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... Percival street,:Goswell-street, silk skein 'yie ?? . 2iv. 3I R. Patridge, Clement's-'lare, nierchant . div. 10 I W. Lowe, Drury lane, cabinet makcer dv. I xZ I.1Furlonge, Guilford street, Rus--Ul-sq. merchant tdv.] to f 1.. Eddington :Aid J. Grosvenor, ...


... the Magistrates. 'An iromnonger lhif bieen in custody, on a chairge of concealing a isan of the ,.nme f Msckiachlin,~ of Drury-lane, flue Prisoner will know. iog tl ?? wa§ clsrged wvith felony,4hy ferging various e'bilts of efchange, for which~tlae Prisoner ...


... were worth but a few shilli ngs. On Sunday afternoon, as a boy of four years old, the only 'son of.a wid9w, was playing in Drury-lane, a large cai iage spotted dog seized him -on the left cheek, and tore away ?, great part of the jaw bone. Being immtne- ...


... 'he was mucd esteemed. He had, in all, diessed and shaved nine of his customers, the last of whom was Mr. Pal- neer, of Drury-lane Theatre.. Immediately upon his leaving MIr. Palmer,. lie returned home, without at- tending to any of his-other employers ...


... within these last three plls, for a ?? otfence.sohsfo sila ACCIDENTS, OFFEACES, $c. BOX-LOUNGING BLACKC-4-RDS.-The ?? at Drury-lane Theatre were on Tuesday evenin- disturbed by a pugilistic contest betwee Capt. B. of the-Navy, and Mr. C. a city merchant ...


... VyAter;, vwhich was got .p in a stile which did cit dii to tfne 'talents of Mr. WILMaOT WELLS, Alfhng Misn ctar. DE Csrnm, .of Drury-lane Theatre; perfol med dr', and Franscd in the mejo-drame, and received iepeated aend deserved applauses from a ?? audience ...


... ' J. r. Hu'hes,;W nins~orestreet bookseller. C. Newini u, M'lItcchaple, shlpkeeper -3 1 lk, Thon soi. Craverk-buildings, Drury-lane, 5qo &Je .3 I C. Srpith, Bath, corn fadcor J3 t W. Rhodes, Shakehwell, waiehduseman 3 10 IJ. BradiigV N~wport, Isle of Wight ...


... Robert Peate,a clergyyman, and Chapllain to his Royal ,{ighness the Piigce of Wvajes, in tle boxes of the Theatre Royal Drury-lane, on the 26th of Ofrober c last. Si- ROtrr'T gave an account of the transaaion, and c stated thatle atternipted to pass between ...