Advertisements & Notices

... R~ichiardson's Creditors. rIlE Cieditors of JOSEPH RICHARDSON, | jlteof WITHAM, in Holderness, in the county O of Yor1k, Coal-Mlerchant, deceased, are requested t send an account of their respective demands to ?.les5;, T. and C. F10sT, Solicitors, Scale-Lane, ltrj i. order that the. Monies arising from the cl ane .md ?? of the diceased, may be divided N ttrgst the- creditors, rareably in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1ullu & 0'*Tntq Brewster Sessions. 2 T HAT the ALIGI1STR4.rS of tke u T r'o 1 and County of the -To.u fi Kit3 iw-urf/a will hold their /l ~ Sessions for their General Licensing is ~I of Irkeepers, J Vifuallers, and Persons ri ;feping P ulblic Honses 'within the s aid d Tuwn n and County, at the Guildl/sal, * J on F ulay, the 23 d Septemheir instant, a ten o clock in the forenoon ; zvhen ar nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? iothe Corporatiod Of Ipswich, and. its LCh4rities, are requircd to' pay their rents due at Lady-day lest, on the' MAoot.hall, en Thursday, the 9di day of Juthc naxt, a4t fleveA o'ock iii tket'orenuon. .'WIx BATLEY,'Town Clerk. W'be SO1D by PRI VAT7' .Cq-NTRA&CT Fteehold Brictk House, and Betchier's Shop, in full A trade, aud rwell suaplied with good ?? now In tie ocaparson of r.. Dorkhn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... his dayj is ?? ~Price Ss. DISSERTATION on the LOGOS o, ST. jOHi't; in which is ditcuffed the queftion, r the Evangelift nisant by that exprefflon an , ohqher Perfon? comprehending the fubftance of Atibute ched before the Univerfity of Oxford. j>o chIARD LAURENCE, LL. D. ReBor of Merjhaam, Kent. O5ford At the Univerfity Prels for J. P'arker; and cd C. ivifgton, and S. Hatchard, London. ~o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOV BUTCIIEtllS. TrI 3 be SOLD by PRIVATC CONTRACT,- T All that convenient MESSUIAGE, with a SLAUGHT'ER HOUSE and PEEN0, latuly eredled, itougethtr with a flable, yard, gardeni, and pre nii'a, ?? at Eniham, in the conoty of Oxford, Intely oc- cupied by Mr. Thos. Brain and Janes Harper, butchers, and are well adapted for the trade, the ?? being coi:venient and Spacious. For further particulars, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, in an extensive LINEN and WOOLLEN DRAPERY TRADE,-A respectable YOUTH, as an APPRENTICE.-For particulars apply to Mr. Normam, printer. Aylesbury. FIVE GUINEAS REWARD. WHEREAS JOHN SARGOOD, of the parish of All Saints, in the city of Oxford, sawyer, stands charged with having feloniously stolen from the timber yard of Mr. James Giles, cabinet maker, in the High-street, several Deal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIAMFS AND ISIS NAVIGATION. 'V OTICE is hereby given, ?? the Corn- l m miffioners appointed by, and affitig in purfuance and under the authority of, feveral Acts of Parliament made for improving and completing the Navigation of the Rivers Thames an ...

Advertisements & Notices

... W;HEREAS the GAME on the Manors W of Somerton and Croton have been for many years paft very much poached and dellroyed-all qua- lified perfons are therefore requested not to *fport thereon and all unqualified perlbns found fporting or trefpaffing will be prolecuted as the law diredls, by WILLIAM FERMOR, Efq. Tiffore,, Sepit. 3,1 80B. Lord of the faid Manors. CAPITAL REbSDEN CE. O be LET, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO SPORTSMEN AND A.MATEUltS. 3ROPOSALS, for Subfe'rip- n tion, a PRINT, from a moft capital Pisture, by SNYDERas: the fubjedl of which is- The Fax ?? at his Repofl. Size of the Plate, 24 inches by'19 ditto. Subfcriptions are received by R. Archer, High-ftreet' Oxford, and by Mr. Bennett, Animal Painter, Wood. flock. The original Picttlre may be feen at.R. Archer's by any ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oe b rivate bargain, - 'YHg LANDS bfSGUTH L(1RSTL~N 'einy the. id I niiith Lot of the BIRON'Y of NI GG'Iing in the ?? Nigg and'courity of Iiucardine.- . j These Lands contwin 23Saares, I Ioof which ahp. ara- i be and a great part of the renainter is ver'y improveabla St muir. They'-ofrs early. dry.e54i1,a'rd lit: ?? t ilon th sea coast, irrilie innscdiate vicinity of tefish towi' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - - . . Th~ir Day is PeAsishal, In a handsome iVvolumne, Royal (dctavo,.wiih.a veiy fine Head and other Plates, from original Drawings, price i2s. boards;, ' Htfi LIFt or GFORGE MORLAND, wiihs Remarks J on his Works -By G. DAW'E. Prlhtedfor VERWOR, HOOD, & ISAR PE, Sl, Poultry, 1. WAL;iEt, Paternoster-row, Lyrdon; and sold by A. BROWN, AsBERDEEN; and JAMES & GEORGE litl.MACH, BYoksellrs, Ba£ff ...

Advertisements & Notices

... so'titc ' o 'DEBfORS AND CREDIT0o1S. ALL h1aving claimr on the deceased JAMES St J, lvlCHElJ, Merchant in Aberdeen, afill please Aolge the same vlth Mrs MltCHELLj, ty'blhoththey will lie aisisarged; aud it is requested4 that all tboss who were'C ? xdelted to the defunct, ?? psy the amount c ?? t L ves to Mlrs. Mitchell, So as the state of his affairs may C be ascertained. l -NMas. MITCHELL ...