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... S PAIN k - ,MADRID, O0T. iOIS ;§ rep-rtid thit bhe dipionie tic hero of the day,, his Don Pedro Ceval 10o, Defender of the Innocence of our beloved Ferdi- nand, 'and, in short, a true-Spafiard, f4 of honour and greattiess of soul, proceeds to Austria, 'Rutsia aod Prussia, to represent 'to those Coufs, and id all ttiu- rope, theierfidies of Napoleon, of #Thich he was hini. self a ...

Published: Thursday 27 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 4308 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: News 


... TE ?? iVMONING CHRONICLE. LONDON: - MONDAr, OCTOBERi 17, 1s9o. We lament to say, that by the accounts from the Baltic, brought over by Capt. MAR-rTiy, it has been found imnrafticable to attack the Russian leet in Port Baltic, withl any probatdlity of success. Sir JAMES SAVMA- REz and the Swedish Admiral have, therefore, re. linquishe d the blockade, and are on their return to the coast of ...

Published: Monday 17 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 3321 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... -THE MGORpl? ,CH.RONICLB. !I ND 1.Q ?? .'.iIU.RSDAr, §WV a, ' Yesterday Papers and Leters filo 14ikpprgh and Altona reached town, to the; 17th ult. ipciusiVe, By tiese we learn, that fifty thousan Frepcl traops .received orders the latter end of April, to marc hfrot Italy for Spain. Th ey were to be replaced by the .troops encarned. A*eQr Glogau and Preslau, ap4, in the territoy -of Bajre th. ...

Published: Thursday 02 June 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 702 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... A . ,I pCLIWAP ,R 2i We took occasion some days ag,? to ?? of our readers to ?? interesting bcalk tate n rtI04 bi ?? on tllateY publisled Leckie oni tlis 'mportait subje& We S41 pow endeavour to' give- a short ?? thew Its objedt is to shew-that the SyIsterh of plicy whi as ien pursued by eve, ssuccessive Administtati. simce the commencement of the French revolutj0s d tothe~present daj, is ...

Published: Saturday 27 August 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2113 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... , .P.4?T1811 PIpRAS.; Wrcij, A v. :0.-The city of Gerona has sufferid a second time a b, ckade for .more than twentydays, but-the rmsult has. ben as frtwiae, or. more, so, thlap the former, si.oce the enemy abindoned precipitately the I geld of battic, leavipg behind then a grea't quantity. of artillery, Tniuskst md .mmunitian. They divided I themseves .nt tq i oiumps, one of which took the di ...

Published: Saturday 24 September 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1192 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TME CONFJ'NTION. MR. EDITOR, ~t length we are told that the Convention is to be oefrnced, thatoone of the KnighLts of that Order'is ar. - lived ?? Portugal, and ever since his arrival, the Mi. oisteral Whiters appear togrow wiser and wiser, But rtist confess, they dole out their wisdom on this sub. ey in a manner so perplexing, that in their elucidations they seem to have no one principle but ...

Published: Wednesday 19 October 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1084 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... PARis, Auc. 1.-His Majesty the Emperor arrivel at 'roulouse on tle 24th of July; In the newspaper called The Journal of ?? Enijsire, of this day, we read the following:- 1For some tinie past various reporrt have been propagated- with regard to Spain and 1-ortugal. It Iras been asserted that the English have obtained somec advontages in theme two king- doms; but tihe ultcertainty and ...

Published: Thursday 18 August 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 597 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... TME MO1RN-NG Ca 4.OYICLE. L t NIJ'O N: , -.IURSDAJ ; 7UNJ ;0, M-. ROUERT ADAtF, Lsq., has left town with his svit9 to embark on board the Hyperion frigate, whic is. 1 ptinted to carry him to'. his destination. He will Flo' bably remain som.Ie time at Cad'z or Gibraltir; atd bek ing furnished (as we have no ?? he is, from 1he cew fidence which his previou5 .condua has inspired) with full powers ...

Published: Thursday 30 June 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1720 | Page: Page 2, 3 | Tags: News 


... LO N D 0 N: YRZDA2; APRIL I, X8O8. A number of HIorse Transi)oits are ordered to the Nore, from which they will proceed to Ramsgate. We do ~oot 3nowv, for what service the horse is designed. A private letter received by the last conveyance from Holland states, that Copnt REST;NCS, has arrived at Paris, in arder to seek the re-estabishisnent of the neu- trality pf gniphausan, of which that ...

Published: Friday 01 April 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1329 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... * UNITED PARLIAMENT' oA .GREAT BRITAIN-AND IRELAND. IUHOUS F OF LORDS, APRIL T4. The Royal Aqient ?? given, by Conrmission, to the Exche- quer Bills Fui.dinA Bill. the Cogtton Duty Bill. the Irish Duties sill, the Cotton ff'oohibfti' Bill, the Jesuits' Bark P~rohibition Bill, the Irish; d t si aal Back Biil, the Malt Excise Bill, the Irish East lndii 'ra re Hil, the Irish Warehousing Bill, the ...

Published: Friday 15 April 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 686 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... T) t/tc EDIJR be f ?? AEd fl( . SI it, I- take the liberty to contrartl a paragraph in., your piper of this day, rcspedgti- the Fire in Bowl and Pin Alley, in which it is said that my worksihoo wasentirely consumed; I am happy to. say my workshops have not sustained five pounds damage, and the cause cf which I ?? entiiely to the exertions of the men with the engine belonginot to Lincoln's Inn. ...

Published: Monday 01 August 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 584 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... 7UIE ILOMQZXVG CHRR1VICLE. ,- L O LONDON: .- -2-'PI , SEPTEM-BER 9, Si 8. f 'We are still without accounts fiom our army in Por- s tugal;'but-it is to be accoutnted forin a vrry naiural iR way: at this season the northern winds blow so con. R stantly on that coast, that vessels are bound to make a western course to ena~bl them to get round the Cape,;, r, and therefore tbough the great account ...

Published: Friday 09 September 1808
Newspaper: Morning Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 434 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News