. William Mortimer, Merchant in this place. Mr. W. WiNTON, Largue, Forgue, was admitted a Member of the Royal College of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHsS_ At I~rydcn l oufe, on the $d current, Lady M.,cDo- NALD LOCEHART was fafely delivered of a datighter. rt'rillicoultrie Houfe, on the 13th curt. Mrs GLSa. r uan of Tillicoultrie, of a fon and heir. The Lady of General DuNLOP, et bunlop, of a fon. -MARRIED- At Barns, TITOMAS otuNG, Efq. of Rofetta, Infpec- ?? of his Majefty's Hofpitals, to VIOLET, daughter of James Burnett, EFq; of ...