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Oxford Journal

Advertisements & Notices

... SALE P0S TPONED. \IESSRS. EATON ?? inform ATithe Gentlemen of this tniverrityand City, and the public in general, that the Sale of Booys,and PRINTS, intended for Sale on Monday and Tuefday next, is unavoidably pofiponed, but will certainly take place in a Short time. Oxford, March ,1808. ' OXPFORD. IWANTED, An APPRENTICE to a v /Grocer and Tea Dealer in this City.-For further particulars apply ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TURNIP LANID, T[rHE FREE. f0Q Ibe SOLD bV PRIVATE CONTRACT, 11 and entered upon immediately, -.About .even- teen Acres of very ufefh l convertable ARABLE LAND, fituate in the parifh of Hook-Norton, at a place called Bury Fields, near the parifh of Rollright, Ribdivided into two clofes, and late in the tenure of David Caflell.- For a view of the prenifes, and to treat, apply to Mr. Godfon, land ...

Advertisements & Notices

... f UTSIC i0Vot' QXFORD, S MARSHALL and REINAGL1fE 1^Ij eof sea~e~ifs~lY ?? the .dies and Gen- fa City, that, by prrniflion lemnrqt °f vie Vice-ci;ancelIor, and the Stewards oF f the Re- their ANNUAL CONCERTS are thedf~acvedseday and I hurfdays, the v3d and {?4th iaaflt; «particulars PE which wall appear in due time P9. each, to be had Or Mr. Marihall, in the rn Ma~r'kc of Mir. Reinagle, in St. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Socicty fin'protefn51ug Per/oias and Propecrty ?? .ea, -n4- 1Rhbbers, Banzhury, Ocon. ~\T9TICEK h~ereby given, That the next 1 generalmce'tiiig will be held at the Red Lion, in Barafbry, on hurfday the 17th day of March inft. when ?? acconnts for tbe laft year will be fettled, andp fubfcriptions.received for the enfuing year. Bal'alatry, By order of the Committee, 4t6 maicA, 1808. R. BIGN.ELL, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BROADWAY, N1ov. 1Q 1807. To the Frceholders of tide Couztjl f flVorerJcr. mIIERE will ve&r foon be a Vacancv in a I Coronerlhip of this County by the Refignation of Mr. BEST, of Perfhore, who for many Years has filled that Office with much Repute. When Mr. BEST retires I 1hall endeavour to obtain that Situation, and r am the more induced to offer myfelf a Candidate for it by the Solicitation ...

Advertisements & Notices

... mO be difpofed of by Private Qontra6t,- A capital BREWERY, MALT-HOUSE, and FARM, piartly freehold, and partly copyhold of inhe- ritance, defirably fituate aboutehireyfcnartnjles North- Well of Liondon, in full trade, together with eleven FREEHOLD INNS and PUJfllc HOUSES,'within convenient diftances; befides which it has pearly the entire trade of about twelve other Inns and Public Houfes, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Fine Alaiden Oak Timber Trees. T0 be SOLD by AUCTION, by T. T STONE, at the Sun Inn, in Brill, in the county of Bucks, on Thurfday the 7th day of April, 1808,- Fifty lots of fine MAIDEN OAK 'TIMBER TREES, with TOP, LOP, and f3ARK, now landing at Eafing- ton, Bonrfall, and .Dorton, in the county aforefaid, fit for fhipping, builders, wheelwrights, coopers, lath- renders, and other purpofes. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEfRRICK, Near the AqgO Inn, High Street, Osford, p ETURNS his grrateful thanks for the dif- Y 1i tinguilhed patronagre he has received fince his engagement of Mr. nrsNav, from New Bond-fireet, London, and refpedlfully announces he has juft re- ceived an elegant afforten-t of ladies' patent net head dreffes, and gentlemen's drelh, crop, and wilker pe- rukes; alfo, a variety of Parifian, madona ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 0 be SOLD by AUCTION, in lots, at 1 the White Lion Inn, Bianbtry, in the county of Oxford, on Thurfday next tlfe17th of NIarchl8u8, at Ftve o'clock in the afternodn,. ' Lot t.-TweCLOSof4TnREhAND callcd Upper Grimnfbury Crcen, fituate in the parifl of Wark- worth, in the county of Northampton, containing, by eftlimation, 28 acres, and now in the occupation of Mr. | Philip Lunibert, whofe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2TU'I Grand State Lotery' no.' draing. I e mTHE Wheel is immenifely rich, anf a iiipply 0 t HofESHARES is daily fent, by Poft, to each e Country Agent. Le DfATS OP DtAWING. s, Ift, Tuefday, March 8 6th, dttrfay, April 7 ? 2d, Tuefday . 15 7 th, Saturday,. d Md, TI'uef.av, 5th, Tntfday. . 4th, 'l'uefds'. '29 I 9th, Thrtlila v. . th, Tuefday, April 5i 10th, Saturday .. 1 d NO FIXED CAPITAL. Vi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cormifiners (,of the Orfoorv Paving Act. LL PISRSONS *villing to und,64take the VA ~ IssP1~rcllNo and REPAIRitS the Streets, A1 A hereof, under the direelion of the Sur- or any Prequefled to deliver in their propufals to VeYSr ate iff oers, at their uext meeting, at the rown the Comm. lipfd'y the 6til day of April, 1808, he- .Ell e 0 elocl, fpecifying the rates at which they fure BlesS lay ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , AN GtIL 'I N- ?, O}X:lQ'lRD, ; ROYAL ALIL and POST ' COACH OF FICE. , POST COACH to London every morn'- 1ping at Eight o'clock, to the Old Bell, Holborn. A Coach everyvlorninl at Sevtfn'o'clck, through Henley and Slough, to tile Bolt-iil:'fun; Fleet-ilreet. A PNEh C6ach to 'London every morning at Five o'clock, to the George and B]lueBoar, HIollboin. A Pol: Coach to Birmingham every ...