Advertisements & Notices

... ol tra e. Letters, postpaid, addracqed to 1V. A. H. to be left at the Post Otlica, Dedhatu, Ersex, will be aittendcd to. THEATRE, IPSWICII. By DESIURE of'tie OFFICERS of the UWESTSUfIt LK REGIMEXT. This Eveuing, Jan. 2, s!l be perforned, The laet New ...

Advertisements & Notices

... guseuri, containing preparntibhs illus- trative of everyr part of the hurnian body, and its dise ises, re appertains to this Theatre, to whici studoi,6 will havel occasional admittance. GentlelmOenL ininedl to support this School by contributing pretorn aturil ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tuefday, January the 5th, )8oS., Tickets to be had at the Circulating-Library, and of. Mr. Lynne, NAbove Bar. PORTSMOUTH THEATRE. O N Monday, January 4, will be prefeated the celebrated Play of THE WEST INDIAN. After which the favourice Farce of T THE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Muife-arn containing preparations illuf- f *rative of every part or the human body, and its difea- d fes. appertn ns to this Theatre, to which Students will o have ?? admittance. Gentlemen inclined to this School by contributing preterentural orv ,Icjhill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... town. The VOCAL Parts will be assisted I for that night only, by Messrs LEwis and HuosaRD, Mrs LYNE and Mrs ORCER, from the Theatre. Particulars of the Concert will be seen in future adver- tisements. K E W A R D. (-)N the Night of the slot of December, ...

I b; e SfSOLD, a GIG

... WEARING APPAREL. Which will be put up in lots, and fold to the highefi bidder. Dated Cuflom-houfe, Exeter, 30th Dec. 1807. THEATRE of ANT'rOM1, Rlenhcim-ostreet, Great Afat,'llooig-h-street, Lnn.on. FpHE Spring Courfe of LECTURES On . ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... nixt; Ilj:ees Agr~eementsor Contriics for the Sale 'ird Plrchate of fijch Allotments, otherwile ue caiiimuby our Award allot theatr to any other Ferfiti than to the Owders of tli Eflates il right of which the Allotinejit. are rcfp.JIctively cluiaind. -47d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... tlie Alternate Weeklof a capital Private' Box, at Drury Lane Theatre, for the sante period;-A Silver 'Ticket to the former for the Season, and Boxes and 'Tickets by the Night to both Theatres, at No. I24, Nrv Bond- street; the Music Warehouse of Messrs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... whole, rtwetheie- ith the Ledleures snt Aniatori-y. arjtd tose on the Puni- c~etie arid Prattice ol Sucgeiy,givent at tile Theatre of St.1Tho-) rsa,'s Hsraoiral adjoinling, is c -lcslte o forme a cotn~plete Corir,e of Medical-arid Chirurgimil .TnstrU~-ho;a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Isaac Vale, (SeCcretary) No. r. !Bislmopsgate wlthout.o-.Ticl'ets nnd Places for thle B~oxes may hbe haid DC iMr. ~~csnhmait. Theatre. ?? ~iANffl PMA, fiydgs-street, ?? stvil to q .iipeiotdi T1HIS D)AX frir tht. fitrst timne, with a, grand I~l View ot CADER ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Yesterday was published, in one vol. small Svo. price °,S.-bds -i RITICAL ESSAYS on the. PFRINCIPAL C PERFORMkRS of the LONDON THEATRES, includ-- ing General Rrn~arke on the Prac'tice and Genius of the Stage. -By the Autbo; of the late T heatrical Criticismtj ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Barthelerron, Esq. ' t FrancoiS Cramer, Esq.. -f j,-! Ptrrmi-sloll of the LORD CIIMASELLAIN, will be Per- -te 0iesed at the Theatre Royal, Haymarket, on MONDAY - a GRAND MISCELLANEOUS CONCERr of ,acai and Instrunmentrl Music, for the BENEFIT of this 0 - ...