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London, England


London, London, England

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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAKRIAGES. Lately, at Glasgow , Mr. Alexander Lock, to 31iis3 Janet Gan. This is as it should be; for w-hat's a guz witholut a lock ? At Broughton, Lincolnshire, the Rev. J. Gifiard, of Raby, A.-M. Claplain, R. N. to Ann, widow of Tiiomas Swann, banker, of Gainsborongh. At Walcot church5 Bath, Majo!' Edward Batehellor, 6f the Madras Establishment, to Miss Everard, daughter of Edward Everard, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .M J!TH. On Saturday, Mrs. Bonner, wife to Thorlas Bonner, 11'sq vf Cleveland-cnurt,St. Jamiues's-p'ace, of a Ddisghter ; who had tlie miblortune to lose t' few hours before, Dy, the hlopipg cough, her voungest child, ao ntontli old. M Ale Al/; i 15. ?? On Saturriay last, by mpecial licence, at Cre.liton. hv the Rtv. J. F. Howell, Vice-Adtsiral Sir l.T. i C Dl'.Wtt-. ., ?? WI Uear, ilu the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Yesterday-, the Lady s8017 of a So' ~ ~ yd~~zrmC-ecss. s~M.P. of a hoo and Heir, at his Iusc MCharleaostreet; erkeley-rqiuafe. Lt ThUrSuaa, se..i4th anst. a; Barton Seagrove, in North. amtonshire, the Hon. Mrs ,Stophrd, of i Souo. e The ;Las bf t~se+ H-op. MontgomeirlkStewlart, of a Son. i~ Sartsstlay t'nni-t rsgegat the oVuracĀ¢linaeDuncan's; Edin-- r ,M. If~kRlhl* . p At S. Luke,. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * MARRIAGES. Tuesday, at Mary-le-bone Gbarch, the R2cv. Rob 1. Jnhnson, Rector of Winstanstow atZ licar of Siajion Lacex i Salop, to Caroline, second daughter of Sir C. ?? Rouse Boughton, of PRouse LSench, Worcester, Bart. OnTuesday, R. Creed, Esq. of Ilans-piace,to Mi s Cor. don, daughter of the late- Sir J. B. Gordon, of Park, N. B. DEATHS At Memel, on the 15th Dec. Sir G. Rumbold, Bart. of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... At Tvidgeley, near EfLalitx, the wife of. John Garnet, weaver, of four living girls. Ore of thie ehildrea- died soou after the birth; the other three are likejy to live. MAt' tRIAGES. At Brighani, J. llarrisop, or To-crofft, .in Corbeck, to is RMiss on,.geu ra1IY known by: tbe ?? of lovy of Buttermere. Oo WedoeSday Iast, at ]~eliaa Chttrcl, CArdiganshire, MYr. S. Jones, of Landnvery, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... PARTICULA74RS OF m. PA s. DE O ATHI. T'he inquest was held at Mr. Paull's house, in Charles- str St. Ja'nseJs-square, before A an, o rH y GELL, rse. job i Bastiek, butler and valet to Mr. Paul, depoed, that 0n Friday Dorzing he cgsme horre fvat tive o'clock. fli~ell ait~ ustaliN to ?? anld about toon o~clocic a mnaid- Servaet alted ,iis tire, preparatory to his gerttilrr up. where vas ar ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... O. the ult:nit. Mars. Moods, i>f Ferrylill, was deiver ed of fo fela e hildreat. The first lmvpd nearly an hoer tr'e s~econd,; thr~etqouarterts of an. hourl the thtird, half'ass 'hour, anrd rtise fn'rth, nesly a qurter honre Thle monthter is ina fair say of r'ecovay DEATS On rsnday eheng, at ithe house of Mr. Pearskes, is Clarotte-strea ,thpre -ivwas a party ofaeabout twelve per- 'sbns,' ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B I R Zli. MR. EDITOR, . There seems of late a wonderful infclinsticto cover the birth of such-n'en as have bec d !* iu fthe worid, andrlhis I could excuseif it tter ploycd only in the case of those who have bec ern. -nowned by their praise-worthy deeds: To be say, that a fiero or-a wise man is a cOur.t, townsman, is. a very iiatural, and may b a n 0s pride; but when the same curiosity is e to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. Lately, at Eversham, about four miles from Pocklington, Mrs. Rudd, wife of Mr. John Rudd, a very respectable farmer at that place, was safely delivered, without any assistance, of one male and two feinale children - alive, and likely to do well. MARRIAGES. Yesterday, at Croyden, Surrey, Gcorge Pearce, Esq. of Broad-street, to Mrs. Spencer, relict of Christopher Spencer, Esq. of Great ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... TAi ARAIAGlS. On Monday, at Harrington-tousae, the Marouis of Ta- vistock, to Lady A. Al. Staubope. The ceremony Was performed by the Arcrhhisho6of Dublin; the happy pair immediately set ef for Oakley, in Bedfordshire. On Monday, at St. George's Church, Hanover-square, Sir Charles lteyrick Burrelli Bart. to the Hon. Miss 'Windhans, eldest daughter of the Earl of Egremont. Aft ter the cerernony ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Iv3 A Rit, - A G E S.. Lately,.Lient.-Colonel Vilncent, ilte of the 19th Foot,; tb Miss F. Hoare, secnd daughter of S. IHoare, Esq. of Factory-hill. On Wednesday; by special licence; the Rev. VV, Hunt- ingday, of Cricklexwvod, to Lady Saiundersar. Oni loniday sc'nuight, at Hation, Salop, Mr. Jolln Gecen, in his 76th year, to Alr-. Sarah Palmer, aced ?? They were attended to church by the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . IAIRILD. A few. days ago, Ur. Hughes, of Golden-square, to Madame Patrisot,-the Opera dancer. - -DEATIS. Wednesdayse'nmiglt, at ler house oD St. Jaines's-oarade, Bath-attheadvanced age odf'5, Mrs. Tobin, relictof John Tobint, Lsq. of that City. On Friday se'night, at his seat at Belton, in Lincoln- shire, aged 64, the Right Hon. Brownlow, Lord Brown- low: he was the only son of the late ...