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Advertisements & Notices

... DERBY ASSIZE ASSEMATBLY, VILLbe on Tltf `SDAY the 24th March Infiant. N V ' Admitiance - 7s. ?? each. Supper by Mrs. HOAIE. . S. BSCRPT'I'ION HUNT. HiTE Next Subirription Hunt Dinner will be on 1 MON DAY March 21-9, at the GU5ItLOS I N-., Rev I. P(3LE, Piefidelit.''' Derhy, hlarch 15, 1808. G ENERAL HOSPI'A L., NEAR \'T`LNI-GHAI- I; March 8th, 180>8.- RIDAY the 25th hiltant being Lady-Day, the ...

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... t) ~TO BEi SOLI), I 'rfitart to a Decree and lfiuhftquent Order of the High . lrt ofCihancery, wade ilt at Caiue PRESTON and r others agmintl BARaER, hcfre Mr. Wlliaui Bond, Attoriley atLaw, the Perfon appoinied for that pur- pole hy Saxsiel Compton L'ox, tlq tbe .Malter, to w whom this Caule itands referred. at.the G(eorge Inn, 1 i ito' citv of Liclifield, on 1'Vliuldav the 7tib day 'of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO COVER THIS SEASON, At S*wVAtsaOsEx, nedr Derby, The handtbtue browni fiorke . O R 1,. A N D 0. JD A MG Blares at Five Guineas, and other Nfatiet a. 1JA Two-Guineas iksd Five Shillingsthe 6rotim. TWotomgh-bred Mlares, tbat have won a Plate of £-'i br pifvd will he covered Gratis, (6tcsini'a Pee ex- cepted) O*R.1AN6fo las ?? by Wntstmre out of Amelia; Whif- key was got by Sairaram ote oi' the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO COVER THIIS SEASON, At SWAUKSIONE, nefll5 ierby, lrh liandfouie brown Horfe' 0 R L A N D ?? ] ACING.Mesares ?? Guineas, and other MIsrcr at R 'wo Uuiiieas and Five Shillinigs the Grooru. 'Ilioroughi-bred Blares, that have won a Plate of £X50 or upwards will be covered Gratis, (Groom's Fee ex- ctlited. ) ce LANDW) vs i g v IsxEy out of Amelia; Wbif- ley was got by Sahtram, one of the iargell ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'TO TTI!-t c icy. -TO A NI Et) at Ldyt-diy 1ttii, a Rtfidc it Cartfe ill Prirlk't tJrders. to lapply tile dt ty lf two, Chtirthes; tit C~iurch broipthiou aisaid Soropiull. ii thle coilrty of Derb5 _Tlhaa ?? at B.ouglislm, anii fr'din 'weiity 1's Thirty Acres of Laut IA ill be at liberty at that ine tto au. cmolinitailze, ally Gientilraioli tbat assay wait ?? a filxi t. li,,n; ?? H ou re not ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ble VALUABLE ESTATES. of To be SOLD by PRIVATE CONTRACT, n, A Very Valuable FREEHOLD ESTATE fituate at al A. 6reatrocks, near Buxton, in the county ef Derhy, containing by furvey upwards of .Sevens Hundred and as Fifty Acres of Arable, Meadow and Pafture Land, the Md whole lying very conipaL11 inn ring fence, and will be I fold together or in lots agreealble to Purchafers.' e, Likewiie a very ...

Pubifl/iei 1iy Tl ic

... tuthtl Piceadilly, Prke 7. obarc 11OURS OF LEISURE; ' .Or, Essays and C'Aaracte'jatic By GEORGE BREWER. Dediceated, by pertmission, to ILuXLEY Sa. 62ORGy- SKEFJr-IO, EsQ. R. JJIIEER Prffcffes conriderabletalents l'orth kJ dind of vriting. He feeias to have beeus i tbe woild, and to haye ftudied character v itih, aentjot It was 2rnm readink thore 'Efays that we u efe led mor correctly to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Suf)cribers to the find for ercing and Maizntairliilglhe DRRitBR-SIRE INFIMMARY. 1THO UGI it has been mnv deteroiiation, from the A firl, piopoaI (l of this liifttrtionl, tri offer Inylelf at a proper time, a Candloate tor the 4ootir oh being appoit~terd onle of the Surgeons of the flofpital, I 1116old not have made a public declaration ofimy intentioti thus early, had I not been ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO COVER THiS SEASON, At SwAnxsaoxls, near Defty, The handfome brown IHorfe ORLANDO. * ACING Mares at Five Guineas, and other Mares at 1 TYo Guineas and Five Shillings the Groom. F 'lhorouglh-bred Mares, '!hat have won a Plate of ?? 1 or upwards will be covered Gratis, (Groon's Fee ex- tu cepted.) tt ORLANuo was gotby WntsxxT out of Amelia; Whif- C key was got by Saltram, one of the largeft ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'GE RG,$ ?? R 7 .. - LINEN AN D WOOJXEN ID RA PER.: ITH gratefu 1refpea,,s ud belackioi ledriments to * r is triends and tie p'tblic for tieaxery flatiering. eacouragement he experierieqd during his refidelice at 'Markcet flsud^.pwiqiiiutsitbeo he is run ,v&ei. toa loi)re cesrnodio~us ftazijsm. in theelitqSg. 'G'A1E, to the hoi ite btel dccujied .a;)taiu1;'where hs Ourpolks carryinig illbe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *1o 4~eu of yaijion AND MARkIElD LALUIES,. - ENTLEMlEN's CLOTHES eontinue to be made in G tbe uift elegait and fiathioilahle manner, and in that highly approved liile of cutting, which has give anverfal faiulactionl to the Nobility and Gentr;, by DIEU'RICHSEN & 'CLARK,I TlO-s, Ut No. 12. Ratboune-place, Oxford-1trett, LUn- dou, (the latter heretofore ?? 1to r. tLLww.) They alto make YOUNG ...